Distortion Needs a Buff

With the amount of perks killers have that helps killers babysi- I mean track survivors. Distortions needs more stacks with killers coupling Nurses with BBQ n Chili. At the very least give it 5 stacks since there's tons of add-ons and perks that reveals aura especially in high ranks.
I already know there's gonna be comments saying DiSTorTion iz FiNe ThE WaY iT Izzz. But seriously you have way too many tracking perks and add-ons for a game thats supposed to be a hide and seek element.
it is a rather underwhelming perk.
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it really should just be 3 tokens at tier one to 5 at tier 3
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Exactly the fact that it stays at 3 tokens all the way through is redundant might as well stick with t1
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You should be able to regain tokens somehow, but I don't know what that should be currently.
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I just feel like there are a lot worse perks that need buffs more
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Yeah 3 tokens really ain’t gonna last long against meta build killers, I agree it needs more.
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Three are balanced. BBQ and nurses should only proc once you figure out they have it giving you knowledge how to react in the rest of the match. Same for things all ears or territorial that you may not see as much. Gives you a lot of knowledge and an escape at that!
Use it with Babysitter btw and you both get to lose the scratch marks 😊
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I'm not opposed to buffing Distortion a bit, but I'd say DBD in practice is less "Hide and Seek" and more "Tag".
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3 is not balanced at all because of reason I said in OP too many perks for killers that aura reveals.
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3 is fine as a base amount but let us earn more tokens by doing totems / getting unhooks / every 30 seconds in terror radius or something.
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I’m not sure how, but I read “Distortion” as “Demogorgon” at first.
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This perk is not really to hide your aura through the whole game. It gives you information which perks the killer runs and that is pretty strong. If you miss when one of your stacks is gone, it is your fault, otherwise you know exactly what revealed you and from then you know how to counter it.
Don't heal in TR, hide in lockers before hooks, let mates finish the gens and just 99 them... it would be kinda unfair as well if a single perk counters a bunch of killer perks for just nothing and lasts the whole game. Getting the information what reveals you is pretty strong. I'm doing fine with the perk as it is
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I think there should be 9 to 10 tokens in all fairness I’ve seen killers Run Nurses Bitter Murmur And BBQ all in one sooo. Also I’m all ears will make your tokens go mad fast.
This is from what I Experience when I use distortion. My tokens were gone within mins. I personally will never run this perk as a main, but if you’re an immerse players this is the perk for you if it gets buffed.
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Since I got 6 upvotes on this suggestion, I was thinking tokens should be earned everytime you heal to the healthy state.
This gives an incentive to heal or take protection hits for your teammates to get your tokens back! :)
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I used to main Distortion for a little while and whenever I went up against a pre-reworked Freddy, he would eat all my tokens in 5 seconds 😂
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Lose the condescending tone. People are allowed to have opinions that differ from you without being idiots. The idea behind distortion isn't to give you immunity from killer perks for the duration of the game. If you know the killer has BBQ, then there are ways to avoid detection w/o losing distortion tokens. Same goes for Nurse's calling actually. Once you know what the killer is running, play accordingly and don't just assume that one survivor perk should counter multiple killer perks.
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Survivor: Runs distortion
Killer: Runs I'm all ears
Survivor: Basically gets a buffed dance with me every time they vault within the cooldown
Killer: Nani!?
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Protection hits maybe?
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Agreed, let’s prioritize perks like Monstrous Shrine, No Mither, Lightweight, Premonition, This is not happening, and Beast of Prey first. Because at least Distortion sees play occasionally.
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OK NC don't heal in TR.
BBQ 1) lookers,2)hide behind the gens,3) stay still and hide
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I'm entitled to have any tone that I want just like you do too. The reason why distortions deserves more tokens considering all tiers only stay at 3 tokens and no more. At least give 2 more for tier three. Also you're not always right next to a locker you know.
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I've seen plenty of killers run different aura based perks. For example a Myers running mirrors with BBQ and nurses. My tokens will be gone in literally 1 minute just because he has aura based abilities. How is that fair? Sure it alerts you what perks they're running but it also give incentive to hide instead of running around like a chicken with his head cut off.
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Hiding behind a gen doesn't work anymore they still see you. Spirit with Nurses calling lol come on now. "Lookers" aren't always close in proximity for you to jump in, and staying still and hide is a sure fire way to get downed.
