Pennywise is basically confirmed at this point so what could his power be?



  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    They kill IT by bullying it to death, seems pretty lame to me sense killers are supposed to be these unstoppable killing machines. I personally would like an original killer more.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    Pennywise's greatest mindgame was making players like you in the community think he cant work.

    It's a video game dude, it's not hard to figure out something for him

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2019

    So how do you seen a mind game power working in this game? How do you make a character that doesn't actually kill into a killer? It doesn't fit the lore of Pennywise at all.

    Every licensed killer so far has a power that fits them even if its not always great.

    Yes its a video game and they could give him any power but then it won't be Pennywise so why not just make a skin for the Clown instead?

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797
    edited September 2019

    Also pennywise being able to mindgame was a joke on what you just typed previously. Its not about a licensed killer being possible to make for DBD , its if it brings in PUBLICITY and MONEY.

    You'd think forum members who live on here would realize this by now.

    Oy Vey...

    Pennywise gets stronger based on fear btw . He also does kill? Um hello ? How else would he eat then? LMAO

    Its almost like you didn't read the book or watch the movies.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2019

    Of course its about bringing in money no one has ever said otherwise that's a given.

    The point is people are allowed to voice opinions on whether they think they like the idea of something being added it is afterall what a forum is partly for.

    Yes and fear in this game could be horrendous. Another doctor power which people hate. Another dream state which people hated and was chnaged. Just because its possible doesn't mean it should hence I personally don't think it would work on this game.

    Penny wise doesn't kill anyone he is not the killer. If you had watched or read you would know. He is a projection the alien entity uses as a lure and put fear into people so IT can devour them and why they are alive when taken to IT as dead people have no fear.

    "In both the book and the films, It is an ancient alien creature, older than civilization, and in King’s novel, older than our universe. It feasts on the flesh of humans simply because our fears are easy to manifest and they make us taste better."

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    The game will die without new content idk what you want, a dead game or new content and bug fixes? Just cause they add games doesn't mean they dont also shovel bug fixes in as well.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797
    edited September 2019

    Pennywise didn't KILL PEOPLE BTW.

    Everyone! Attention!

    Dude im done with you.

    You literally dont know what you're talking about.


    It was also preparing to give birth to his offspring in the book AKA like any mother would HE BEGAN EATING MORE TO MAKE SURE HIS OFFSPRING WOULD GROW HEALTHY , THUS the saving of people like snacks in the sewers by putting them in that comatose state with the dead lights.

    Stop talking, you're beginning to look more like Pennywise each time you respond.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    The game will also die if it can't retain new players.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    That's why there's a need for bug fixes and QoL changes. The metrics on Steam show that this game draws in a lot of new players but that most of them don't stay, leaving a fairly static pool of players overall.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    That mostly is because things like camping n stuff, not bugs.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    I think it's due to a variety of reasons, I'm willing to include bad first experiences due to toxic play among them. I'd put hard money on the likelihood of potential fans being turned off due to the matchmaking bug during the release of the Stranger Things chapter, though.

    Some of the other factors include the rather steep and opaque grind, the lack of any meaningful introduction to the game's mechanics, etc. It's generally unwelcoming to new players, which I think can be at least somewhat addressed.

    In any case, my original comment wasn't meant to deny your premise (that the game will die without new content)but to add that it can stagnate due to QoL issues and player retention issues as well. They're not necessarily opposed, I'm all for regular releases of new content. I just think that people who criticize some of the very real issues we have now have points worth considering as well.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    The grind is the biggest reason for new players not staying.

    After that is the difficulty in learning all the perks, killers, and maps. It'd be nice if players could create named Custom Game lobbies where not only friends but strangers too could play together. Something similar to how custom lobbies work in Overwatch and Halo.

    So someone could create a "Survivor Stealth Tutorial" custom game where a veteran player helps out his noob friend and others.

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    I m not gong to waste my time here. You think they're going to have TWO clown killers? Gtfo

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    I'm sure the bugs are a major issue for newcomers... but as I have tried desperately to get some of my friends to play this game and have repeatedly had them quit over camping and tunneling... I would say the toxic behavior is "one" of the biggest reasons new players quit.

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    Maybe they're just removing posts because it's literal retardation and dont want everyone saying ogbkgpennywiseohvoywowowo

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    Ummm... Leatherface and Billy says hello? As does Legion and Ghostface.

