Making David King Homosexual
Okay so before people get mad at "you don't need to make a character gay"
When I play survivor, I only play David King, because for some reason he resonances with my heart and soul.
This game has really helped me though some tough times, and David King became a part of me.
I even have his rose tattooed on my neck!
I know one person's request might not be heard, but I know there are alot of LGBT people who play this game, and looking at other online games who have had LGBT characters written into the law such as overwatch. It would mean the world to us if we could just have one character who we can say "this game shows us pride, respect and love."
So please fellow people of the fog, and the amazing Devs that have brought me this game!
Signed, LastResort554, David King main.
P.S please don't change his tattoo again!!!
No offense, but we dont need more characters to be made forcefully homosexual in media because some LGBT folks asked for it, you already have enough representation.
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I think the word "forcefully" is a little dramatic. It's more like he's saying he wants this to happen simply because he wants this to happen. If the demand/interest is high enough then it might, if the demand isn't high enough then it stays ambiguous.
Claiming there is enough representation when there isn't any in DbD is you essentially saying that no representation is enough. That claim makes zero sense unless you think gay characters shouldn't be represented. Unless you mean something else?
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Sorry, but Kate and Jeff have been pretty much paired by everyone, what's so wrong with just asking for someone to represent us LGBT. It's not like I asked Dwight to be transgendered or something. And no we don't have "enough representation. Statistics say that 1/10 people are gay, there is over 10 survivors, so who would you most think fits?
I believe it to be David. He's rough, but deep down (in his lore) he protects his friends. Showing that even the most masculine men can have a soft spot. I'm just saying that because yes, I may be projecting myself into him. But as I said. I 100% see myself in him.
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No offense, but did you even read the bullshit you typed up before hitting the post button? Or at least get a good whiff of it?
For a writer or artist to choose qualities of their own character they created, suggested by fans or not, is not forced. That is their work and they are entitled as the creator to modify it or, in this case, develop it further if they please to do so. As far as that last statement, what do you mean by "enough representation?" There's nothing forceful about being inclusive and, to point out the obvious for those blinded by their own ignorance, in this day and age there should be more gay and bi romances represented in media if they're aiming to be realistic. 💁🏻
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I don't think any character has an official sexuality. Because of that, you don't have to ask that one of the characters be homosexual or whatever you want them too be. They can be whatever you want so I believe there's no reason to ask.
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Look here, sorry if i offended you guys, but i all these silly requests to make X character gay and X character intersex is getting to my nerves.
Yes, you can fantasize with your character being gay all you want, you can write fanfics about him having a crush with another character you like, but it will get annoying if you try to get it added into the canon of X media you character belongs to
I hope DBD one day incorporates a gay character in its cast with the maturity it should and not just tries to be that "gay friendly" video game
I dont want to continue this conversation because it will get political and thats the last thing i want in a forum like this, again, im sorry if I offended any of you guys.
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Honestly I wouldn't mind a gay character and I can totally see David being gay, but I also wouldn't want them to shoehorn it in just because enough people support the idea.
It tends to be less inclusive when a gay character is gay, just so that people can identify with it and makes it seem more like a title, or a personality rather than just a small aspect of what makes a human.
That said, I'm perfectly fine with it when games find a way to naturally introduce a character's sexuality without making it feel forced, stereotypical, or like they're just trying to win brownie points.
I hope I made sense, I wasn't entirely sure how to word my point. Hopefully we do get a confirmed gay character that's none of the negative things I mentioned above.
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Look here, if you wanted to avoid the conversation getting political then you clearly strayed from that route based on your remarks earlier. It's silly to tear someone down and speak to them in a condescending tone simply because they made a suggestion that you don't agree with. It's a forum for a video game, suggestions are going to be made whether it's to the character's design or their lore. That has nothing to do with someone pushing, or in your words "forcing," an agenda down anyone's throat.
Now you hope they incorporate a gay character? Didn't you just say that they get enough representation? Which is it?
Don't sling mud and then hide your hands, buddy.
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I wouldn't mind it personally, I'm gay myself so representation is fine in my eyes. The way I see it tho, the devs like giving people freedom with the characters. They want to let you have them be whatever you want them to be, and I think that's pretty cool. Not against the idea at all tho.
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I hope they implement a gay character with the maturity the subject should have, not just force it to make gay people happy, maybe my wording was not adequate
Now, its up to you if you think the game has insuficient LGBT representation, i dont agree with every single piece of media out there needing a gay character to be inclusive.
With that out of the way, again, i hope i did not offend you, it was not my intention.
