Well the dev team finally did it and gave a big finger to the community and made the game in the killers hands and there is talk of survivors going on strike and not playing it... I agree with them and hopefully that happens so this game finally gets offered to the entity where it rightfully belongs... the dev's don't care about fixing pre existent bugs all they do Is cater to kids and this dreadful company for money grabs so lets all pray that Bethesda rains down on warner bros and they sell this company to EA so they can dismantle it!
Man you make a lot of whiny posts instead of learning how to play/adapt.
You should totally go on strike. But indefinitely.10 -
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Yup learn to adapt like a big boy. Your whiny threads are literally everywhere. Hard to move on when you keep bumping them arguing with anyone who doesn't agree with you and spamming the crap out of it.
Idg how innocent funny trolls get put in forum jail but constant flame/bait posts like this is okay, honestly it amazes me lmao.
Just stop spamming dude.
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@strain said:
@RuneStarr And what about it? I speak my mind and learn to adapt???? you for real!!!!! if you don't like the posts move on comment on another post and stop wasting my time ok???You made a post on a public discussion board. If you didn't want people to respond and call you out than don't make a thread. Furthermore all you've done on this board while you've been here is complain since you do not understand how to properly play survivor. You have the most severe case needing to git gud of any player i've ever seen on this game. So please do go on a strike, nobody would care because everybody else here realizes that you're a massive troll or the worst survivor in the game.
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Oh, it's this kid again. I only have one word that I need to say to you.
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Your attitude absolutely sucks kid, you absolutely need to learn to adapt. Also if you're going to keep crying like a baby, just remember nobody is forcing you to play this game
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@strain said:
@RuneStarr you another parrot? I'm capable of reading and read your first post now bring something to the adults table or go back to your kiddie one and stop wasting my time! p.s my name is strain not dude and you can refer to me as Mr strain!What you got against Parrots!
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These threads are like debating with a flat earther. Literally nothing gets through unless it's some other nut that somehow agrees with them (I don't mean all complaint threads, just ones from people who just attack anyone even if they try to help or discuss anything that isn't full on agreeing with them).
GL with your rank 20 games, luckily you won't have to deal with any typically high rank players deranking into them to give you a hard time anymore. See, there is a positive sidefrom this patch
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@RuneStarr said:
These threads are like debating with a flat earther. Literally nothing gets through unless it's some other nut that somehow agrees with them (I don't mean all complaint threads, just ones from people who just attack anyone even if they try to help or discuss anything that isn't full on agreeing with them).GL with your rank 20 games, luckily you won't have to deal with any typically high rank players deranking into them to give you a hard time anymore. See, there is a positive sidefrom this patch
This and he's just bashing BHVR, even though they've accomplished more than he will in his mundane life
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@strain said:
Well the dev team finally did it and gave a big finger to the community and made the game in the killers hands and there is talk of survivors going on strike and not playing it... I agree with them and hopefully that happens so this game finally gets offered to the entity where it rightfully belongs... the dev's don't care about fixing pre existent bugs all they do Is cater to kids and this dreadful company for money grabs so lets all pray that Bethesda rains down on warner bros and they sell this company to EA so they can dismantle it!Please go on strike. Please go on strike. Please go on strike. Please go on strike.
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"Cash grabbing"
By boosting the minority ?
Dude, you got weird ideas.These patches are deserved balance patches for killers to be decently competitive.
If you can't handle a pvp game to be slightly competitive and not solely memes and bullying, get ready to move on, because dbd is taking this direction. (slowly.)0 -
bitter murmers is a baby bbq
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Time will tell more here, but I think they went a little too far with exhaustion nerf. SB was the actual problem. The pallets feel really bad to play with right now, but they're looking into it thankfully. Other than that, Survivors are much stronger and they will probably still be fine. The game is balanced for the Killer to get a 2k, if their data doesn't reflect that, then you get what's been happening with nerfs recently. I get that it feels like Survs just keep getting sh it on and doesn't seem fair. But, calling to boycott the game is a bit ridiculous.
