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Controversial(?) Opinion on Demogorgon

Demogorgon, to put it bluntly, sucks. At least in the time that I have both played and gone up against him, he is weak. And I'll explain why I think that.


His Shred is the biggest problem. It was nerfed heavily from the PTB. I tested it out and at full charge (which isn't much farther than minimal charge) cant even reach the length of the killer shack. Idk if people were complaining in the PTB about its insane range, but from the friends I've talked to who are survivor mains, they said they actually liked its long range. It was fun to go against. In the times that I've played the Demogorgon, I've only gotten a good Shred off very few times, which tells me either the devs screwed up with nerfing him from the PTB, or they want his Shred power to be used situationally.

The second problem with its Shred is its hitbox. These hitboxes are almost as jank as hatchets. I'll be right on the ass of the survivor and it wont recognize the hit. Then there are other times where the game will autoaim me into a wall or pallet, which is extremely annoying.

How would I fix his Shred? Well either revert it back to its PTB range, or a middle ground between now and its PTB range. I would also like for you to be able to move your camera freely after you have successfully hit someone with Shred. And also, just slightly more or any control on his Shred when lunging.

He is getting a buff in the fact that his shred can break pallets, which is great, but we'll see how well this actually does for him.


His portals I think are decent for the most part. In a good match I'll have all portals activated and spread throughout the map so I know exactly where everyone is and can teleport anywhere. The only thing I would change, which a number of people have already asked for, is for them to recycle like Hag's traps.


  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102

    i'll say a longer range would be nice but even without it, shred is still incredibly useful in many situations. you can hit people before they can pull down a pallet if timed right, long narrow paths or basically when you get close. what they need to fix is the lunge hit box. when i use him it never hits but other people hit me from five feet away it is really bad

  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102

    overall i find him a decent killer

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Can we get confirmation/evidence on the nerf on the Shred distance from the PTB? Because the patch notes mentioned changes made to the Demogorgon from the PTB, and the Pounce distance was not listed as one of those changes.

  • AntiFlowX
    AntiFlowX Member Posts: 13

    I play the Demodog every Day and only him as a Main now. I can say that his Shred Range is the Distance of a Killer Shack in a straight Line. I agree with his Shred Hitboxes and the Auto Aim. It sometimes sucks and sometimes you got weird Hits with it.

    For his Portals i dont want him to get the same Mechanic as the Hag. If a Survivor destroys a Portal he gets it back anyways. Im Fine with that. But i would like to give him the same Amount of Portals as the Hag has Traps. Or maybe 8 Base Kit because he has Add Ons that give him 1 Extra Portal.

    It takes some Time to figure his Playstyle out but i can say that his strengh is not his Shred its his Portals you have to play around. You can get realy good Map Pressure with him. Use the Undetectable Addon on him and dont place the Portals in front of Survivors Objectives.

    Overall i think he is a decent Killer even in Red Ranks where im playing him at the Moment.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    And what about the insane hitbox bullshit, which hits almost around every corner, where it definitely shouldnt?

  • derperson
    derperson Member Posts: 130

    I agree for the most part. Sometimes demogorgon feels like the new leatherface, and would be if it wasn't for his portals; shred is really similar to his chainsaw attack. You seem to travel the same distance when you activate either of those abilities, with leatherfaces chainsaw being much slower over time obviously. But, what's very similar between them, and what makes them both frustrating is that for people inexperienced with using shred or LF chainsaw, they will find that survivors are out of range before the ability is fully charged and ready to use.

    It's dumb that demogorgon doesn't continue through the pallet with shred to hit any survivors that drop it.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Wait did they nerf the range of shred? Because it didn't say so in the patch notes, and I personally haven't noticed any difference.