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None of the characters at the moment are overtly gay or straight or anything in between, obviously excluding licensed characters with expanded backgrounds outside of DBD. I think there's a good reason for that, and it's the best way to go about it. Unless a character's sexuality has some relevance to their lore, there is no more reason to define something like that than to define the character's favourite colour or how many siblings they have. Not to mention it would inevitably be what people focus on - David would become "the gay survivor" instead of just... David.
I don't believe LGBT representation is at all needed in a game where sexuality in general is not really represented, and if it were made official under those circumstances, it would just feel really forced and unnecessary.
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In a a horror game, sexuality shouldnt matter or should only slightly be mentioned.
I believe all characters to be the sexuality of the player themself.
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Look, I emailed the Devs my tattoo and they loved it, so I asked if they could make David homosexual in honour of my eternal support, so they asked me to post this.
With the archives coming out soon, who knows? Everyone could be gay!
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I knew this post would get a lot of backlash. I don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting to see yourself represented in media, even in a video game like Dead By Daylight.
Its the same thing as people wanting more female characters, or black characters or hispanic characters etc. When you are apart of a minority it is nice to feel included. It just seems more forced with LGBT characters because sexuality is less apparent, so it always has to be made explicit.
With that being said, I don’t think any of the non-licensed characters have a defined sexuality, so it seems like its something thats purposely ambiguous, as to leave to the players interpretation.
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If the Devs had originally made David gay in his bio, although that would be very hard to even mention because how would one go about just saying someone is gay while telling the story about how they were abducted by a tentacle demon, people wouldn't be upset. But to change it now, it would very obviously just be a JK Rowling Moment of "btw he gay". Writers don't need to tell you every inch of a person's backstory, sexuality, first pet, mothers maiden name, etc unless it is pertinent to the development of the story or that character. A writer should leave that information up to the reader for them to decide, because the writer doesn't care unless them being gay is an important part of the story or that character's personality. You want David to be gay? Doesn't say he's not gay, so you can assume he's gay all you want. Just don't make the devs force it to be the official truth, becuase that is not good storytelling.
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I was literally talking about that to my friends hahaha
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I actually didn't see much backlash, only one post was really a "No". The rest were more like mine, a "So long as they do it right, but I don't want it to seem forced/do more harm than good."
But i'd honestly forgotten about the Archives, which would be the perfect way to introduce a character's sexuality without it doing more harm than good. The archives are just memories so it would make sense for a character to have fond memories of their partner if they had one.
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Exactly what I was trying to say. It's not about representation vs bigotry, it's about good character building and the necessity of certain facts to the story being told. If people want to imagine that David is gay, or that Kate and Jeff have a thing, they can go for it. But asking for your fanfiction to be made official canon is neither reasonable nor a good idea for multiple reasons, storytelling among them.
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People politely disagreeing with one another isn't the same thing as "backlash". And OP's request is not quite the same as hoping for more variation in the backgrounds of future characters. In the case of this thread, we're talking about an existing character, so it's more comparable to asking the devs to make Meg canonically transgender, or the Nurse hispanic. Diversity is fine, but retroactively plopping in irrelevant details like that purely for the sake of diversity isn't a good idea.
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Well there was one poster who was being somewhat rude, but it’s true that’s its definitely not as much backlash as I initially though lol.
But with that being said, honestly what does it matter if they revealed an existing character to be gay? Like I said, none of the non-licensed characters have a defined orientation, so it’s not like it would be retconning or anything. I seriously doubt that if it’s were revealed tomorrow that Claudette is straight and had a boyfriend that’s people would be upset.
Besides the archives are right around the corner, and they are going to dive into the lore of all the characters which means we are going to be learnings more about them anyways. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that one of the already existing characters is lgbt.
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True it definitely wasn’t as much backlash as I initially thought. (Which is a good thing tbh lol)
And yes I feel like if they were to reveal something like this, the archives would be the perfect opportunity to do so.
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We need this before his buff or during his buff.
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Mathieu has already said that at least one of the survivors is gay, but they aren't going to say who; so you are free to believe whoever you want is gay. Its up for interpretation.
If they went ahead and said "David is gay" that might make some people upset just like if they had said that "Dwight is straight"
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In a genre where sexuality has been one of the main tropes since the dawn of slasher movies etc. Where Nancy and Steve are two of such examples...
Sex sells, it always has and it always will.
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Always thought Ace was gay Xx
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Everyone is gay :)
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Since when sexuality is important in this game? It's not mentioned anywhere, and honestly it doesn't need space. It's totally irrelevant and it would be out of place to mention it only for the sake of representation.
For what we know all characters could be LGBT, and if you want David King to be gay you can just think him that way, noone is stopping you.
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Nothing wrong, but nothing right at the same time.
Because you are gay it doesnt mean everybody is, I´ve been playing videogames for the last 30 years, since I was 3 and never cared about sex orientation just the damn game.
