So sick of Fighting Spirit
This bloodhunt really does bring out the worst in killers. Played 15 games now out of those 10 were against Spirit. Everyone's bringing their A game. I'm hiding in a locker right now from Spirit as I type this.
Yeah I've played few matches as the survivor now. Em bye I'm gonna play killer XD
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Well, it can happen that you get the same killer every game. I know it is kinda boring because there are much more killers out there.
Luckily for me it was Myers today. Love to play against him.
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It's not normal to get 10 spirits in 15 games. It's the Bloodhunt I tell ya!
(BTW I just died)
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I've been playing almost exclusively demogorgon. Queue up with me!
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Sorry, but she's who I grind with.
Not sorry.
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If you want less Spirit/Nurse advocate for the lower tier killers to get buffs.
Survivors bully the weak killers and then wonder why all they get is Nurse/Spirit.
Many killers play Spirit/Nurse because she's one of the few actual viable killers, not just because they want to.
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Yeah I expected as much. I get it, she's the killer that you can quickly get downs and hooks on, so makes her ideal to grind with. But grrrrr such a pain!
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I've never been against buffing killers. Especially the non-meta ones.
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I know, not saying you weren't. Just explaining the abundance of Spirits.
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I'm in red ranks and haven't played against a Spirit yet. Then again in on console so idk.
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yeah, I started running iron will because of it. even then they all have stridor so it doesnt even matter lol. they really aren't fans of counter play
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As long as the devs don't buff the weaker killers (or another strong killer gets implemented), this most likely isn't going to change.
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I think it's better to play killer now than survivor. Only nurses and spirits gross.
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Sorry. Shes the only one i have Gateaus on :/
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still its playable
least its not a nurse
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Personally i'd rather face a nurse, at least at the point you know the killer had to work to become good with her.
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You don't to be good at the nurse, you just need a one more blink and that's all.
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I actually have a much easier time facing Nurse than Spirit. Significantly easier actually. In 10 matches against Spirit I will probably only live once. In 10 matches against Nurse I will probably survive 4-5 times. This is against red and purples.
And people tend to insta-DC when downed by Spirit, which exacerbates the problem. People don't really DC as much against Nurse.
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Doesn't help when Nurse and Spirit can break the game and turn the Survivors best assets and use it against them, all I fight is Spirit nowadays and I've gotten better at playing against her but I feel like with her you never really get better at playing against her more so you learn to take 'better' guesses against her.
Because that's all the Spirit is, a guessing game, if you want to stop seeing them buff the weaker killers.
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I don’t get bullied at high ranks (unless I really screw up) with lower/mid tier killers I also don’t play Nurse/spirit/Billy very often.
Some killers could use buffs but people play Spirit/Nurse because they want to, not because every other killer is too weak.
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I actually like facing spirit.
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Finaly somoene who understand's.
Nothing more to say.
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Yeah it sucks we can't just have the easy killers every time.
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Git gud survivor main
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If you are getting bullied as killer at any rank, that's on you (yes, even as a lower tier killer). Once I learned how to play killer well I never, not even once, felt like I was being bullied, or that I couldn't have won the game (no matter which killer I was using). The only thing that pushes some games out of reach are the terrible maps. Getting huntress on haddonfield is a death sentence. Yet, if I get the same survivors on a different map I will probably win.
People who aren't as good as they think they are just want to perform well against players better than them, and nurse/spirit allows that. That's why you see so many nurses and spirits.
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Their post is 100% about the potential monotony of going against one killer over and over. Going against the same killer all the time can get boring no matter which killer it is, they didn't say anything whatsoever about balance or Spirit being a bad thing herself lmao
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This is a statement by someone who doesn't actually play killer at rank 1 to understand what we are talking about. When you play killer at rank 1 for a while you will understand.
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What killer are you playing against most?
