We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.


It's really silly to put so much effort into a match just to get them to escape by the hatch once they know they can't win.

In red ranks people brings keys every single game because of this.

My suggestion:

The hatch takes 20 seconds to open, when it's open the key is lost, survivor can be grabbed while doing so.

The hatch can be opened only once.

Also remove addons that prevents key loss, to make them more rare, dealing with them every single game is plain dumb.


  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    No, using your reasoning we could say the same about Mori's it's silly to put so much effort just to be killed by an ebony right after you get off your 2nd hook.

  • Nenkie
    Nenkie Member Posts: 43

    I also think ebony mori should be removed from the game, that and insta heals.

  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    instaheal could be reworked, like after applicating it to a survivor he would get a health state after lets say 20-30s, would be still strong while not overpowered.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Im still wondering why they didnt try that this PTB (with them showing Second Wind)

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    That was a complete nerf to the ground, just go with the takes a few seconds to open. It always feels silly when the survivors open it up right in front of the killer.

  • DarkPit
    DarkPit Member Posts: 87

    but when you compare keys and ebony moris/instaheals, theres one BIG difference:

    moris and instaheals can be used without having to do anything skillful before. for a KEY, you first have to do a big amount of gens and STILL find it, and if you Play solo you have to tell the remaining survivors where it is.

    in my opinion,a key isnt someting as unbalanced as a mori or an instaheal(im not even gonna TALK About noed….), but just a small nerf like the hatch can only be opened once OR it takes a few seconds to open it, it wouldnt be this much of a problem

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    Yes but having a situations where you're chasing a survivor and they just happen to stumble on the hatch with a key in hand there is literally nothing you can do. Having to channel before opening the hatch, at least for 5 seconds or so would stop this from happening.

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    The only reasonable nerf for keys would be to take away the ability to open hatch with anything other than skeleton key. Mori's do need a nerf too, most reasonable would be have to hook twice then mori. Make cypress base kit though. Insta heals are fine as is because it's just more BP for smacking more often. @DarkPit cleanse totems and NOED isn't an issue at all. Can't find totems? Run small game. NOED almost useless as it is anyways. It used to be not tied to a totem and permanent.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Nah, keys can be a pain but they don't need a nerf. You can bring Franklin's Demise as well. The only thing I would change is that you can still grab survivors who jump in the hatch.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    If you look closely at the people in your lobby you can see what they are bringing. So, you know what to expect I mean. If a killer and survivor is at the hatch, the killer already overrides the survivor and can close it. (If you had Franklin and hit them after they'd drop the key and have to pick it up again to use it etc). I mean there are times where the 4th person escapes through hatch it happens. Killers dont HAVE to 4k everygame. But most think they do, so that resorts to slugging anyway.

    I don't really see a good reason to remove keys or adjusting them, they are already rare. And the fact that someone may or may not suck and be bad at the game, doesn't mean they shouldn't have a key either...

    I'm not going to recommend tunneling someone out of the game, but of course there is that. Honestly I wouldn't start a match if someones bringing a key if I was that bothered by it. But they can still find it during the match. I'm not seeing an unbalance. I mean the survivors need to do a certain amount of gens to spawn hatch.... OR last person alive will spawn and open it. If you are really just after the last person who has a key... I don't know it seems fair to me. Is it because the chance of not getting a 4k? That shouldn't be a big deal to people, and the dev's even said they want the game more balanced than that... There is a survivor achievement to unlock the hatch with all of them escaping through it. (While also there is a Myers achievement to mori all 4 with insta kills (and + the mori all 4 one).... lol just throwing that out there.)

    I don't really see the unbalance. I can understand repetition of something annoying is stressful though.

  • blackx2
    blackx2 Member Posts: 56

    Jesus... Just use Franklin, sometimes it's enough to ruin a whole match.

  • MAV
    MAV Member Posts: 52
    edited September 2019

    This thread sound a lot like "why don't we remove all rare+ add-ons, offerings, and items..." Ffs adapt don't complain