DbD is a game with a fat chick and a big belly dude, chicken nerdy dude with glasses, Nea looks lesbian, muscular alpha dude, a gambler, a quiet asian with silent/stealth perks, an asian girl, we only need an australian with a crocodile dundee hat and we have every stereotype on earth.
A character is not better or worse because of sex orientation, so please stop this LGTB nonsense.
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When you protect your friends its because they are like brothers to you, not because you are soft.. you just care about them.
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All I know is that, as I said previously, there is nothing wrong with someone posting their suggestions whether it is toward a character's design, lore or whatever the case. By doing so no one is "forcing" an agenda down anyone's throat.
The OP made is strikingly clear that he didn't want the character to simply be gay just for that reason but for it to be moreso a character trait that quite fittingly stemmed from David's lore. Are we not going to explore the background on characters in the upcoming archive/rifts? I believe they even showed a concept of a young Claudette with her parents as an example of how this lore development will be unfolded. So what is wrong with them showing or hinting at past relationships, whether romantic or simply platonic? How does doing so take away from the game, regardless of the sexuality of the character?
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Dude if u want him to be gay just think that he is, you dont need to change the lore. who cares about the lore, it dm. (also i could be wrong but i think the rose is based loosely on the Rugby english rose symbol as david king is into rugby, dont quote me on it tho)
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use your imagination thinking hes actually gay, no need to force it into a video game, not only +18 play this game
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i certainly wouldnt mind that.
its not like it would change anything gameplay wise - though his fangirls will probaply never agree to that xD
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Yeah I seriously am tired of the LGBT community shoehorning their beliefs into every media outlet possible. If you want it to be that way, then make it that way in your own mind. Games are the one last safe haven and horror games especially. I'm not advocating for straight or gay or what the ######### ever anyone wants. What I am advocating is for sexuality to be left out of games. Plain and simple. You want gay DBD stuff? Go to
Don't make it lore.
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So interestingly enough I reread all the characters lore the other day, and I learned that the Nurse is actually canonically straight. The first line of her lore states that she had a husband named Andrew, and on top of that, the devs now “ship” her with the wraith. So to the people saying that sexuality doesn’t belong in this game, it’s already too late for that.
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Its so hard to post on this......
He isn't gay, but you can let him be gay?
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This thread is the reason stuff like this will never happen.
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Okay, I know I'm not the best person to talk about this kind of thing, but I'm going to give it a try anyway.
I really don't care about the sexuality of a character. And if they do say that David is gay, I'll... still not play him much because I hate how loud he is, but I won't mind. The diversity of Survivors is what makes them unique from the Killers, and I like that. Having a gay character would just add to it. Right now, David is just the tough, English guy with an aggressive personality. What I don't want is for it to be out of the blue. Overwatch got a lot of backlash from Tracer and Solider: 76 because it was never hinted at. Ever. And then, boom... they're suddenly "always been this way," or something like that (I stopped really following Overwatch news after Hammond honestly). Build it up through the Archives. Don't just let it be the first thing that happens.
But that's just a minor issue that I, personally, have with making a character in DBD gay. My biggest issue is that... there are people in this game who don't, and don't want to, understand, or even more so, accept, what these characters are. They may be tunneled, camped, lobby dodged, etc. all because of their sexuality. And, I don't want that. And I think that's the biggest reason why BHVR has been so vague with this. The community is bad enough.
So, to end it off, if you want David to be gay, just say that he is yourself. A lot of people already pair him up with Dwight anyway. I'm just afraid of the negativity it would ignite in the game, and the controversy that it would cause. Any wrong move, and the whole game goes crashing down.
That's just my two cents on this issue. Again, I'm not the best person for this kind of thing (I'm just bad at communicating as it is), but I wanted to say something about it.
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I have previously said something similar to the original post about how it would be neat if there were little hints which you could interpret from certain Survivors making you wonder about their sexuality and other differences.
One thing I will say is that once you start trivialising why it should or shouldn't be in the game be careful what you say because you can easily cross the line without necessarily meaning to. I see it's getting kinda heated here and it shouldn't be.
I think identifying to a character enhances the experience. Makes it overall a more engaging experience. There's nothing wrong or forceful about it.
There is no legitimate reason why there shouldn't be a homosexual character in the game. This doesn't mean that there needs to be one but I personally think it's clear how the Devs create characters of many diverse backgrounds, race, shape and sizes.
Don't act like a character being made 'gay' is not acceptable to you. I don't see any harm whatsoever and if you only slightly disagree then what harm is there to giving some players someone that they can relate to.
I'm not lecturing anyone here but I think it's important to keep it civil when talking about potentially touchy subjects which could lead to offense being made unintentionally (in most cases). I'm sure you're smart enough to not be hateful meanies.
