Ill say it now and ill say it again

I think the X2 bloodpoint should be the normal ammount of bp that you get. The new bp buff made so its easier to get every perk on every charecter which is only usefull for killers. I have been playing this game for about a year and I got burnt out for about 3 months because of the grind. I only have the teachable perks for the survivors (bisides steve) and just started for killer.



  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2019

    @KrazyKat1011123 After Sunday, I'm done with the grind. Finally got all the Killer teachables unlocked that I will need for the foreseeable future, and some Survivor teachables. Also sitting on enough shards now to wait for a few more survivor teachables to hit the shrine, because I am just not leveling more survivors. I've chosen my two skins (Claudette and Ash) and will eventually use the Shrine for the remaining three or four Teachables that I want, when they appear.

    After this Bloodhunt ends for me Sunday night (it ends 11am Monday in general, but I won't be playing Monday morning), I'm probably putting the game down for a bit. Maybe a month or so.

    The Overwatch Halloween Terror should be starting in a week or two, anyway, so I'll probably jump back over there. Maybe I will come back for a little bit if they do a Halloween Event here and it looks good to me, but outside of that I'm probably breaking until mid-November.

    Burned, and grinded, out.

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    I’m getting like 140k pet game so imma get p3 on several killers this weekend

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The reason being the aura reading was made for survivors just as much as killers. Its an incentive to leave the hook instead of camping instead of punishing a killer for using a strat.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    Impossible w/o multiple party streamers. 32k base max. BBQ/WGLF another 32. Event another 32. Cake/Pudding/Streamer another 32. Without other players bringing party streamers the maximum a player can earn in a game is 128,000 blood points. And that is only possible if the player is using an offering that gives double bloodpoints.

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    I’m at work atm but I’ll post a screenshot when I make it home

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461
    edited September 2019

    I 100% support this. I wish I could give it more likes.

    I joined this game about two months ago, there are so many things I love about it, but the grind is STUPID. THIS IS A STUPID GRIND. It serves no purpose other than to turn off new players. I'm playing way more during this event than I do usually and I'm having a lot of fun because I feel like I'm not throwing my time away into a black hole if I play more than a few games per day.

    YUP. I have a good gaming friend who was interested in this game, I got them interested in a specific killer, then I had to be like "but wait there's more!" and explain the teachable perk grind to them.

    Haven't heard a peep about this game from them since then.

    BBQ is an amazing perk, it's my first priority on every killer, but the fact that it's as mandatory as it is should be a flashing red warning light to the developers.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I wish @Peanits would chime in to flimsily justify the horrendous oppressive grind again, and tell us why they couldn't just make this sort of player-friendly change.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461
    edited September 2019

    Newbie: Cool game, how do I get better?

    Me: Here's a bunch of guides and videos, also you need to buy Leatherface

    Newbie: I don't want to play Leatherface

    Me: Yeah well, if you don't buy him and grind him up all your other grinding will take literally twice as long

    Newbie: Okay but I just really want to play this one killer right now

    Me: Oh right, in order to get good with them you're going to need to unlock perks from all these other killers too

    Newbie: But you just said to get Leatherf--

    Me: I mean AFTER you get Leatherface up to 35, you can work on these other killers

    Newbie: But--

    Me: See, you have to grind Leatherface so it's easier to grind other killers so you can play your main well


    PS: This is before considering the fact that unlocking a teachable perk doesn't automatically grant it. You have to grind a killer to 30+ just to unlock a chance of it appearing in the bloodweb of other killers. Then you have to repeat that two more times to max out its rank.

    You could do all the teachable grinding necessary and still not have what you need at level 50 due to RNG. We're talking about wasting literal millions of blood points just to customize or optimize your build.

  • BlockBite
    BlockBite Member Posts: 36

    but... still, We are gonna live forever not such powerful, as BBQ and Chili

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    This. Xboned, I feel like we've crossed paths here before, criticizing the awful grind. Good to see you. :D

    This is one of the most wantonly, unapologetic games ever created when it comes to the developer disrespecting players' time with unfriendly and oppressive grind mechanics. I shouldn't have to put 200 hours into the game to play the character that I want at a reasonably competent level.

    Just detach perks from the Bloodweb system, put them in a shop where you can purchase a la carte with BP, and ideally condense them into single-rank perks. Also, make teachables unlock at levels 15/20/25 or something.

