Hex totems

Should killers be givin the option to place/hide their own hexs?
Im not even talking about ruin here, I like running lulaby, but thanks to garbage rng, it rarely lasts long enough to get the 5 tokens for the full effect. It's not Uncommon for hex totems to spawn close to generators, which is essentially a death sentence for my poor hex.
Even thrill of the hunt which is the only real way to activity protect a hex, is susceptible to the very problem it tries to counter.
Seems like a pretty cool idea to me
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So basically a killer will camp near the hex totem since he'll know its location right from the start to guard it. Ummm no.
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Then you go get the other generators, or bait the killer out while someone else cleanses? A killer camping totems is just asking for a quick loss.
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Don't see why this is a problem. However, will the perk only activate when placed? If so, wouldn't running multiple hex perks be a hindrance because you'll have to find an adequate spot to place them?
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Have you never even once played killer? Killer already knows where his hex totem is it's lit up like the 4th of July.
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That's a good point. It seems right now one of the major factors in balancing totems is the risk in taking them (they can get found and cleansed quickly).
I don't particularly want to take time placing totems when I could be hunting survivors, but some might prefer it. Then again, I get pissed when I see one of mine out in the open.
Can't have it both ways I guess.
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We just need to not have them be placed near objectives and not in the open.
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Agreed. I think the new map has some cheeky spawns and the new Bedham spawns aren't too terrible. One thing I have noticed is that a lot of these new spawns (even on the older maps) the totems are difficult to cleanse. You have to be in a very specific position to get the M1 prompt.
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They probably meant - You would know that THAT hex is the one you should worry the most about.
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Yes, it would only activate once placed, and yes, doing so would consume some precious time. How ever, I'd like to think that one wouldn't have to go too far out of their way to find a good spot, we are all over the map anyways. Along with the fact that it might last long enough to make a real difference in the game, the minute its not up at the start, could mean an extra 5+ minutes it lasts due to being in a clever spot. Not to mention I'd have no one to blame but myself when a peek slot gets wasted due to a quick cleanse.
That would be in a survivors favor. Killer at a totem means they're not pressuring gens.
Yes, but we all know rng is unreliable, and not exactly random one you start specifying where things can and can't be.
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There should be no rules to specify where they should spawn, or you'll quickly limit where it can be, making spots easy to learn.
Only spots where they can't spawn.
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I agree, but it still leaves open the chance they will spawn some where glaringly obvious. I'd like to be able to choose where they go.
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Then you simply cover those spots with cover or exclude them from the selection.
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Any time there are parameters to where something can spawn, it's no longer random, and becomes predictable to a degree.