People who complain about spirit...

Are the people who stay at loop's after getting hit or throw down and waste pallets



  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    But also the reason why the chances to lose against spirit is higher because of that reason is it not? When she has her power ready, and whether she is faking her power or not, that loop becomes her area to control and it is best to leave it and go to another loop

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    Staying at the same loop against the spirit, especially when injured makes it more and more dangerous, and eventually you either get mind game or outplayed

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    well it's pretty easy to win against a spirit if you gen rush

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571
    edited October 2019

    Leaveing the area to go to another loop is a safer option, just don't make it obvious when you are leaving a loop, good spirits or not, if they don't catch up with your scratch marks they still think you are at the same loop. Leave the area and get to the next close loop. And even if she see your scratch marks and catches up to you a little bit, she is a 110% speed killer and her power has to recover and so that gives you time to get to another loop

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    That is good against avarage Spirits, but good Spirits can just wait for your next move at the pallet, will you be at the pallet loop? She will know, will you leave? She will know unless you had iron will or spine chill or maybe a flashlight.

  • Pigster
    Pigster Member Posts: 137

    Yeah true 😂 all this killer complains are really annoying, shes fine and balanced. Probably a lot new stranger things survivors who think shes to... strange 🙈

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882
    edited October 2019

    She's annoying to face especially because everyone seems to use her, but the only thing I'd change would be prayer beads because that's pure BS. Oh, and the player collision too. But that's about it.

    Post edited by StardustSpeedway on
  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963

    ...need to git gud

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    I wouldn't mind if she kept the collision, but only if the Survivor was nudged or alerted when she does so.

  • 2Khours
    2Khours Member Posts: 158

    i am a rank 1 spirit and i can't get enough of her, i adore her, i main her, i prefer her over nurse, and i think spirit is harder than nurse, and it is easier for survivors to survive the spirit because if as i spirit i ######### up, i am a 110% killer until i have my power back, if i dont hit survivors first, using my power is really hard, i can hit them, but more often then not i won't, if they are injured and they don't have iron will or a realaly big window, it's rip, but at least i have to give the first hit, unlike nurse, i don't have do, if you don't use speed add-ons, she isn't that good, if you don't use stridor, hearing can be slightly difficult, she is balanced in everyway, i don't see you, i can only hear you and see where you went, that's it, why are you complaining so much? i am blind!

    spirit is simply perfect and i LOVE to play against her, even when it's a godlike spirit like me, i enjoy it, being mind game or mind game a spirit is rewarding and it save you and your team time.

    spirit should never be changed, she is perfect, she is balanced, she's in the right place, a really high tier killer that require skills, we are allowed to have strong killers, and you should learn to counter instead of crying and disconnecting

  • 2Khours
    2Khours Member Posts: 158

    like if i give a ######### about what you have to say, if all you only have to say is negative don't even say anything

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    People who complain about Spirit think the game is 1x1. Imagine thinking that 🙈

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    You said it yourself, survivors have a chance if you mess up. You shouldn't have to rely on killers mistakes to have a chance.

    It's not that hard to get the first hit with her. Once you do get the first hit, the chase is over unless they have iron will.

    Ever thought that maybe there IS actually a problem with her since people complain so much? Nurse and billy are also top tier killers. Why don't people complain about them that much?

    I also played spirit recently and it was so easy to get kills, even with common addons and mostly weak perks. All you need is headphones with the volume up a lot.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    Just tell me, since when skills matters in this game? Where's the difficult to play with Myers and his sweaty add ons to gain permahits? Or what is difficult to play with SWF, make mistakes but still having 99% chances of scape using unbalanced items, umbalanced maps and a squad with communication? Comments like that makes me think that you're only seeing your issue. Or never had played all the killers at all.

    And gee, you hate Spirit so much that you need to lie. People have been hating Nurse for centuries because she kills every survivor defense. Pallets, vaults and whatever.

    "oH bUt aT lEaSt sHe ReQuIrE SkiLls" Yes. But once you work on Nurse she will be easily a beast. Also the same people want Billy as a 110% killer with a long cooldown for his chainsaw and still complain about his "broken hitbox". You can find the clues in this forum anytime you want. Spirit get the cake of course because she's the new target of main survivors who are desperate for running with her in infinities and unsafe pallets. I'm so sorry for you for thinking that Spirit is the real problem of this game. God knows how many chances I give to my favorite M1 killers until they get easily destroy against good survivors. But like every main survivor says, that's my fault, right? Git gud

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    how is she balanced, when she knows your every move and she's too fast? complaints about spirit have been for a long time. way before stranger things. willing to share your secrets how you beat her?😉

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    Spirit is fine, they need to git gud

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    i am assuming you use spirit as killer. have you tried against her as a survivor? most people that say git gud probably don't know how to do them selves. never give out suggestions. you kinda people are gud git!😪 and boring😫

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Never said that spirit was the real problem of this game. I just said that she needs nerfing IN MY OPINION. Don't act like I don't know much about this game, I started playing in 2016.

    People don't complain about nurse that much anymore because the devs said that they are going to be reworking her addons along with a slight change to her base kit. Another reason that people complain about spirit a lot is that she isn't fun to go against at all.

    This thread is about SPIRIT ONLY. Never said that the other killers aren't weak, or swf isn't problematic or any other topics you mentioned.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Hold up. You say the Spirit is fine, but the nurse actually needs a nerf at her basekit? LOL

    Nurse requires more skill than playing a Spirit. Spirit is just too ez to play as.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Spirit really isn't bad too play as, but she is just so damn unfun too play against. Every time I fight Spirit it just feels like a chore and a half just too avoid my first hit. She needs some QoL changes IMO, like making it harder too hear injured survivors, or making her phasing sound directional.