    Or, I dunno, roll that "four perks on every web" change out across ALL character levels.

    Swear to god, I dunno why Behaviour clings to this awful grind like a security blanket. Prioritize your players' fun and happiness and early learning experiences over your wrongheaded perceptions about these miserable player retention practices

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I really want to see the player churn numbers for the Switch version. God I bet a lot of players drop this game fast when they see the grind that they're in for.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    Oh yeah, good times. One of the first things I did here was make a thread on this very subject because it was driving me so crazy. I want to play this game all the time, but every time I'm stopped by experiences like this:

    "Hmm... games have been going well, but Ruin's getting cleansed a little too quickly. After doing some research, it seems like PGTW works better for me at high levels of play. So I'll just... uh. Get Clown from level 1 to... 40? FFS."

    Obviously, I'm still here because I really do love playing this game, but... that's just it. I love playing this game, not poring over spreadsheets for optimal BP efficiency. Not wasting days of my life and millions of BP just so I can change a single perk.

    Excuse me, so I can get a chance at changing at a single perk.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    My worst fear is that they've already done the numbers on this and determined that they make more money from people who drop in, buy a character or two, then give up after a week than they do from long term players who stick around.

    A lot of F2P MMOs jumped onto this model a few years back once they realize it was cheaper and more profitable to keep cycling in new players who buy some crap and then quit than it is to design content for hardcore fans. Same goes for the bulk of the mobile gaming market.

    I love this game so much that it almost feels like slander to suggest it, but I have a hard time understanding why the grind is as insane as it is otherwise.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited September 2019

    I'm in the same boat as you. I've been playing since November 2018, and have accomplished the following:

    - 37 of 57 survivor teachables unlocked. All available perks stacked on a single, non-prestiged survivor.

    - 47 of 51 killer teachables unlocked. All available perks stacked on a single, non-prestiged killer (Spirit).

    - Currently using the double BP weekend to make headway toward stacking all killer perks on a second killer (Freddy) with plans for a third (Hillbilly), so I can actually branch out and play more than one killer effectively. The Freddy task alone will cost an estimated 3.5 million BP.

    That's ALL I've got to show from nearly A FULL. YEAR. Of playing.

    Taking a single character from level 1 to 40 (all teachables unlocked) takes approximately 1.1 million BP if you manage Bloodwebs efficiently. Unlocking all teachables in this manner, disregarding the Shrine of Secrets, currently takes almost 40 million BP. And that's just too get them UNLOCKED.

    I'm so far averaging 85,000 BP per match during the double BP weekend, based on an even mix of survivor/killer matches. At WORST, this should be the norm.

    I dunno how Behaviour is not deeply ashamed of the grind's current state. "Well, our players put up with it" is not a rationale.

  • joan
    joan Member Posts: 122

    Same thought: Give an aura reading to survivors too before unhook. It's good for killers too, survivors will go to unhook and reduce the gen rushing

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Yeah, they need to prioritize their players' long-term happiness over squeezing blood from stones.

    I also love this game but the grind is unreal.

  • Dicklaycia
    Dicklaycia Member Posts: 147

    I wonder if it would be better for the Bloodpoint economy if they just scrapped perk tiers at the moment. We simply have too many perks to unlock in addition to having to max them out to get the full benefits, and that’s not counting prestiging and having to start the grind all over again. Maybe that will help lessen the grind?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    It would, but @Peanits always has some flimsy excuse for why they can't do that, because players would run out of perks in their Bloodwebs or whatever. I say that excuse is an indictment of the whole perk system, and it should be THE top code red emergency priority to rework the perk system completely. How anyone over there thinks it's fine as-is is beyond me.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    That would make a big difference. I see no reason for perks to have tiers except to artificially prolong an already ridiculous grind. The only perk I can think of that people prefer at tier 1 is Discordance and that's just poorly designed imho.

    Yeah... that's insane. It's also one reason why I don't ever see myself branching out into survivor gameplay. The idea of doing this all twice is just... not okay.

    The grind is so bad that even players in unrelated threads comment on it, in one of the DC threads a guy took a screenshot of the post-match lobby and someone was like "wow you got all your meta perks before 40, so jealous" and he responds with "yeah but not on any of my other killers".

