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Buff Mettle of Man, just not to the way it was cause that's OP

strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
edited September 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I believe Mettle of Man is a perk to rework with caution for 2 reasons. Both of which are because it's a powerful survivor perk. That being said, you don't want it to be too OP and you don't want it to be as useless as Decisive Strike used to be. I believe they should rework this perk to work similar fashion to borrowed time except it's not for the person on the hook, it's for the person pulling off the rescue. The way I believe it should be similar is that it should be useable only in the killer's terror radius. It activates after rescuing a person off of the hook while injured and also like borrowed time, you will have a limited time to be hit before the perk is no longer active and when the killer hits you, you'll have a limited time to mend. While in chase, I'm not sure if it'd be good to have the timer continue to tick down or only have it tick down when you're not in chase. However, this perk I believe should also be like decisive strike in the sense that it can only be used once. This makes it a perk that should be used more strategically and powerful enough to use. It's great for a strategy that I believe to be very frustrating to deal with and is very difficult to counter. That is facecamping. It's counterable by the killer just refusing to hit the survivor until they go for the unhook so that they can grab them off of the survivor or by the killer having a reduced terror radius or no terror radius to help ensure a down. I believe this to be a great way to make this perk effective enough for people to want to use and purchase the survivor Ash because people will want this perk, not just Ash himself. Besides, none of his perks are very effective right now. Everyone would rather use other people's perks and there is a small percentage that use his. Please consider this buff. Let me know what everyone thinks of this buff.


  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    So, a perk that encourages tunnelling? And if you have BT, are you FURTHER encouraging unsafe unhooks?

  • FairP1ayer
    FairP1ayer Member Posts: 500

    Mom is fine, bE just needs to allow safe unhooks to give stacks like it did in the PTB.

  • KidDope25
    KidDope25 Member Posts: 117
  • FairP1ayer
    FairP1ayer Member Posts: 500

    No I meant the way the perk works now if fine, it doesn’t need an entire rework like suggested, it just needs safe unhooks to count as stacks, as well as bE of course fixing the protection hits as they indeed do not register a-lot of the times towards stacks.

  • KidDope25
    KidDope25 Member Posts: 117
  • FairP1ayer
    FairP1ayer Member Posts: 500

    What do you propose they do to rework Mettle of Man?

  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39

    Erm, I'm saying a perk to help with the facecamping issue seeing as how there aren't many ways to counter it without trading places on the hook. It's too OP to have the killer be able to facecamp someone and nothing be able to be done about it without them downing you. Now I'm sure you have some kind of counter for this or will completely retaliate because survivors are always too OP, but honestly, facecamping shouldn't be allowed. If the killer has played so poorly that the survivors are capable of escaping, that killer shouldn't just be able to just ensure one kill by camping the hook with one survivor on it. I believe that the buff to Mettle of Man is necessary. It just doesn't have enough power anymore. It's a lot to take protection hits for people, especially at high ranks, but if there were a perk to help with hook rescues when injured, especially clutch ones where the difference between death for your whole team and survival relies on hook rescues, that perk rework could be excellent for those kinds of situations. Now yes, tunneling is an issue too, you know the issue isn't the perks or builds as much as it is the players. They'll tunnel and that's why you run decisive strike. It's not about encouraging tunneling as much as it is encouraging killers to walk away from the hook rather than stand face to face with a survivor on hook waiting for a poor soul to trade. I believe this is an excellent way to rework Mettle of Man.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    In my opinion, MOM is and was a VERY strong perk. Having it used so frequently and easily like it was before WAS insane. (It also punished M1 killers really bad). I mean every survivor had it running. Them making the requirements MUCH harder to obtain was the best decision, because it was not fair to killers at all, even ones that didn't face camp. It would be nice if the perk was more "relevant", but that's the thing, it's so strong, so it kind of needs to have that level of 'hard' to obtain. You really have to work for it and in a sense "throw the game" sometimes just to get stacks to be ready for it. lol.

    I watched a streamer going for MOM activation it was quite funny. It's possible to get it to work, but not easy at all.

    Basically, any rework they can do, it still needs to have a good amount of effort for the perk to activate. If its too easy, it will be abused. I mean, you can't just get it for free and it really just punishes m1 killers. Which kind of sucks. This is tough to say how to buff it because it can so easily become abused again, imo.

    As far as tunneling/camping I think they just need to give better compensation point wise. which was discussed in another camping thread.

    But ya. I don't know. I mean I thought it needed a buff too, but thinking about it.. I don't see how it can be possible and still be balanced. Just giving people a free hit from the start I think isn't that fair, even if it is only for once a game. /shrug.

