Small QoL change to Red Moss add-on

TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
edited September 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Add to it:

"Survivors can no longer hear when you're traversing the Upside Down"

The point of the add-on is to give the Demogorgon more jump-scare potential after exiting a portal, But survivors have already learned that when they hear the Demogorgon's loud roar as he traverses from portal to portal, they should leave their generators and hide until they are sure that he didn't come to their area. This adapted tactic of the survivors renders the intentions of the add-on moot, and when you take into account that it also increases the cooldown by a whopping 10 seconds, it's a shockingly weak effect for something at the Ultra Rare level.

By adding this small change it becomes much more useful for it's intended purpose, and better validates the increased cooldown time. Demogorgon still has foot stomps that are audible at 16 meters, which gives survivors more than enough warning that he's in the area if he's currently "undetectable"; if his stomping was reduced to an 8 meter range, this QoL suggestion wouldn't be necessary. To me, the point of an Ultra Rare add-on should be that it gives the killer a major advantage, or changes how they use their power in a way that affects their play-style. Current Red Moss doesn't do enough to meet those requirements, and I believe this small change would be all that is needed to make it worth spending the BP on.


Please, if you like this idea show your support via up-votes or comments, and if you don't like it, give me some creative criticism explaining why. None are unwelcome here! That's what these forums are for right?

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