  • bunnytrips
    bunnytrips Member Posts: 24

    just get rid of prayer beads then she's balanced

  • Pigster
    Pigster Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2019

    Perks like spine chill, iron will, urban evasion, fixated, (dead hard). I dont use them. Try to keep calm against her, try to juke, leave FOV asap at open loops, dont be predictable, try to avoid her first hit or use iron will(otherwise you are an easy target. You can hear her steps and i readed in the forum, that her body has little changes during her phase. You should play her yourself to learn how she works and to get every secret you wanna know by yourself😁

    Yeah shes pretty strong, but also balanced and has a earned seat beside the balanced high rank killer.

    In the last time much more complained about her than usual, so i think probably all this strange new players have a problem.

    Hope my English was alright. Have a nice day 😊

    Post edited by Pigster on
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    If the spirit knows your every move... you're playing wrong..... playing as and playing against spirit is all about manipulating the other player........ theres so much the survivors can do against her. they are just stuck in the bubble of wanting to do circles at a pallet..... which is game play that gets old fast mate....

    why do you think bhvr implements these type of killers? Its not to shiet on survivors, its to keep the game fresh.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2019

    Having recently tried her I feel like she should not be categorized as “hard”.

    Her weakness which is to not be able to see survivors becomes worthless when the sound of survivors are very obvious where they are coming from... you stop paying attention to scratch marks and just focus on sound.

    This is just my opinion after day 5 of trying her. I can’t even imagine what a few weeks playing her would do.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    Personally Spirit doesn’t need much of a nerf, maybe just remove prayer beads for players without good headsets. I can still hear her wet feet walking toward me so I never really got pull of gens, and I think they should remove her ability to see Scratch Marks and blood stains with phasing period even it means nothing to spirit mains and buff Iron Will It needs To removes 150% grunts and pains and unable to hear survivors in the dying state. Because typically great spirits run stridor (Sorry If misspelt) to comeback people with Iron Will.

  • Naphemil
    Naphemil Member Posts: 66

    once spirit gets nerfed, the blame of why some survivors are ######### will shift to the next 'op' killer..... that's just how it's going right now.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    How would you know that? No killer got nerfed in this game except old freddy and legion. Killers almost always got buffed and survivors always got nerfed . When survivors want one thing about a killer nerfed every killer main immediately goes "git gud survivor main".

  • Naphemil
    Naphemil Member Posts: 66

    uhh.... first it's nurse, then it'll be spirit then from there it'll be whatever the majority of survivors ######### about next.... that's literally the way things will go if this 'nerf spirit' goes through

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Base nurse isn't even getting changed much. They will be reworking her broken addons like additional blinks.

  • Naphemil
    Naphemil Member Posts: 66

    we actually don't know what they are gonna do with her base kit.... but that's not actually what we were talking about though.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Still, what I'm trying to say is that survivors don't usually get what they want. Almost everything killers complained got nerfed or changed. Survivors have been complaining about nurse for about 3 years and they are finally fixing her addons. Also I don't see survivors complaining much about killers other than nurse or spirit. If they do, they are probably entitled survivor mains who want easy matches every game.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I wouldn't say all people because that wouldn't be fair to the people who complain for a valid reason.

    Survivors often complain because she comes out of nowhere and downs you for little to no skill at all. However, killers say she does take skill because you have to predict the survivors' movement — which isn't always as clear as it may seem to survivors.

    Now, in my opinion, to be as unbiased as possible, I agree with both sides to an extent. There are times where you get rewarded for doing absolutely nothing is kinda cheap, but at the same time, from my Spirit experience, she does take an insane amount of skill to perform crazy hits with her power.

    Overall, she's fine in my opinion, the only thing that's just unfair is Prayer Bracelet. :)

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    first of all what does FOV mean? you say, you don't use iron will, then you tell us to use it otherwise we are an easy target. you are really making me think that you don't know how win her, otherwise you would have said. why should i have to buy her to understand her more, especially when i'm no good as a killer. i thought the whole point in this forum was for help?

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    this question is to all people that say git gud or don't do loops and drop pallets against spirit. or don't be predictable. i try to go one way and suddenly change direction, she still knows where i go. please tell me what else is there to do?

  • Pigster
    Pigster Member Posts: 137

    No you dont understand me right. But first of all if you dont play much killer, you should practice it, it gives you another view about this whole situation, also if you became better you should get spirit asap, if you want to counter her, you should learn her and see where shes struggle.

    FOV means field of view, the area the killer can see you(but im not native English speaker and not 100% sure, but i think it was)

    Its my own choice that i dont use this perks, cause i have no problems with the spirit, i just recommended them to you😅 Cause they are very useful against spirit and iron will work also against nearly every other killer. There were often situations i regret not using it 😂

    In general its the best advise i can give to you, play and understand her, if you understand her as a killer, you will also adapt against her as survivor 🙂

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    just letting you know i have tried using killers. first i used the doctor, then trapper, myers, hag and now dermogorgan. can't get past rank 15-16. i would rather wait for somebody to give advice on how to win spirit. instead of buying an annoying killer that hardly anybody likes, and most probably i won't be able to use.😴

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    I get where you're coming from but most of that "skill" is just good headphones. After you hear a survivor somewhere around you just come out of phase and even if they're not near enough for a hit it's not a big deal as you're still probably close enough to get a hit within 5 seconds.

    If she had some sort of penalty for missing a phase hit (like nurse after blinking), it would be a lot more fair as then you couldn't just come out of phase whenever you feel like it.