Gate spawns too close to each other.

When hatch is closed in many cases there is no real chance to escape via exit gate, even against non-mobile killers like myers or bubba. They can easily go from one gate to another in less than 1 full exit gate time (without remember me).

Could you consider making gates spawn more often at the opposite site of maps (if not always, like in stranger things DLC map), so there is bigger chance to actually escape?


  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited September 2019

    I literally manage to open the door in the swamp (they spawned next to each others) against a Nurse.

    Seriously stop looping and juking when you are the last one alive and immerse yourself. Take your chances when you can and you should succeed no problem.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Become one with the bushes near the exit gates and open it to 20% then to the max.

  • Startmeup07
    Startmeup07 Member Posts: 1

    I agree. With hillbilly and spirit it’s almost impossible to get a door open. I’ve tried the wait until they are gone then start the door way, the wait til they check it twice then start the door, and also the very sneaky approach and still manage to have the hardest time. If they see the light they camp the door and I die to the timer. I’m fine with the time, that’s enough time to get a door open, I just wish they’d stop letting the doors spawn on the same wall. In a lot of the games when that happens the killer just stands in the middle and watches each side until he sees you then you literally have no choice but to get killed by the entity. I’m not saying I haven’t got the door open in tough situations before but most of the time I get screwed over at the end because both exit gates are basically beside each other.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    You should have to dodge a jumping Stay Puft Marshmallow Man before the exit gates.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    Had two bs gate spawns as killer yesterday. One was on Haddonfield and the gates spawned on the same wall and I just stood between them and kept changing which door to look at. Poor Feng didn't stand a chance, there was nothing she could do. I felt bad and let her go.

    Then on Yamaoka a couple games later I close the hatch and the gates spawned on two different walls this time, but still close enough so I could stand in between them and check both of them without moving.

    I know it isn't always like this, but it happens fairly often and I can't help but feel bad for survivors, but then again, I killed 3 of their teammates and they failed to do the gens AND find the hatch first, so I should be in advantage. Just not stand still and be able to keep track of two doors at the same time kind of advantage.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    I also did it twice in the Hawking lab and once in the meat packing factory.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    The gates should be closer together.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Gates shouldn't really be on top of each-other.

    I don't think it necessarily needs to be on complete opposite ends either.

    Most my games end up with someone dying, I'm last alive, my best bet is to get close to where I know a door is, if I failed at looking for hatch and see the door I mean. And when they close hatch I'm already on the door. From there its like 50-50 which door the killer checks first.

    It's also very situational. To be immersed and hide wait for them to patrol or just GO FOR it.. but if the doors are close together you are pretty much screwed and are forced to rush and hope for it.

    Wake up Perk would also help.

    I don't usually have doors spawn on top of each-other. If your not alone you can always distract the killer for the other to open door etc. Or maybe sometimes end up sacrificing yourself. Which also has happened to me lol.

    It'd be nice to know the official numbers, like how far is each door set to be away from each other? locations are randomized as well I think?

    I believe in making it more of a balance, you shouldn't hand deliver the killer 2 doors right close. Or even if they are sort of close but kind of blocked/ hidden so you can't really see. Just some sort of balance. Like survivors should have a chance, and killer should have to work for his kill. Like a killer shouldn't be hand delivered a kill, same as a survivor shouldn't be hand delivered a free out.

    So thinking about it, some doors are on the opposite sides, and there's really not chance for the killer unless he is using whispers... so maybe its really just RNG that makes it balanced?