What just happened.....

Just please watch this. I have no idea or way to explain this, but the Entity really wanted me....
You should plop that into bugs i think
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It's a known issue that came with the most recent hotfix. See: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/89886/release-information-3-2-1-hotfix#latest
The survivors' EGC timers and the killer's EGC timer are visually desynchronized. Until it's fixed, you can't wait until the last second to leave the match, because it may look like you have more time left than you actually do.
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That should honestly be an anti-toxicity mechanic. repeatedly taunting the killer at the gate ends in the Entity punishing you by personally skewering you.
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Should have escaped, this is sorta karma but is a bug
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I had to laugh. But even poor ghostface was confused... :(
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Yeah he was, I felt bad because really I was just there for the bold/reveal points at the end since they weren't maxed out yet. Plus I believe I was still giving him hunting points too
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It was kinda my bad. He was t bagging and I wanted to stay a while to humor him and give him hunting points and get a hit or two on me before leaving.
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Very much was, I just wanted to have a moment with him since he only got two sacrifices I believe and possibly get some hits off me. Thing is, i didn't wanna get too close because I had no idea of he tried to max the stalk meter on me and pull it out last second.
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I tried but somehow it got sent to feedback, and yeah I figured the endgame bug was related, but it was completely different as for others the meter was still but going at the same time, but for me it was still going and I actually had time left. Still it scared me and I got a good laugh.
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It's saying the killer's get 0 BP when it happens, so the timer's may be messed up but i think the killer is just DC. It's happened multiple time's, and nobody was tea bagging at gate etc, we were legit trying to save friend from hook and all were running for door almost went through door and still had half of end game timer and then BOOM!!!!! Dead by Entity!! I don't tea bag etc, I personally think it's childish, F that i want my escape point's idc about tea bagging and crap. So they really need to fix this asap. BC i don't get escape points and it causes me to lose my items.
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It seems more likely to me that the killer's are DCing than the timers being off !!!! Like if killer gets mad bc we all went and saved someone off hook and then we were all going to survive and then ....... NOPE..... Entity kills us!!!!!????? Coincidence???!!!!! NAH. Just a SALTY killer.