
Will the devs ever check into the hitbox from the killers ? I mean I was hit through the window with my lithe activated and far from the killer
Best Answer
The hitbox itself is working as intended. If you're in range, you get hit. The thing you're noticing is latency. This is something that can't necessarily be fixed, there will always be a delay between you and the killer. This is just an unfortunate fact of online games. Lithe can make it seem worse than it actually is since you move so quickly after vaulting, but on the killer's end, you still appeared to be within range.
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What about all the instances when I’m playing killer and I get hits that I know should not have connected?
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I know right. I've gotten nurse hits where I wasn't even facing the survivors lol
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Your game is just busted it's not the latency it's your software or lack thereof and majority of the time the killer hits you even when missing hits or accidentally
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We know latency is a thing on online games but I have never seen it to this extent. I remember the Overwatch developers talking about this and they said when there is a visual disconnect/desync, that is a major problem. The lead engineer for networking said it is poor netcode and implementation of protocols. I hope Dedicated Servers next month remedy these ongoing issues.
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I think you misread what I wrote. What I mean is there are instances when playing as killer where I get hits on survivors that 100% should NOT have connected.
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Even on the killers screen ive hit survivors when I definitely shouldn't have. Make the hitboxes smaller if you really have too but lets be honest a killer shouldn't be able to hit the very edge of the pallet and it count as a hit when Im on the other side.