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Your wording made it sound as if you were talking down to gay 'folk'. It's ok it's difficult trying to be politically correct nowadays.
You do raise a good point about how certain things about characters should remain a mystery. In response to that I just think... what is the worst thing that could happen? Every homosexual player mains the one gay Survivor, if it makes people happy and feel a stronger sense of belonging then good for them. It's not like it's shoved in your face.
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I agree with you to an extent. I just don't see a spike in homophobia happening and if it does then there are so many ways they will be dealt with accordingly.
I know there are people out there who think being gay is wrong and I feel like it's things like this which will show those people that gay people are people too.
Credit to you for voicing your opinion knowing you weren't confident on how to phrase it. It came across well and you raised some fair points.
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+1 I want a gay david
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Character are forced gay to be made of a media representation and LGBT prospective, it's like propaganda, if you want him to be gay, nothing wrong with that! Just respect others if they don't see what you do. Sexuality isn't important in this game, but if it is to you, let it be and let what your heart desires and mind desires to flourish.
This isn't a place I'd talk about this to but sexuality is irrelevant in a game of survival, your choice is okay but I don't think BHVR is making "oh hey I'm gay" and wearing a rainbow t-shirt a type of thing in the game, not because of homophobia, just because it's not an issue, everyone is human in the realm of the entity and they have their own backgrounds, some characters don't even have love, Michael Myers for example, he doesn't even care about loving another being, but all in all, it's okay to believe what you want to but the culture of sexuality should not be pushed or forced, keep it to yourself, a different sexuality does not mean a different person.
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What if there were no Survivor with a dark skin tone? I doubt you would use the argument of "just imagine them as having a dark skin tone" I don't understand the logic behind how making a character gay is wrong. Or why such a small addition in the characters bio is so worthy of a wall of 'nope' from some of you.
Just because you might not like it that the association is made with say Dwight and him being homosexual doesn't mean anything.
I don't believe Dwight's eyesight is very good so I wear the headpieces which don't have glasses but I imagine him wearing glasses.
What if Huntress was from the red lagoon instead of the red forest, you wouldn't have the same level of outrage by that and those are bigger changes/additions to the lore.
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There's nothing wrong with a character being gay. However, a lot of people have a problem with it being forced. If BHVR added a gay character in the next chapter, pretty much no one would be mad. However, if they suddenly go "oh, this guy's gay btw" that wouldn't seem very sincere.
Creators have a vision and they bring that vision to reality. If they already brought their vision to life and they decide to change it or add to it in a way that wasn't even hinted at before (NOT because they genuinely think it would suit their vision, but to appease a group of people), that would just scream "Hey, look how inclusive we are! give us your approval/money!"
I'll be perfectly fine with it if they add a new interesting character who happens to not be heterosexual as long as they don't make a huge deal out of it. However, if they suddenly decide to add a detail like that to a character they made a long time ago, I might question their intentions. I wouldn't rage about it if they said David was gay, since I don't think it was confirmed either way, but I would still find it questionable.
Also, your first point doesn't work well in this situation. Not every detail is left to the imagination, but some are. A character's skin tone is usually obvious and undeniable. Unless confirmed otherwise, however, you cannot determine a character's inner traits. A character's sexuality, therefore, can be interpreted in any way unless it is confirmed to be a certain way by the creator(s). As another example, take Claudette. Unless I am mistaken, the college she attended was never specified. Therefore, you could imagine that she could have attended any real college that could fit her lore unless BHVR releases a cosmetic or new information that specifies her college.
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Why is it every time the topic of LGBT characters comes up the word “forced” is used? Like the devs are being forced against their will or something.
They’ve already stated that there is an LGBT character(s) in the game, they just haven’t revealed it. So *if* it were revealed in the future that an already existing character were in fact gay or bi or whatever, it’s not them “forcing” anything, it’s just revealing more about the character.
EDIT: Now that I think about it, this is the EXACT same type of argument people tried using against The Last of Us, when Naughty Dog revealed that Ellie was gay. They said it was just pandering and that Ellie being gay was “forced propaganda” because it wasn’t revealed in the main game, but rather the expansion. Those arguments didn’t hold up then and they don’t hold up now. People can be gay and it’s not always apparent.
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It's also possible that they don't want to alienate or offend their players. DBD has a pretty large player base in places like China and the Middle East, where homosexuality is a lot less socially acceptable. In a lot of more conservative countries, the attitude is "it's okay that you're gay, just don't make a show of it in public". I think that's a very fine line to walk when you're trying not to make anyone feel insulted or excluded, and personally I think it's the right move to just not touch the subject, since it's not particularly relevant to the game anyway.