    I don't see how the game benefits from this system. If anything, it must make balancing an even greater nightmare.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Technically No, because each Survivor perk has to be a portion weaker than any specific Killer Perk as there are 4 Survivors on a match and only 1 Killer. I read that somewhere, it's part of the games Balance.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Well both are designed for blood points primarily with bbq just having something that aids both sides. If you can think of anything that could be added which would do the same for wglf open a thread make a suggestion 😉

    That idea has been mention but It could mean the killer had a better reason to go back to the hook so that would mean no more healing under it, tunnelling could increase if they see the unhooked one first and it means soft patrolling could be more beneficial.

    I don't like aura at all for the perk for those few reason and I am sure others may think of more.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    I'll admit, the "Perk" Grind is probably the biggest "Turn - OFF" for both me and all of my friends from this game, It has prevented 4 of my other friends from even trying to ever play even though they purchased the game, I'm the only one crazy enough to have stuck around to unlock what I needed.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    This kind of logic is exactly what's wrong with the grind. You have to commit to a giant uphill battle to get to the actual fun.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2019

    @Xboned I agree with all your posts here.

    As far as PGTW and the grinding Clown from 1-40 you mentioned above, don't forget the Shrine of Secrets.

    But wait, there's more!

    PGTW has appeared in the Shrine only twice since Clown released in June 2018. So, only two times in 15 months!

    You can see how many times each Perk has appeared, here (it's the long chart near the top of the page):

    I absolutely refuse to recommend this game to new people anymore. The reason being pretty much the dialogue you mimed several posts above. Recommending this game to a new player should be illegal under Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

    @Rydog The fact that Peanits or anyone at Behavior can defend this grind-system with a straight face indicates they might have missed their calling for a career in politics.

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300
    edited September 2019

    You weren’t wrong about the way it stacks bud, I think i collected a daily

  • BlockBite
    BlockBite Member Posts: 36

    and still no reason to take it in the match, if you dont want extra BPs

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I am wonderwing why there are always some people who dont want to put effort into things. Yea it is a game, and yes it involves grinding, but i tell you something: Once you have what you desire, it becomes standard and extremly boring within a very short ammount of time. The route it he goal! Enjoy the grind, dont see it as an obstacle. You will have what you want soon enough, even with low effort.

    I am playing this game on my main for now 900 hours. Started this year.

    I got:

    • Every single Teachable perk
    • 2 Survivors who have every single perk on 3
    • Every Killer Perk
    • Every Killer has 3-5 Pages full of perks. Got on 14 out of 17 Killers the in my opinon best available build
    • Items Addons & Offerings for thousends of games

    If i calculate right, i have every Killer maxed out in less then 5 months, even tho it is completly unneccessary. Playing both killer and Survivor.


    So what you want is that you grind even faster, am i right?

    We already got this change, that we get 4 Perks per Bloodweb, and you can even go for 2 Perks at every single Web. We get stuff EXTREMLY quickly at this point!!!

    As someone mentioned before, use BBQ and We gonna live forever, and you have your stuff in no time. And again, Enjoy the Grind!

    I had more fun grinding for my stuff then actually "owning" it.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    They've said it before, The Grind is in place to keep people playing. A very stupid thing in my opinion, It should be the game that keeps you playing but It's their game.

    It's crazy that you see people like streamers who play the game for 4 hours+ every day who still haven't maxed out.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    It is the game that keeps people playing, but grinding is an important part of it too. Without grinding, this game would nowhere near as populated as it is now.

    People should stop asking for stuff they will regret in the long run.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985

    I agree with some of the comments here. I think the grind is healthy. I'm hitting 2,000 hours soon, and believe me, it's not because I just love the gameplay. Working to level up characters and get more items and Add-ons to use is nice. There's people who hate that. I'm one of the people who love it. It keeps me coming back to the game and makes it so I always have something to works towards, even if it's just restocking my spark plugs on Billy.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Killer's have four perks and survivors 16, how can you even think it would be fair?

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    They could completely fix the grind feel bads by just extending the shrine of secrets to a killer shrine and a survivor shrine with 5 perks each. That way you’re rewarded for playing what you want rather than grinding what you have to to be relevant at higher ranks. It would still be a grind but nothing like what it is now

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,940
    edited September 2019

    Manages to get all Perks Tier 3 on every Killer.

    "I have become more powerful than any Jedi Player could possibly imagine"

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    This sounds like you were hyper-efficient with your BP, because I have about 800-ish hours of play with the milestones that I described earlier in this thread. I would speculate that your experience is not the norm.

