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Have any of you seen the new map since the DLC came out?

sundowave Member Posts: 12
edited October 2019 in Ask the Community

I've put well over 50 hours after the DLC came out into the game. Maybe 20 hours of that is Killer. Majority is survivor. Not once, ONCE, during these 50 hours has the new map shown up for me to play. I literally have not played on it ever since the PTB, where it loaded almost all the time. I have only the new map gen achievement left to do to 100% the game again and I can't. Please tell me I'm not the only one.

Am I cursed? or am I just SUPER unlucky. Unlucky doesn't even begin to cut it anymore. I'm genuinely pissed off at this point, not gonna lie. Forget the cake being a lie, the new map is a lie.

Edit: After posting this I reinstalled the game. Literally the third game since the fresh install the map loaded, naturally I might add, without any offerings being used, and I got the achievement first try. Thanks Entity.

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