This is what I want from this game:

The Graphics are not great and I am never really immersed into the game. I think that the listed changes should be added after dedicated servers are added:
- Improved graphics. Please make the game more realistic looking. This game has some of the most famous movie killers in the game and literally stranger things but still isn't nearly as pretty as lets say last year the nightmare, or friday the 13th which are no where near as fun as dbd and kind of dead. This game should have better graphics than all of those but instead it has worse yet is SO much more successful and for good reason but still... Please improve graphics.
- Ambiance. The game is not scary. I have no stress as a survivor. Hell as killer I have more stress.(which is another problem) The game is too bright and colorful when it should be darker. Yes claudette but also no because I wanna be scared playing this game. Adding more creepy noises or making it get really silent at some points would put me on the edge I feel. The flickering lights from generators should have a huge impact. If I were working underneath the gen light and It was flickering a ######### ton, It would be creepier. Lighting from torches should do the same. Lighting should just be completely changed. The colored maps are wayyyyy too colorful like? why is it so green? why does the coldwind farm look like it is day time? Is it supposed to be? I cant tell. Shouldnt the redwood forest be darker? All the maps would be scarier if they were darker. And overall make them less colorful.
- Music. When the survivor hears the killer is nearby, there is the heartbeat and the weird metal music that isnt scary. Maybe just get rid of the music and just keep the heartbeat until the chase actually begins. It would be scarier to not know the killer until you see him. The music should be more eerie and less metal rock music. The audio and noise needs to be eerie-er.
- Whenever someone is hooked and all the trees get burnt away, they should stay gone. The trees shouldnt just respawn. It would be a lot cooler if you could see where someone had died based off of the burnt off tree.
- Make the map crack during the endgame collapse and remove the timer once players get into rank 15 so the new guys can get used to it. The timer doesnt look good and its more pressuring if you cant see it. Survivors would have to be willing to take risks instead of knowing the exact time they have. Obviously the glowing floor should remain but the ground should crack. (maybe not for the indoor maps)
How the devs handle balance:
Balance the game around rank 1. Rank 1 survivors and killers understand the game most. They are the players who play the game most. They are the support. New players are good but this game isnt really that attractive for new players because most games have better graphics nowadays anyway. And who says balancing it for rank 1 wont balance It for everyone? If there is a ranking system at all then it should be balanced around the top most ranks.
- Ranking system is easier for survivor to rank up than killer. And why does the killer lose points if hes close to a unhooked survivor? Like I get it, punishing face campers but then its really about the survivors who do that. Like face campers cannot get that high in ranks by default so this weird rank requirement is totally pointless. It punishes high rank players for playing how you should and also punishes face campers that will inevitably be punished anyway from only getting 1 kill. And punishing them double only keeps them at rank 20 instead of around rank 15+ WHICH ISNT GOOD BECAUSE THATS WHERE THE NEW PLAYERS START.
- Killers should be viable in all ranks. Not just rank 10. That is bullshit because Killers have more stress per match than all of the survivors combined I AM SURE OF THAT because I enjoy a nice survivor match at rank 1. As killer at rank 1, It is usually always stressful. Why is it that the power role, the literal murderer is more scared than someone literally getting chased and murdered? It is because the game is Imbalanced.
- Generators. This game does not need a nerf of a survivor healing speed or anything of that nature but instead an objective rework. A match can end in like 3 minutes. It is up to killers to apply that pressure but it is hard when some killers cannot get around quick enough to do that but also survivors literally have to sit and press a button for 80 seconds. Survivors even get bored and go to get in a chase with the killer simply because generators are so boring. So the devs are in a situation where they cannot tell if the game is imbalanced or not because you have the people who want to win and then you have the people who just wanna have fun. The people who want to have fun dont do gens as quick because they are boring. The survivors who want to win gen rush and escape. So it seems like it is even. But the problem is how boring the main objective is and it needs a full rework. Make it more fun, and make it take longer.
