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Punish killers who tunnel

Make killers who tunnel guarentee lose 2 pips, it's not a strategy its toxic and annoying, if this game actually did something about the toxic players it would be one of the best games out today, realise that noone likes camping and tunneling and fix it, fix camping by not regressing the hook progressing if within a certain distance for more than 10 seconds(if there are no survivors around) not just lose bloodpoints because the toxic kids who camp dont care about them in the first place, fix tunneling by for every time a survivor gets hooked within a certain amount of time from getting unhooked the killer loses a pip


  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Tunneling isnt a strategy, its poor gamedesign. Also you cant do anything against tunneling killers, cause over all you will go down without being able to do anything else. Everything mentioned above doesnt prevent or counter tunneling at all.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    It's not fun being tunneled and camped. I think everyone is aware of this, and as it sucks, it will most likely continue to happen regardless. Losing pips for killers that do this may actually entice people to do it, because they may want to derank on purpose.

    My suggestions to make this more fun, would be more along the lines of adding more points to survivors so at least if you have to deal with that, you get BP. Like recovering while on the ground/slugged etc nothing (That was mentioned elsewhere on the forum). getting facecamped/killer in range, can get extra points, boldness? lol. Something along those lines, because you really can't stop it from happening entirely. But as mentioned there are perks thankfully that will help to deal with these things.

    Not progressing hook tho is a very interesting idea.... I didn't think of that. There is the new perk ofcourse that just came out, which only slows the hook progression. But if killer is facecamping... hmmm. That would definitely stop a facecamping killer, in that he cant camp someone to death and move to the next one and so on, he would actually have to leave or move a certain distance or so... and potentially only guarantee a 1k, if all 3 just leave.

  • AntiFlowX
    AntiFlowX Member Posts: 13

    Simple Counter...Dont unhook in the Face of the Killer or in his Terror Radius because you think the Killer must play like you want. Next Step...Learn how to get to a Safe Spot after the unhook. I know its hard to think that you as a Survivor has to learn something but thats how it is. :P Oh i forgot...Survivors have a bunch of anti tunneling Perks too. Use them? :P

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    edited October 2019

    Or.... instead add rewards for not tunneling :D

    (also your suggestion would make depipping easier)

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    Can't get tunnelled if you're not caught.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    This is like saying "Punish survivors for hook swarming or gen rushing!"

    Tunneling is legitimate strategy of play that is sometimes necessary to do. Now if you're getting tunneled that doesn't feel great to you, but you're not in a position where the game is actually impeded from progressing. There are no hard rules for killers or survivors to follow as to how they should play. You also can't dictate your personal rules upon them. It a killer wants to play hyper efficiently then that is what they are going to do. If the killer prioritizes hooking you because you have a map or key that is what they'll do.

    You have ever right to play just as efficient do whatever it takes to get your objective completely as long as you don't go outside the bounds of the game to do it. Same goes for camping and we've already tried what you wanted. It didn't work out well at all. What everyone who has been around long enough learned was that it is better to incentivize leaving the hook than do heavy handed punishments that affect the game. People who only camp will camp no matter what. They aren't interested in pipping or ranking so your suggestion would solve nothing. What it would do is overly punish situational camping which is a bad idea. Killers already cripple their emblem score, not bloodpoint gain, emblem score for camping. So that combined with things like BBQ and Devour Hope incentivize leaving the hook have curved a lot of camping. It's never going away unless core mechanics of the game change to make it have zero viability. Which means pretty much changing the conditions under which a survivor is killed.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Enough with rewards, killers make lots of BPs already.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310
  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    If they want to play like that they deserve to depip and be rank 5 or whatever.

    Thats how low rank killers play anyway.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    To be fair - tunneling/camping is sometimes necessery.

    Not all the times (as everyone seems to be sugesting) but sometimes

  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    if tunneling is going to make them lose 2 pips then lots of people will do it to have lower rank and easier games with shorter queues - in short they will depip on purpose. That is not the correct way to deal with tunneling (which is kinda toxic but still available strategy in game)

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    The issue isnt toxicity, it's tunneling. DS is literally an anti-tunnel perk.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    Having played a lot more killer lately, I don't think most killers actively tunnel.

    When someone is unhooked, especially if I'm not near by, I'm going to head back there because thats the one place on the map I KNOW there are going to be survivors near by. I'm simply looking for the NEXT survivor I see - if that happens to be the guy just off the hook, thats who I'm going after.

    I'm not going to go look for someone else in that case, because they could be long gone, or are likely much better and more experienced since THEY didn't run right to where the killer is likely going to check.

    More than likely, its just bad luck.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    So survivors who tunnel gens lose 2 pips as well? You have to switch gens every 25% of progress. Deal? That's how terrible this idea is.