  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39

    While yes it was OP before, again, I must state the idea for the rework being only for facecamping and the perk having a timer. This perk wouldn't be OP if they did it like that because if they don't get hit before a short amount of time, it won't activate. It's not like decisive where it would have a 60 second timer. It'd it'd be approximately 15 seconds they'd have to get hit. Its essentially be like having the old Borrowed time except it only applies to the person performing the unhook while injured. Only difference now is they'd have to mend after being hit and instead of having all that power for one perk slot, it'd have to be two separate perks. So this wouldn't be that OP. Also to mention, it does have a one time use and is very counterable. If the killer doesn't have a terror radius it doesn't activate and they can just pull the person off of the the person on the hook. The strategy to use for this perk to be honest would be when the killer is facecamping, approach the hook completely uninjured, trick the killer into smacking you, now the perk will activate when you pull the person off of the hook, it will activate and the killer won't be able to just immediately down you, therefore allowing a hook rescue without the need for trading places on the hook. So essentially this perk is really great for allowing survivors to be able to pull off hook rescues that previously would've just made it so you have to trade and makes facecamping fair strategy instead of the killer having the ability to just ensure kill on one survivor. To your response about facecamping, you're essentially proving my point that facecamping is OP. The killer should not be able to have a bad game rewarded because they have the power to ensure one kill at the end of the game. The survivors should be able to pull off the hook rescue in that situation because the killer just simply does not deserve that kill if they performed poor or were outperformed by the survivors.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    My response, was saying that it has potential to punish killers for not actually face camping/camping. And camping in general, people need to have a distinction. Like if a killer is still in the area.... but why? Is there another survivor running around? Or how about he sees 2 of them running around the place, obviously the killer will stick around. But I don't call that camping at all. And if you are doing an unsafe unhook right in front of the killer and he turns around and goes back to the hook/near you... I mean why should that be an automatic free getaway card (If I understand this correctly)? Shouldn't unsafe unhooks also be punished? Like aren't those considered bad game being rewarded? It seems like there's a fine line to actually have the game distinguish how people are playing to know when to activate the perk.

    I don't consider face camping overpowered. I might go as far as saying its not good sportsmanship. And entirely un-fun to play with. But it's A way to play... I do think they need to fix BT and have that work with proximity, I don't see why it rewards stealth camping/tunneling killers that go after one target till they are dead and repeat. etc.

    Thinking more about it you could also make a perk that protects the user from unhook grabs or something that would help with facecampers, but you still can down them after they unhook. Because right now you have to play a game of click m1 and let go. IF you have two people there you are more likely to get the unhook, but because the grab its too dangerous and you may not even save the person.

    I'm all for having counters to situations, it just needs to be balanced.

  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39

    Ok, but again, we come back to that facecamping thing as you've mentioned. I know you're all about that skill and not performing and unsafe hook rescue, but again I must insist that sometimes a person is left with no choice. You're thinking about the killers only and not the survivors. I'm thinking about both. This wouldn't be OP because it's a one time use, counterable as I just said. You're acting like it's going to be like getting an unsafe hook rescue activates it and then you are affected the rest of the game to take a hit or something. Does 15 seconds literally mean nothing to you? 15 seconds of this perk being active and then it's no longer active. Does having to mend after a certain time after being hit mean anything? How about when the person goes down right? I never mentioned this, but I mean, borrowed time gives the killer a notification when the person goes down. Also, doesn't borrowed time encourage unsafe hook rescues since it activates pretty much under the exact same circumstances except applied to the person being unhooked? So again, you act like this perk is going to be absolutely game breaking when it's a one time use and while yes it is intended for facecamping, is not the only place where it's useful and you act like it needs to strictly be used for that in order to be fair and you act like it's very abusable. Look, I could see trolls using it the wrong way, but that's also not everybody. That's trolls for ya. I'd use this perk for exactly what I believe it should be used for which is getting you out of a sticky situation where you're injured and you want to get out alive with your buddy and now don't have to trade places on the hook for that to happen. Old borrowed time used to be that way but I guess you don't know that. The perk applied to not only the person performing the unhook, but the person on the hook too. They nerfed it a little and I really don't entirely understand why. But it is what it is. I don't see why we can't have two perks to pair together for this situation. But I guess that's that. You're stuck on thinking it's abusable. It's abusable in only a couple of situations and yes, I get exploring the area looking for survivors, but this doesn't punish anyone. It's a perk, not a punishment. A perk that is usable just for ensuring that a hook rescue can be pulled off while injured. What about basement strategy since your so stuck on saying it's abusable. People get camped all the time in basement and depending on the killer, you'll never get out of the basement without some kind of protection such as borrowed time or that design for Mettle of Man I mentioned. I am not here to hear what you have to say though honestly. You seem very much like killers I've heard before that don't want survivors to ever be buffed in any aspect where the killer can ensure a kill because the survivors are too OP. I believe in balance of both things and I play both things. There are survivor and killer perks that I believe should be buffed or nerfed. I am not a survivor main like I used to be and understand a lot of situations even if they make me angry. I hate being tunneled and I hate survivors running crutch perks and going the entire game without going on the hook because they have crutches to pretty much ensure that, but I understand a survivor running the killer around so that they don't go on the hook just like I understand tunneling to get rid of a survivor faster to help with getting a 4 man. So look here, a perk that activates like borrowed time, lasts only 15 seconds, puts you in a mend state when hit, notifies the killer if you don't mend on time and go down, and is only a one time usage. How much abuse are you really talking about here. Decisive strike lasts 60 seconds and was designed to counter tunneling by stunning the killer for 5 seconds and the skill check is so easy to hit. Don't complain because survivors are getting a perk that just happens can actually be abused. A lot of perks can be abused including killer perks. I'm not going to listen to you whine about a perk idea that I know for a fact is not any more OP than anything we currently have.