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What about 3 tokens for nurse calling, BBQ and distortion? Because that ######### is infinite.
Obs: in case of multiple activations, start from first to the last perk.
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Let me say this before the killer mains do. ThOsE PeRkZ wErE UlWayZ LiKe DaT nO rEasOn tO mAkE iT 3 ToKeNs.
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Even people with 1000+ hours on object of obsession avoid using it.
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DiSTorTion ShuD hAv3 FIve t0k3NZ NoT Tre3
Doesn't lead itself to a civil conversion does it?
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Prove why distortion shouldn't have 5 tokens
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Like on many topics, the complains here are soooo specific...
@MissGamer456 Im all ears has a cooldown, how long do you want to loop the killer to get all stacks gone? And I bet it is not the majority of games where this happens. Sometimes it happens that you can't make the maximum use of a perk. Want DS last 5 minutes to make sure it gets triggered once a match? Should Poised take way longer because it triggers just 5 times and a majority of times you are not even near the killer?
@StupidButTru "Against scratched mirror Myers it is unfair to have all stacks gone in 1 min" A very special setup and also, in my opinion, nurses has a shorter range than the mirror, so a wasted perk, you don't have to pay much to get the aura reading from the mirror. And most of all, what do you want to buff here? Make it last for 2 minutes? Or do you want 20 stacks? If you know you play against scratched mirror, ok, the perk gave you clarification and is useless. Like against killers that don't have aura reading perks at all.
Generally to the above, these are special cases. If you want to balance the perk around these, what will happen to the majority of the games where the killer runs a single aura perk or two with restricted occurence? It will render them useless against you. So getting the information should be what you need to outplay it, not the braindead "just ignore this effect". Also think about asking for a buff in this direction, think what would happen to object of obsession. Hell no, thanks. Sometimes it is good to think about the whole thing, not about the few cases that annoy you
Also @StupidButTru I think what @Dreamnomad meant was that the pertly type style, not the content, doesn't help in any way
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Maybe have it be tied to totems? That way you could have up to 8 (possibly more if they buffed the amount of tokens).
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It could have a couple more tokens, but I wish it had a passive too. I've always thought it should disrupt whispers, like a nice chance every couple seconds that it doesnt activate if you are within its area.
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5 Stacks for Distortion sounds good too me as a Killer Main. I honestly have no complaints. Perks and Powers already work to counter other perks (Franklins rekt items, Shadowborn ignores flashlights, etc) and the Survivor meta build is already so jam packed that people are struggling to fit Inner Strength in there. Perks should be strong since the fun of them is that they change your playstyle.
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5 stacks of Distortion is fair is it not. Since killers have plenty of aura reading perks.
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How about you gain one token when a generator is completed? Or maybe when you unhook or heal someone, so that it works with Aftercare.
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They can have a maximum of 4 perks in a game, doesnt matter if they can choose of 20 different perks. It is ok to increase the stacks by tier maybe if you don't additionally increase the timer that you stay hidden. 6 seconds would be enough then to counter bitter murmur, BBQ, All Ears and stuff
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That's literally what I said 5 stacks for tier three is fair enough
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Yeah, at 6 seconds duration. And it still wouldn't fix the scratched mirror issue you mentioned before
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It would be nice to have a rework on Distortion, this how I think it should go.
Tier 1: Start with 3 Stacks (Cannot gain more stacks)
Tier 2: Start with 3 Stacks (Can regain up to 2 stacks)
Tier 3: Start with 3 Stacks (Can regain all stacks)
Ideas for gaining stacks:
1) Be within the killers Terror Radius without being seen for a set time.
2) Be in a chase with the killer for a set time.
3) Not be hit by the killer after a set time of your aura being revealed.
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I think gaining stack if in Terror Radius will make interesting "stay in danger build"
Such as combine with Skate out & Diversion.
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@C3Tooth yeah that could be an interesting new build. Can't seeing it being Meta but it would still offer something new to the table.
Also I forgot to mention if stacks were gained via option 3. (Not be hit by the killer after a set time of your aura being revealed.) Then the Tiers would have to be different such as start with 1/2/3 stacks but can regain 1 stack once all stacks have been depleted.
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Personally, as I see others, I'd like a way to earn tokens in some way. Just increasing the number is a dull solution imo.