    I am also not saying that I expect something for free; what I'm saying is that the grind is PARTICULARLY oppressive for a video game. I am assuming, like myself, that every single person here:

    * Is a functional adult with a job, relationships, and limited free time.

    * Has other games they enjoy playing, and/or other hobbies that compete for their free time.

    * Values activities that respect and reward their input of time and effort, due to the first two points.

    This game -- all games -- should be designed with those points in mind. DBD is designed in such a way that you can dedicate an entire year to it and not even be able to have every perk on multiple killers. That is really predatory design.

  • BlockBite
    BlockBite Member Posts: 36
    edited September 2019

    yeah, do you think able to see other survivor auras for few seconds breaks the balance?

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    The balance is already broken, survivors are op. So killers needs to be buffed first then you can Buff wglf

  • BlockBite
    BlockBite Member Posts: 36

    I think if you play as solo surv, game is pretty hard for you lol

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042
  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    pretty sure I have a screenshot of a perfect trapper game with a bunch of BP buffs and got 140k. I can try looking for it.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2019

    @xEa The grind here doesn't keep me playing. As a matter of fact, the grind is precisely why DbD has never been more than a side-attraction for me. It's also why my friends and family will not touch it. Not everyone requires a grind like DbD has in order to feel engaged to a game.

    Since May 2016 we have played Overwatch. Overwatch has zero grind. There are no builds, and therefore nothing to unlock. Yet, we have played it consistently for over three years because the engaging factor for us is learning as many Heroes as possible, getting good with those heroes, climbing in MMR (quick play) and SR (competitive) with those heroes.

    We also play Paladins, which does have individual builds for each Champion that you can do. Again, zero grind since every card used in a build is unlocked from the moment you own the champion. So what keeps us engaged? Learning new champions, experimenting with builds (both serious and meme) and seeing how they play in a match. We've been playing Paladins for well over a year with zero grind, and have been engaged because we can mess around with builds from Minute-One.

    No grind, yet complete engagement, including for three-plus years in Overwatch. Not everyone needs your preferred style of grindy play to be engaged in a PvP game, nor enjoys it.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    I don't doubt that you had a game where you earned 140k bp. But you didn't do it w/o extra help from bonus party streamers or dailies. I've broken 200k in one game. But that was with 4-5 party streamers. W/o outside help the absolute most a player can earn in one game during a double bloodpoint event is 128,000. If you really wanted to be a smarty pants about it, you could use a 3yr anniversary cake that gives 103% bonus instead of a cake/pudding/streamer. That would give you an extra 960 bloodpoints.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777
    edited September 2019

    oh. Yeah I had a 160k game, but with 4 anniversary cakes. Nevermind!

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I dont prefere to grind, in fact i play and played many games with 0 Grind. But it is a part of this game and I am talking about grind itself as an element of gaming.

    May i give you an example:

    I was playing a Shooter game, wich has grinding in it. People were moaning about how boring this Grinding is, and that they want all the stuff by either buying them or getting them more frequently. Eventually they got it the second way. The game, that lived for 2,5 years died within a month or two. "There was nothing to do anymore".

    In DBD Grinding is a side element. It is there and it keeps most players motivated, even they dont realise that. A part of your inner self is very likely also on that train. We talk about collects rubbed, that every human, that included you, has to a certain degree.

    Obviously, the game itself is more important, but as said, without the grind, most people would miss something. I bet my non existing Yacht, you would too.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I dont think i was super effective with my Bloodpoints, i just played the game and used BBQ and WGLF and most of the time Bloodpoint offerings, thats it. Nothing special you could not achieve.

    This has nothing to do with having a family, a girlfried or playing other videogames, i got and do all of this and it was no big deal getting all the perks and stuff.

    Again, i think grinding is an important part of the game, important enough that i think that if it would not excist, the game would not be the same for many here. I am also positiv, that people, who dont put effort into DBD should not be rewarded with everything. And last but not least, even with little effort, you get it insanly quick. Leveling a Survivor to 40 to get his 3 perks takes about 20-25 games. 4 Survivor with the 4 perks you run 100 games. And if you are lucky, even less if the shrine got something for you.

    Also: We are talking about Perks and Items. You dont need those to win games in DBD and for sore not to have fun.

  • Fng36
    Fng36 Member Posts: 26

    You can terror radius perk give 100% bp too I always use it and have a ton Of points why I grind d killer for points for both survivors and killers rank ups