Cannibal and Nightmare perks in Switch version

Are Cannibal and Nightmare's perks just not there in the Switch version? If not, are they just normal perks you can unlock?
I'd assume it be like the pc where you have to unlock their teachable versions at 30,35,40 before they would appear on other killers blood webs
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I believe their not on the switch version
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They aren't, right now, but I have heard people say their perks are no longer teachables, and you can unlock them in normal bloodwebs.
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This is correct. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Nightmare on Elm Street content will be coming to Switch eventually. The original licensed agreements for them only included PC, Xbox, and PlayStation so they have to get approval to add them to Switch/Mobile ports.
So grab BBQ&Chili while you still can Switch players before it's locked as a teachable to Leatherface!