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    Im no expert, but I doubt the game could recognize the difference between a malicious tunnel and normal gameplay. Getting tunneled is annoying but sometimes its accidental, and sometimes it was strategic. There isn’t a way to punish a few toxic people without punishing everyone who plays killer and that’s just never gonna happen.

    I do think it would be fair to compensate survivors who get camped better, since the game can tell when it happens for the emblem scores. I think if you get camped on your first hook before the gates have powered and go into struggle, your struggle points should double cause why tf not.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    I think they are talking about actual facecamps and tunneling killers. As in not killers who are getting swarmed by all the survivors at the hook, so obviously the killer remains there while you unhook... (aka That is not camping...).

    Like don't unhook in front of the face of a facecamper... Eh. I mean sure you can leave them to die... But survivors get bored. Exciting/fun gameplay is actually being able to interact with the killer. Not load into the game, do 5 gens. leave... That's boring. If that was what this game was about I wouldn't play it. So, survivors do try to go for saves, interact with killer etc. BT helps but only within terror radius, DS helps and can buy you and your team slightly more time, so its something.

    I think people get very confused with tunneling and camping because it means different things to many different people. If you first hook facecamp someone until they are dead... thats not fun for that person. When you target one person, even If you are so fixated you throw the game JUST to tunnel someone to death when they do get off the hook repeatedly. That's still not very fun for that person either....

    I see a lot of people saying things like "they don't DESERVE this or that" and its like.. The game isn't dictated by your emotions.. its a game.. I just don't agree with that thinking. People will play how they want and are allowed too, to an extent (as in bannable offenses are not allowed etc). However, if a majority knows that something isn't fun, regardless of it being "ok" to do.. I think making it more fun or give some purpose to make the game and overall experience BETTER for people, would be ideal to see happen.

    TLDR: So you can play how you like (per rules of the game), but still offer some sort of fun or enjoyment, in some kind of way. That is what I personally would like to see happen regarding this stuff.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    What if DS got a shorter timer, but when you are getting chased or downed it stops? I think this would work great

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Survivors who tunnel gens dont pip and in red ranks you are mostly depipping even if you manage to escape.

    Also, gens cant be hooked, cant be tunneled, cant be slugged, cant depip, dont have BBQ Ruin Noed etc.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited October 2019

    And killers who tunnel don't pip either because the gens get rushed.

    "Also, gens cant be hooked, cant be tunneled, cant be slugged, cant depip, dont have BBQ Ruin Noed etc."

    This has nothing to do with the topic. Should I mention all the perks and items survivors have to counter tunneling as well?

    And for the record, yes gens can be tunneled. IE ignoring a hooked survivor and letting him die to do gens.

  • Nightshade
    Nightshade Member Posts: 26

    I know it's easy to forget sometimes, but the killer is also a person; It's unreasonable to regulate that part of the player base when it's not entirely toxic even though it can be understandably frustrating for survivors. Most of the time when a survivor get's tunneled, it's because of these 3 reasons:

    1.) The survivor got farmed and the killer isn't just going the throw away the opportunity, especially if it's a tight game.

    2.) The killer wasn't even actively looking for the same injured survivor, but happened to bump into them, in which case that's just tough luck.

    3.) The killer got gen rushed and is now forced to remove at least 1 survivor from the game if they have any hope of salvaging the situation.

    Occasionally you'll also get those killer's who outright demanded your death, which can be frustrating, but that's also because the killer was likely frustrated too after being looped for 3 minutes, palleted 6 times, flashlight blinded 3 times, and Decisive Striked by 2 survivors.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Use DS. Problem solved.

  • Sleeve
    Sleeve Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2019

    even if they would put that in place, people would abuse it. Want to de-rank someone? Just keep walking up to them so they repeatedly down and hook you

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018
  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    Ffs as if decisive isn’t strong enough how about get better at hitting ds skillcheck lmao

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    Dude ds has been nerfed and still is the strongest perk in game.

  • TheALIEN
    TheALIEN Member Posts: 327

    Pick off the weak! 😈

  • TheAtomicPsycho
    TheAtomicPsycho Member Posts: 15

    "Survivors should lose a pip if they complete more than one generator in 100 seconds." This is your logic.

  • Just_Playing
    Just_Playing Member Posts: 156

    Ah ok but Tbag, clicki clicki, etc. Is ok and not toxic ??? First of all if you get tunneld so many times play DS it is very strong against tunnel. It is a viable strategie if you like it or not only because you find it anoying doesn't mean you have to punish it instantly.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    I definitely believe you should get more points if you’re being facecamped or tunneling. 90% of my games are just me with 0 objective and 800 altruism. My friend once only made 1100 points in a match simply being tunneled and moried immediately after the game just start because they spawn directly next to the killer.

    Solo queue Just click Leave Match and Move on.