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SWF/SWF Voice Comms

Yeah i know this Topic is old, but now that the Dedicated Servers are almost finaly here, we need to talk about this. Im a Main Killer and i never play Survivor so i only speak from a Killer Perspective.

This Game was designed without Voice Comms in mind. Im pretty sure i heared it at some Point from a Dev somewhere. For me this would make sense because a Game like this normaly doesnt work with Voice.

Today was one of these Days for me that showed it perfectly how unbalanced this Game becomes if you face 8 out of 10 Matches SWF with Voice Comms. As a Killer you need to work or try even harder to Match a SWF. And at the End you can hope for 1 Kill at best. Yes at this Point the People are coming and saying, get better, its not a big deal, you are not good enough, play Nurse. Some People like the challenge to play against SWF all the Time and thats all fine. Sometimes i do too but not all the Time.

At this Point i only want ONE Thing. Let the Killer know in the Lobby that he is facing a full SWF Group and let him decide to play against them or not.

Not every SWF is using Voice i know that but minimum 80% of them are having Voice of some sort. Let it full Voice with all 4 in it or a Streamer SWF where the Streamer is talking and the other 3 are having the Stream open in the Background to hear him. In both cases People are getting Informations about the Killer or Objectives or other things they normaly without Voice would not get. At this Point it doesnt matter anymore what the Killer is doing. He always gets countered because one Person tells the other 3 whats going on and they act like that. It even makes PERKS useless like Knockout for example or they count how many Totems every Person has finished. And with the current Generator repair Speed if you Mix all of it together you have Games not worth playing.

And for the Record. Im an Rank 3 Killer. I say this because alot of People think that it does Matter^^

You have all of this on every Rank btw. It only gets more and more in the Red ranks.

So please, tell the Killer in the Lobby that he is facing a full SWF and let him decide without consequences to play against them or not.


  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    More cherry picking for killers? Definitely not. Most of the Killers cant even tell if theyre facing SWF, but afterwards blaming four Solos to play together cause they lost badly by his own fault.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    I am in full support of letting killers know who was in SWF team(s) at the end of the match.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    Yeah, because survivors don't dodge high pings, disconnect ingame, when a strong addon, perk or offering was made etc.

    While all killers do, is to abort a lobby or bring strong items to counter a like 300% harder game.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    So most killers would dodge all 4 man swf.

    Unless someone was desperate to play a game

  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    "At this Point i only want ONE Thing. Let the Killer know in the Lobby that he is facing a full SWF Group and let him decide to play against them or not."

    aaaaand 80% of the times killer will leave the lobby because he is too afraid of SWF. That is not a solution to games being harder vs sfw.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Why, though? It's not like it affects the game at that point, so it would purely be for the purpose of allowing the killer to justify spewing the same insults at a SWF team that he would ordinarily at a group he merely suspects of being SWF.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,188

    It's definitely not fun to play against SWF groups that treat the game like a military exercise. But I'd counter that we don't know that we're playing against SWF half the time. It would be very easy to go too far and overcorrect for the ultra sweaty SWF and kill the experience for all the others, and that wouldn't be right.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235

    Shh you cant talk ######### about swf right after the swf-matchmaking "nerf" *snickers* haha

    "No we dont wanna play against better killers" CHERRY PICKING. Damn survivors finest hipocrisy yet again.

    Creating 2 coloured borders for swf groups around their ranks or names would be easy to implement.

    Would also help the other teams/ solos in a lobby to prepare for the shitshow that is playing solo with swf.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Because people lie. People will lie about being a coordinated SWF team, and when you are still learning and practicing the game, that is good to know how you could of played and done things differently to learn and get better at the game. (And I've literally watched people lie about it ... like really GOOD teams... just will straight up lie to the killer when they ask, like.. I don't understand the benefit). Insults about it on the other hand, is garbage and shouldn't be happening. Same with survivors insulting the killer back saying hahhaa we are solo, when really they aren't ... is just the same. I've seen and heard it all. I see nothing wrong with letting this information be known, personally. -- Further if a SWF team is insulting the killer for how they played, you will know they are just completely trolling. etc. Killers aren't the only toxic people. And if they get rid of end game chat entirely(if at all? idk.), it really won't matter to be able to know it.

    I also think that killers should not be allowed to see names until the end of the match either, and they need to make a anti stream sniping ability.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited October 2019

    I quite agree that both roles can be toxic, but in my experience killers tend to be disproportionately so when they think they're playing against SWF. Which is probably why people lie about being SWF, just to avoid the abuse. If you look at the stats around survival rates and such, SWF is not actually that much more powerful than solo play, but I've come across a lot of killers who act like it's some godlike power that guarantees a 4-man escape.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @Fibijean Honestly, I think there's just a basic mix of toxicity on each side. I will never condone lying, but that's just me. They could just as easily not say anything as opposed to lying about it. If someone is being toxic, I don't recommend conversing with them further. I have not seen actual statistics on survival rates, that would be interesting to see. In general I do not think "swf" is stronger, sometimes it's just people wanting to play with their friends. Now if its a team that has thousands of hours in the game, I could see them being stronger to go against, but still not unstoppable, so I agree with you there.