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    Legion is based off of a demon army, we are one. Billy doesn'T have RL more but leatherface does. GFisalso a real movie.

    I don't know ######### your point is but you didn't make it.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    We have 4 legion members, we have 2 masked survivor killers, 2 stalking killers, 4 killers who can set traps, 4 that can teleport, and 2 that can teleport to traps what makes you think we cant have 2 clowns.

  • JustAFeeling
    JustAFeeling Member Posts: 324

    It seems like it becomes our problem then not that I wouldn't mine new game modes like that but as us the core players when we recognize new player's we should definitely give them some lead way but us veteran player's here should have some mutual respect

    For as long as we been playing we know what to expect and what's at stake. Aside from the match making issue's queuing times with friends seems to be the real issue and I can agree that the dev's should make this priority but them adding new content doesn't mean their not focus on these issues, new content is always great on here

    I think as a hole we could be better to each other most of the bugs become funny memes and just a great time or a good memory

    I don't think every killer should be incredibly strong that just doesn't make sense , but with our help they could have the right balance and become enjoyable for everyone

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777
    edited September 2019

    He does actions though that lead to death. He left Georgie to bleed out, which no other entity or person touched him after that. While that probably only works as a Mori, leaving someone to die is still a homicide. He's more of a "leave and go", but integrating him into DBD's world isn't that difficult, you just need to be creative and think outside the box. I think you're gravitating too much to the actual story and lore of IT, and not what can potentially happen.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited September 2019

    He's gonna travel between the lockers and if you walk to close to one he can grab you and drag you inside. It's kinda like a trap set on a certain number of lockers and once grabbed inside your trapped in there for a set duration or until another survivor comes and gets you out. Your aura will be shown to your teammates to come get you.

    One of his ultra rares removes the aura showing to your team so they have no idea what locker you're in unless they can visibly see the locker in front of them. In return it has the downside of a reduced duration that your locked inside before you can bust out.

  • FiftyCalReaper
    FiftyCalReaper Member Posts: 110

    Yeah and we have two chainsaw killers. And multiple killers that can set traps. And two stalky bois.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    How the hell would that work when lockers are near buildings/jungle gyms/ and other walls...

    Is pennywise suppose to make every survivor go near a locker just to be able to use his ability?

    How is he suppose to chase and protect genes with that dumb ability lol

    How is that good? Seriously explain this ...

    xGREENCATx Member Posts: 431

    How is he already basically confirmed?

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    next Chapter: Introducing new killer: Plankton

    Survivors: Spongebob Squarepants

    Patrick Star

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    While Georgie bled out technically that wasnt Pennywise but the alien. The alien being a shape shifter made that choice as Pennywise is just a form he choses to use as a way to lure and induce fear.

    Now one could argue they are one in the same but that doesn't change the fact there can only be one killer not two which is then still the alien itself in its one true form.

    Take Mystique no matter what form she kills in she is always the one killing. What she portray's on the outside doesn't change that.

    The alien is technically the only killer in the books/movie no matter what form IT is portraying.

    I may be over thinking it you are right I just don't see Pennywise as a good idea for a killer or one which would translate well into the game.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    It was explained if you read it.

    "It's kinda like a trap set on a certain number of lockers"

    "How the hell would that work when lockers are near buildings/jungle gyms/ and other walls..."

    That's literally the entire point. He can preset locations to counter future looping. The lockers have visual indicators that they are trapped prior.

    "How is he suppose to chase and protect genes with that dumb ability lol"

    You mean besides the obvious fact that there are lockers by almost every single pallet loop and gen? This shouldn't need explaining.

  • Nhekii
    Nhekii Member Posts: 124

    time to revive this post and show how ridiculous that statement was OMEGALUL

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    As much as I love IT his/her lore doesn't fit very well in Dead By Daylight. IT isn't a human or a monster... he/she is divine cosmic being... probably stronger than the Entity.

    Plus IT prays on children which DBD is lacking (for obvious reasons).

    On top of all that people above are right... Pennywise would straight up die from survivors bullying lol.

    I would love to see a classic Pennywise skin for the Clown though ^^

  • camgaming_dbd
    camgaming_dbd Member Posts: 191

    can we leave pennywise in 2019?

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    This post didn't age well lol