- Map size. This shouldnt even be a problem, if the devs rework the main objective better than it will force survivors to be active. It would make the survivors also be affected by the map size. They wouldnt have to worry about large maps if survivors were also affected by the size. They are not though because all they are required to do is sit and hold a button to finish a gen.
Luck is like... pointless. And fog is weird. Most of the offerings are useless. The community just hates eachother. The devs are hardly open with the community but I hope they fix that with pilot members. Survivors can dc without punishment. The tutorials for new survivors need some improvements.
Why are maps so weird like whats with the weird hill tile? No real hills look like that like??? And why doesnt torment creek have a creek.
I get that a spider god creates this area for its own entertainment and pleasure but the world looks so unrealistic. You can kind of see the lines between pallets, you can see where the world ends once you escape. These changes should be implemented after dedicated servers.
- Trees are just the same few copypasted and they are all huge. It is fine that they are copy pasted but make smaller trees. Like significantly smaller trees just so its more immersive and realistic.
- Surround the map outside of the stone wall with a thick forest and make the wall less geometrical. The entity doesnt care about if something is geometrical. Why do these walls go for a bad example: up the right then up then right, instead of just going diagonal and looking messier. The devs put alot of effort into making the temples tower look like the entity messed around with it. It should be the same for the stone walls on each map.
- Indoor maps have a corridor around the outer edge of the building. Why does an indoor building need a corridor around the entire building? You could just have rooms around the sides that are bigger and with different loops in those.
- Every map is flat except for like the swamp maps. With are there no weirdly leveled areas. Not just around the sides either. I get the devs dont want people to see that the map abruptly ends past the stone wall but the outer forest addresses that and they can see that it ends once they escape regardless.
- The outer tiles shouldnt just be squares. Make it actually look like a chunk of island was torn from the ground. When I escape It would be cooler to see behind me that I was on a floating island instead of a few flat 1 inch thick flying squares. It can be hollow for optimization obviously but just enough where it atleast looks like that.
Broken keys
Devs should have a huge set of trusted players that they would be open with about future updates or what they should change next. The trusted players should be required to have 1250+ hrs into the game and play both sides at high ranks. They should have to take a test to have access to the Trusted members discussion area. This would be beneficial because the players who really care about the game would be able to share ideas for what they think is best for both sides in an unbiased way and have the understanding of the game to be able to say"@not_Queen I dont like this change/idea because" And they would be primarily seen by devs over other people. I hope this is what pilot members turns into because I think it would be best for the Pilot members to see certain stuff and give actual feedback instead of just having a bunch of one sided players complain.
It would also be cool if
All killers had their own chase themes but actual creepy ones and not just metal music.
I messed up on the title XD fml
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Most of your map-related complaints are answerable either with "because optimisation" or "because of how map generation works" or "because sometimes hyper-realism is bad game design".
I do agree on the atmosphere stuff, however. It used to be as you're describing - I used to love Red Forest for that reason, because the shadows under the trees were so dark you could crouch down in one and not be seen. They changed it for balance reasons, because killers complained survivors were too immersed and impossible to find. But I think that the enormous sacrifice they made to atmosphere, in a horror game, was not really worth the change. If they reverted it, it would also be a buff to stealth, making it a more viable strategy again, which would promote an attitude of wanting to evade the killer rather than just brazenly looping them around for the whole game.
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I don’t want a game that is designed around the hardcore. I have limited hours to play and I have fun even though I struggle as survivor. If there’s anything I’d like to see it would be the ability to play against bots as the killer. I can’t find a game as killer so that could be improved as well.
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Good points, but one. The Music and the sound overall is fantastic! Never ever change that.
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I have posted before about how it is possible to balance all ranks.
If you give all killers a learning curve then problem solved. As killers rank up they get better with the ability and can learn as they go
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I dont know man. Not really scary. It is cool not scary.
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Honestly, this is very well put. While I don't agree with all of the points, I do agree with a fair number of them. So bravo. Someone @ Peanuts.