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This is golden
Learn how to escape from the killer instead of looping pallets0 -
Love how people throw a ######### fit when they can't learn how to do something other than loop the killer for five generators. Killers should be in power. If you are mad now then you would never survive if you played straight from PC release
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Brick wall OP with an opinion and man it will not hear any sense made too it.
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strain said:
@Techn0 ", I want to discuss what people think of the update."
Your intentions are as clear as glass. You wrote an ALL CAPS title to draw attention to yourself then mentioned the survivor community most likely in the hope that other survivors would flock to your side and you could gather support to undo the patch changes. However, you made several mistakes. First-off, you seem to have neglected the fact the the forum is open to killer mains as well who for the most part which have made a mockery of you due to your:
"Childish attitude"
"Assumed lack of skill"
"Delusional facts( more killers than survs, cash grabbing)"
"Rather peculiar fixation on parrots"
"Something about a BHVR staff member"
This is of course neglecting your countless spelling and grammar errors.
I can understand how change can be unpleasant but life is unpleasant. You have said that this update is the joke of the survivor community but this is false. By using the phrase ", survivor community." You have implied that these changes upset the survivor population as a whole but I find that hard to believe. This is due to the fact that they buffed multiple survivor perks (Deja Vu and Dark Sense.) They also nerfed tinkerer so that there are no more "insta-saws" or "machine gun hatchets."
I am a Dead by Daylight player that plays both sides, yet I honestly prefer to play survivor. Since I have a P3 Jake and a P1 Quentin this is certain so let me say as a survivor main, ", I like the new update." I am sure that other survivors share my opinion.
As much as I hate to say this Strain the update is not a joke, but you are. My proof lies in the words of the countless users above me that encourage you to go on strike. Your whining about balance and how ", the dev team finally did it and gave a big finger to the community and made the game in the killers hands." Displays that you fail to understand what an asymetrical game is.
",The dev team . . . put the game into the killers hands." It's about time! There are four, 4 survivors and only one, 1 killer. In a perfect world each survivor would have a quarter, 1/4th the killers power. You have three, 3 whole other players to help you every game, Strain. So either "git gud." or get out, your move Strain.5 -
First off the exhaustion perk nerf is not as bad as everyone to making it out to be in fact surprisingly enough as the dev said the only perk it really affects is sprint burst. if you run lithe or balans landing you shouldn't have to worry as long as you're actually using those perks to help you break the chase which was their main intent as they weren't designed to be pure chase extenders.
As for the pick-up speed I think it's a little bit fast even I could admit that but I can get why they e implemented it to help the Killers gameplay actually flow through a lot more smoothly as actions like picking people up felt really stiff especially when you had multiple things to do besides the update hasn't even been out for 24 hours after a while people will get used to the new flashlight timing.
As for the new perk changes they all seem to be pretty well done and actually make some formally useless perks quite viable maybe not meta but definitely worth a slot if you like to shake things up. Especially when you realise they buffed all the dead survivor perks and killers still have some considering killers still have Beast of Prey Monstrous Shrine and Surveillance which are practically now the three worst perks in the game with the highest trash tier award going to Surveillance.
Stealth criticism the only thing that I feel like they nerfed is sole survivor but all it really needs some tweaking in the numbers so when everyone's dead your immune to being seen. As for the killer aura seeing perks let's be honest they all have counters to them and the counters have been stated so many times that saying them now would be redundant. hell not only that but with the change to calm spirit you now have a hard counter to the biggest hindrance to stealth the doctor.
Also to add to the previous point if anything I still feel like Amanda and Wraith aura reading add-ons are pretty underwhelming especially Amanda's which in most cases (if you not in the meat plant or the Memorial Institute) is shooting yourself in the foot if you decide to use it considering it advantages I completely overcast by its downsides.0 -
@Peasant said:
strain said:@Techn0 ", I want to discuss what people think of the update."
