This is Demogorgon P3-50

This is mostly to circulate pictures of this for once, since I've seen none going around on google images, but its also to discuss the journey it took to get here. (Even though it's nothing special)
Here's one more if anyone wants it, its more clean than the one above obscured by that P3-50 Icon.
Now to start off, in the past I've P3-50'ed several Killers after 3 and even 2 days after the official release, but unlike the past... I don't have time to do a marathon of matches, nor do I have the same motivation that I used to anymore. So unlike Legion, or GhostFace which took 3 days (GhostFace 2 days ish) this took me about... 10 days to do instead.
I did also get all the Stranger Things chapter achievements on the first day too! Minus "Denied!" Which I just got today due to how unrealistic getting 30 perfect matches with all closed hatches is... The time span was so small for that so I didn't count it. Adept Demogorgon was the hardest, it took 5 hours today on the first day and first few minutes after release...
This time, I did have time to do this, but wasn't as motivated as I was with say GhostFace or Legion, because I never actually watched anything related or about Stranger Things. and unlike GhostFace which I DO have knowledge about, and actually enjoyed his inclusion into the roster, Demogorgon was a meh to me since his inception. I actually regret it, since I had fun playing him, so it was definitely something to think about during my time P3-50ing him.
Will I have time to do this with other Killers in the future? Probably not, but if I do, it won't be with the same motivation that has long since left me. So it'll be a lot slower than it was before, but who knows... If the next Killer catches my eyes and interest, than I might P3-50 them quickly, or not, who knows. As it stands, I might, but in the future who knows... I might not have time to play in-general in the future, I'll never really know.
I know nobody actually cares about this, since it doesn't mean anything. And I know that, but I just wanted to make note of the accomplishment I guess? and mostly to just make a post once in awhile about something, and this is one of those things ha ha.
Thank you for your wonderful Demogorgon story. I read it all.
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Very much appreciated ;)
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Thanks for the share, I've only P3'd my boy Myers, but I'm tempted for Demogorgon. The grind is just so massive, for no real payoff I feel like. But the blood might make him...stealthier! As he is stomping his way to devour his victims right?
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It is a real grind, I have like 11 P3-50 Killers now, it takes a long time to get there. Funny enough, im only devotion 2 prestiged 5. So I thought that was weird... since its so low for so many P3-50 Killers.
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I don't suppose you could post what he looks like without the P1 arms? I don't like the veiny stuff, it looks awful in first person, and I'm wondering what he looks like without it but with the P2 and P3 body and head.
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He looks like completely new character with the blood...
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In your opinion who looks best at p-3? I might attempt it on someone but i just dont know. Im not prestiging freddy cause i got all perks on him, wraith is already p-4 cause i love that guy lol, just p-1 my myers cause i like the bloody knife, and i also have spirit at p-1. Not gonna prestige legion cause i have his devil may care set and thats about it
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Thank you for showing this. This probably took forever. However, at least it was after the bloodweb change.☺
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This is beauty in a pure concentrated form, don't stare for too long. Also, I get where you're coming from, having knowledge of a characters franchise and, more so, enjoying that franchise actually makes a HUGE impact on how much you want to play them. That's why my Pig is still only level 50.
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It's such a huge grind that I only have 1 survivor, and 1 killer prestige 3 level 50. That's Michael and Laurie Strode. I can't imagine doing it for multiple characters. Getting everyone to level 40 felt like a massive grind to me. And I've only done that on the survivor side! (Mostly because I generally only play with Licensed killers.)
But your devotion is a lot higher than mine is being at what I call level 502. Mine is 305 I think right now, could be mistaken...but I played on PC, and also now have it on Switch as well. Not sure on devotion for PC, but it says I've played it for at least a 100 hours.
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He looks so much better prestiged than in his regular form. Its almost like night and day the difference.
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I only p3 50 piggie and Bubba my two fav. But boy this looks purdy.
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Best combo
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Sorry it took so long, was busy with other things at the time.
Personally, I feel like it doesn't fit well without it, so here's it without the P1 arms, but with the Escaped Specimen skin arms instead.
It fits with it kinda well, but because of how dark the blood is, it doesn't really fit with it. The only other skins that sit with the Prestige skins, is the Escaped Specimen body, and the Escaped Specimen head (Alone with the rest of the prestiged skins, not together)
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The best P3 to me personally is Myers, because of the knife with the mask combo, and the workmans overalls.
But if I had to say who's P3 skin could rival his, its either LeatherFaces, GhostFace, or Legions due to the excess amount of blood giving them a darker tone.
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Can't say the same for the ones before that bloodweb change sadly :'(
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Personally, i'm a fan of this combo. But that one also fits well with the prestiged skins. Though, I wish the chain necklace skin was a lot darker with his skin, as it clashes with the overall lighting effect on the darker prestiged skins due to the excess amount of blood.
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The same can be said for Legion or LeatherFace personally, because of how much blood is on those P1 through P3 skins, it really does give them a different tone.
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😃I'm fine😃
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*Flashback ends*
This is better :D
*Flashback to the past again*
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I realized that i meant that past bloodweb was bad and now is better. Haha. Thats what i get for not looking at the post before i send it.
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No I knew what you meant, and I agree. The past blood-web was more grindy than the new one is, and the blood-web before that was EVEN WORSE!
It's nice to know we're going forward with the progression of the grind, instead of backwards though.
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It's very refreshing to see a post pop up on my recommendations and have it not be about someone whining to the devs or community about something insignificant or over demanding
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I aim to please.
But seriously though, it's just something to reflect upon and share with the community that I do love discussing things with from time to time. Rather than look at the ugly side, its best to look at the beautiful side.