Idea dump of bad ideas.

Cyanide Member Posts: 5
edited September 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just gonna leave this here don't mind me.

  • Hooked survivor shows killers aura if he/she is within 5m(or 10m if that's too short) of said survivor
  • Whisper system (ping, but without the pinging) - once per 30 sec survivors are allowed to send a silent message to all survivors in an 20m range, ranging from a phrases related to objectives like: "Cleanse totems" "Baiting killer" "Do generators" "Killer nearby" "Don't Run!" "Unhooking". The pings will be text only and will not show ping points on the ground like other games.
  • customization of clothing/skin colors for both survivors/killers
  • Survivor offerings shown to the killers in lobbies.
  • Dcing players receive a -50% total blood point gain on next game, no excuse, no fks given.
  • Killers skill shot related skills have some sort of indicator of where their skill will land, similar to throw stone survivor perk. ex. "Nurse/demogorgon jumps, huntress/clown throws"
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