Your intentions are as clear as glass. You wrote an ALL CAPS title to draw attention to yourself then mentioned the survivor community most likely in the hope that other survivors would flock to your side and you could gather support to undo the patch changes. However, you made several mistakes. First-off, you seem to have neglected the fact the the forum is open to killer mains as well who for the most part which have made a mockery of you due to your:
"Childish attitude"
"Assumed lack of skill"
"Delusional facts( more killers than survs, cash grabbing)"
"Rather peculiar fixation on parrots"
"Something about a BHVR staff member"
This is of course neglecting your countless spelling and grammar errors.
I can understand how change can be unpleasant but life is unpleasant. You have said that this update is the joke of the survivor community but this is false. By using the phrase ", survivor community." You have implied that these changes upset the survivor population as a whole but I find that hard to believe. This is due to the fact that they buffed multiple survivor perks (Deja Vu and Dark Sense.) They also nerfed tinkerer so that there are no more "insta-saws" or "machine gun hatchets."
I am a Dead by Daylight player that plays both sides, yet I honestly prefer to play survivor. Since I have a P3 Jake and a P1 Quentin this is certain so let me say as a survivor main, ", I like the new update." I am sure that other survivors share my opinion.
As much as I hate to say this Strain the update is not a joke, but you are. My proof lies in the words of the countless users above me that encourage you to go on strike. Your whining about balance and how ", the dev team finally did it and gave a big finger to the community and made the game in the killers hands." Displays that you fail to understand what an asymetrical game is.
",The dev team . . . put the game into the killers hands." It's about time! There are four, 4 survivors and only one, 1 killer. In a perfect world each survivor would have a quarter, 1/4th the killers power. You have three, 3 whole other players to help you every game, Strain. So either "git gud." or get out, your move Strain.Now THIS is a pretty good job so far
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You're now reading whiny cryfest thread number 2,920 reading this will cause you to be as dumb as the person posting them.
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The supposed power role actually has the advantage in an asymmetrical game? It's like my worst nightmare: a balanced asymmetrical game!
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the people who strike now are the super toxic guys who cant handle a slight nerf to their op perks.
if that means, that the toxic part of the community is leaving, then please STRIKE! DO NOT COME BACK! i want ppl in this game you can actually talk to in the end game chat, even after i dominated them / got completely crushed by them (the usual comments for getting crushed are: "ez" "noob killer" "learn to play noob" etc. the usual comments for dominating them are: (i wont rly write them down, since i dont want to get reported...))2 -
Well I just uninstalled DbD since early July because I don't have fun anymore playing survivor because of the camping ######### and I can't play killer because the queues last for at least 8-10 minutes because most survivors left the game.
I think this game is just gonna die the instant a concurrent with dedicated servers and better dev team releases. The only reason I think it's still standing is because there are no competitors right now, and also because of the streamers holding its popularity. If they keep making the wrong choices and feeding the already decreasing playerbase with skins and reckless rebalanced they won't last a third year.
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@BabyKillerinos said:
I uninstalled too plus negative reviewed the game!!! so did all my friends , now i want a refund for this ######### hole of a game.please don't reinstall
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Learn it for what another massive change. This change is not good1
It's time to stop now and take your medicine
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Why is every post you make complete ######### or complete #########1
Can't wait for survivors to get even more nerfed.
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FixCampDotExe said:
", I can't play killer because the queues last for at least 8-10 minutes because most survivors left the game."
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strain said:
@BabyKillerinos you may need to seek legal advice like myself the useless costumer services say ask steam but you can't work out how bad a game is bugged in an hour... these companies should be made to advertise this game is still in a buggy state but working on it so we know what we are buying!!!!!!! i'm thinking of starting a facebook group for people to upload bugs of the game so I can take legal action against this shambles of a company!
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Deathgarden is looking pretty good right now
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everytime this dude posts i wish this forum had a "down vote" button instead of "LOL"
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holywhitetrash said:
everytime this dude posts i wish this forum had a "down vote" button instead of "LOL"
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