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Dedicated Servers so far...

Spartagone45 Member Posts: 122
edited October 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

You can definitely tell the difference between the PTB version & the Live version. Overall, definitely better than the PTB version. Only problems I've encountered so far is:

  1. Thrown Hatchet/Puke Delay. It's still there from the PTB, but I don't see this as being a easy thing to fix so I won't complain too much.
  2. Animation Delay. As Killer, when you're kicking the Gens or Pallets, you get locked for a second due to the animation starting before the actual action of kicking/destroying.
  3. Hit Registration. Every now & then, A Swing/Lunge won't hit the survivor even if I am right on top of them.
  4. Matchmaking. Some server lobbies are joined real fast while others are real slow.

The only other things I've seen from other people are The Trapper not being able to walk over a trap anymore after placing it & The Nurse having micro stutters (CONFIRMED).

Other than these encounters & hearings. The Servers are doing real great. 🙂

Post edited by Spartagone45 on


  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    the dedicated servers aren't live yet what are you talking about

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284

    They are live on PC apparently. I was surprised too.

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284


    From their September Developer Update that was published at 10am ET on Oct 02:

    Our new launch target for PC and consoles is Fall 2019. We will be running tests on the live build of the game, on PC only, starting in early October.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    okay, interesting, you would think they would add that to the news section ingame. but thanks for the heads up

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    They seem alright so far to me, but I have noticed a few sketchy hits at pallets that shouldn't have landed. Overall those hits would of landed on their host regardless. At least I'm not seeing 150-200 ping lobbies now.

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284

    Yeah, I log in on PC today, see the announcement for the new Ash outfit and then get to the killer lobby and it looks different. Then the response times in the match feel different. Quite a surprise.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    the servers are not good enough for live, when playing the plague earlier there was a very noticeable delay from when I would go to activate her power and when it would actually charge as well as when I would release and it would start, threw off ALOT of my timings especially when I was partially charging to spew on gens quickly. when also what should of been pallet stuns did not stun me and I have always been "the pallet hitbox is to big" but even im saying I should of been stunned a few times. when I did go to break a pallet there was a big stutter before breaking the pallet. also at the start 1 person Dced and soon after another person DCed not sure if rage quit or something but even the people in the game said that it was worse than before.

    if it doesn't improve the dedicated servers need to be delayed again because they are NOT ready. im refusing to play anymore until the dedicated servers are removed

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    edited October 2019

    They are live on PC. I threw a pallet down, stunned a Spirit, and 2 seconds later she hit me. Very good stuff :) 50 ms btw!

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    I took a few hits like this, it wasn't 2 sec, but they for sure shouldn't have landed. I'm not seeing the issues some of these people posted in videos, but the servers definitely have problems.

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284
    edited October 2019

    I just had a weird new experience with the dedicated servers. The match starts, I wound 2 people as the killer, survivors have already started repairing the gens and then suddenly the match is cancelled because a player disconnected while loading. It sure took the server some time to notice...

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    i have some improvements to share as well: window vaults felt a bit smoother than usual, without that noticable 'bump' after jumping.

    Also the skillchecks are smoother without that little stutter sometimes.

    I havent played of versed critical killers like plague or huntress to tell if that has improved because that was a huge problem last time.

  • Impala
    Impala Member Posts: 145

    Tbh, dedicated servers were very smooth for me, there was one time tho, when a Huntress hit me with a hatchet through a wall and in the same match when the Huntress tried to hit me, but she failed (ans she should have at thar distance, m1 btw). Apart from that, I didn't have much problems, the game felt way better than before. I haven't played killer tho.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I just had a game as Plague (Sydney servers) and would not have noticed the difference if people hadn't said it was on.

  • Spartagone45
    Spartagone45 Member Posts: 122

    Nice. I just played Nurse on, I assume, the NA: North Virginia Server. I can confirm that she has Micro Stutters & it really REALLY screws with your gameplay.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,162
    edited October 2019

    I was surprised when I noticed a ping indicator in my killer lobby last night. I only played Myers and Freddy on servers so far, but I will share what I noticed.

    EU, probably Frankfurt, because I live in Germany, ~50ms

    My Freddy game had no issues. No delay for placing pallets and no problems teleporting or faking it. Hit detection was OK, I did not notice a hit I shouldn't have gotten.

    My Myers game was OK too, but sometimes my stalk meter would snap back a bit. This can be confusing when trying to 99 it. I did not have the issue but others said that it can happen that Myers goes into EWIII 2 times because of lag. You hear the music but don't get the exposed, because the stalk snapped back a bit, before the killer stakes it again.

    Lobbies were very quick too. Under 20s at 1am.

  • marianek
    marianek Member Posts: 3

    Yea, I've played against Miguel no so far ago. It seemed like he was going into EW3 back & forth multiple times. It was strange. He was at normal EW2 stance on my screen while I had Exposed status. Desync maybe?

  • nooxet
    nooxet Member Posts: 88

    My experience playing both killer and survivor are great so far, didn't notice too much of a difference when playing killer but playing survivor oh boy it's so much better having a constant low ping, playing without random lagg spikes, delayed actions, random teleports, delayed hits etc... Doing skillchecks actually feels smoother and easier, it's very easy to hit great skillchecks now at least for me.

    Also a really nice little thing I noticed when you join in a lobby with your friend or even solo, even if the killer dodges the lobby you still stay in and new killer comes, there is no need to pressing ready and finding a new lobby again like before that would just delay you finding a game to play. I would say dedicated servers are really a way to go no doubt about it so I hope to see them staying permanently in the live game after the test are over.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Nurse was better on the PTB then she is on the live version. I was even playing some games at 200+ ping during the PTB.

    Live version she feels like a dog on a leash. Every time you blink the server gives you a tug after landing. Camera shake is really bad. Short 2nd blinks don't move you at all. Lunging at a survivor moves your camera instantly in front of the survivor.

    A small clip of my hell

    Note: by this point I'm flustered and making bad blinks but you can see how the camera jerks you around.

  • ForgiveMyEngrish
    ForgiveMyEngrish Member Posts: 23
    edited October 2019

    You have a strange experience with hitbox. I see the opposite. Killers hit survivors that are on the other side of a pallet because the hit box still appears on the first side. Plague is able to hit survivors from a massive distance due to hitbox delay. I seen plague hit me from 30+ feet away. When pallet stunning killers can lag hit prior to it. While playing as killer (Plague/Wraith) I noticed the same things occur alongside being able to kill some survivors easier because they were clearly rubberbanding. Occasionally there was an issue where hits didn't connect but that was FAR outweighed by the amount of times IMO I shouldn't of scored a hit. The only real improvement I notice is that there are few DCs.

    The matchmaking is still pretty bad for what lobbies you end up in. It is not fun at all having to leave multiple lobbies because it puts you in one with bad ping. Its also harder to spot SWF because for killers everyone shows joining instantly. DC during loading is still a problem. DC in game seems to mostly be on purpose but I'm basing that mainly on me not having any DC occur except during loading since the change. Prior to that I seen far far more DCs happen that were definitely not on purpose. That is the only real improvement IMO.

  • Ebisek
    Ebisek Member Posts: 106

    My experience is terrible. 

    I ve been hit two seconds before nurse blinked to my position. Same situation in the windows. "Nobody" grab me from the window. Killer appeared later. Synchronization doesn't work in 50% of situations.