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Last night I got one Nurse, like 3 Ghostface's, a Demogorgon, 2 Trappers, one Clown, a Huntress, 2 Michaels, and a Freedy. Surprised I remembered lol
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Surpringsly I have not faced that many Spirits since the blood event started and I am a rank 1 survivor. Its actually been a decent mix of killers coming out to play for the bloodhunt.
Not seeing too much of anyone yet.
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I mean survivors do bring their best stuff as well. Played 12 games today, not a single one without an instantheal, Brand new part, or keys (even used them twice).
Yeah, I am gonna play Nurse only this event.
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Its killers who bring ebony moris and mori after first hook that boggles my mind. Why you would that for a double blood event I don't know.
Actually had a Spirit do that last night. She tunneled everyone off hook to get the mori, too.
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That's why I only play Billy with BBQ on double bloodpoints.
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Reporting in. Just got mori'd by a spirit with 4k hours played. Apparently using an S tier killer and having 4k hours isn't enough, mori after 1st hook. We still had two people escape too, no joke. No medkits or toolboxes on my entire team as well.
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It could've just been a daily. I used a mori earlier simply for my daily.
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Maybe if survivors didn't bully low tier killers people wouldn't switch to killers like Nurse and Spirit.
I deal with a lot of survivors who are toxic when I play Legion even though I play very fair and don't try to be toxic to people just cause that's how they are to me.
Although, I must say I don't understand killers during this event who bring a Mori and try to end it as fast as possible. I normally just bring a BP offering and play normally, lol.
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Been playing for close to 2 years. Rank 1 killer and survivor every month, within a couple days of rank reset if I play enough at the beginning of rank reset. Never fall down to rank 3 if I'm actually trying (not meme'ing).
Sorry, but if you actually deserve to be a rank 1 killer, you wouldn't feel like you are getting bullied in any game. If the survivors have time to bully you, you are doing something wrong.
It would be nice if ranking was a better indicator of player skill, because there are so many killer players who think they are better than they are. Don't get me wrong, there are even more survivors like that, but there is much more whining from the killer side (on this forum).
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I don't believe you are or you wouldn't have the ridiculous opinions you have. This is common knowledge agreed upon by the majority of the rank 1 community with even a decent amount of hours into the game.
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I wish I would verse only nurses and billys. Spirit is the most unfun and boring killer to go against, I wish she would never got buffed after the PTB so I wouldn't face her in red ranks.
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Same for killer side, I though this hunt would make everyone chill out and farm but nope. Every team has keys, 3 or more purple tool boxes and a map they just want to finish the game as soon as possible. I can't blame killers for just getting sick of it, if they experience what I've dealt with consistently.
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Prayer beads Spirit during a BP event? Instant hook suicide from me, would rather get into another game as quickly as possible.
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Is it really so ridiculous?
I'm at 2000 hours now. If I didn't think I had a chance to win every match I probably wouldn't play killer.
From what I've seen, tru3talent is the main streamer saying these things, all the while 4k'ing most of his games while playing nice.
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Really helpful comment
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Don’t pay them any mind. They’re not helpful in the slightest. All they do is bash people who have anything negative to say about the Spirit and throw around “survivor main” like it is an insult.
I could say “Spirit sounds like Walugi” and they’d send a meme of Doctor holding the “Git Gud” sign.
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Thank god I don't get much spirits during the event. I can play this game for hours, but when I get spirit like 3 times in a row, I stop playing because she is so annoying to go against. I would much rather go against nurse than spirit, and that is saying something.
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I'm a spirit main so I just do my normal thing, but try harder to get the most points. i.e. kicking gens more, breaking off chases to spread the pain, not camping to get more than 1 hook on everyone.
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Agreed. I actually want to play the lesser killers, but the gen speed is so fast at the higher ranks it is really challenging. :/
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I can smell another survivor main here.
Don't make me call Rin to get you xD
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clearly constructive conversation stop using survivor main as a insult it's not a insult
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I know it's not an insult, it's just a title.