    I think the thing is knowing how to play, or how you could of played the game, like if you see one survivor that found your totem, you know he saw it. But not the rest, but SWF, "Hey its right there! go get it" etc. It does make playing matches a little differently, but at the same time I don't think it's overpowered and I believe that killers can combat that, with their own strategies, which they can develop over time. Especially knowing "hey that team I faced was SWF and they are acting similar to this team, let me try doing this or let me go back and check my totem again" etc. I do see a lot of killers thinking it is "OP" (overpowered), and I disagree. In fact they might just think it was SWF so really they aren't facing that many swf's in actuality....

    I think swf adds a certain level of challenge, and can still be "winnable". -- And I also don't think you need certain killers to kill a 'good' swf team. I think it is variable and depends on the person, and who you are good with. You can't win them all. You won't "lose" them all either.

    It was already mentioned, but telling killers if its swf beforehand would mean more lobby dodging which I know for a fact the dev's do not want to condone. So, that won't happen. However, after the game, I don't see an issue about it. And if survivors try to act all "tough"/toxic about it, killers don't have to take the bait. And if the SWF was good, they can leave/ let the salty killer stew, no need to add toxicity to chats. I think we need a better way to deal with toxicity in general. I don't see this in particular as adding toxicity to the chats already. If anything it might actually help it. If the team was just good and killer is complaining about SWF, he wouldn't even go there if he knew. But again that depends on the individuals.

    I'm secretly hoping the majority of the community will take the GLHF pledge and just chill and relax and make the games enjoyable for everyone involved and be understanding and considerate of other players. We are all humans, we make mistakes, but we can learn and get better and also be better as individuals and to others. /end ramble.

  • AntiFlowX
    AntiFlowX Member Posts: 13

    @HellCatJane You say that you dont think SWF is stronger and sometimes are only some Friends playing together.

    I have nothing about 2 Friends playing to have some Fun together or even 4. Thats all fine. The Problem realy starts when Voice comes into play. And i believe that most of the Time when Friends group up together that there are on voice. Not all the Time but most of the Time. This is the Point where the Game starts to get unbalanced. I dont say that SWF with Voice are all OP ect. But because of the Fact that Players get Information they would normaly not get if they are not on Comms makes it more harder and unfair for the Killer as it should be.

    And if you also think that Killers would dodge more when they know they are facing an full SWF then you are right. But this Fact alone should make you thinking why they are dodging.

    And i also dont talk about Toxic SWF ect. here. This type of Groups and people are in all PvP Games. It is the simple Fact that an SWF with Voice have an unfair advantage in every Trial they go in from the start on. And because of that, the Killer should know beforehand if he wants this extra Stress and play against them or not.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited October 2019

    As am I. I am not a huge fan of identifying SWF in pre-game lobby because I don't like encouraging lobby dodging for reasons that aren't bad ping, but identifying them after the fact has no real downside to me.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698


    In general I wouldn't say they are stronger. I mean SWF teams are not unstoppable. I've seen many killers wipe the floor with SWF teams. I've seen random teams that acted just like SWF if not better even... I get the odds of them being more coordinated are higher, but I'm thinking about the killer as well. You also don't know for sure if every SWF team is using voice comms either. (so that's hard to determine)

    I agree with you that it's not overpowered, but like. Idk. At first I thought maybe the same, voice comms were an advantage over killers and made it unbalanced. But I just don't think it's really that unbalanced. Comms can save from using some in game perks. Like kindred. Hey the killler is facecamping me just do gens. And such. The thing with voice comms, the reason why I don't like it is it hurts the sounds of the actual game, and you can miss things. Like footsteps and small subtle details like that. That to me seems like a disadvantage.

    About the dodging, I take that to be killers don't want "challenge", they want an EZ 4k game or something (but again I think some swf are EZ). But that doesn't help you get better at the game. I also think survivors dodge too, when they think its a "tunnel or camping" killer or w.e else they have on their I don't want to play against this guy reason. Sometimes it is just the ping etc.

    And I may be biased due to my personal experiences like when I first started playing. In short, I was able to learn and adapt my playstyle. (Like bringing franklins! lmao) And Idk. I still had fun (the super coordinated/tech using one all died. lol.). And I also got wooped by teams, randoms and swf's alike, it happens.

    BUT if we were talking facts (which I don't know the actual statistics.) But if its less of a survival rate than randoms or even equal, that doesn't seem unbalanced. I am fully aware it might "seem" that way, which I think the Dev's should address, and when they do, I hope we can just see oh okay, I thought they were but they werent or vice versa. So, if the fact was the survival rate was WAY higher than randoms or something, I would start thinking it needed to be balanced or something was going on that may need to be looked at.

    If there isn't swf, you will get people trying to Q and un-Q up in lobbies just to get the same lobby. You can't stop voice comms, especially if the friends are in the same room. It's kind of like saying we are going to make alcohol illegal. People will find a way to get it. It's going to happen, but we can try to make it a positive. I think a great step is finding out, hey was it ACTUALLY an SWF, (which could potentially help ease the killers mind as well), and go from there.

    I completely get it can be frustrating, but I really just take it as a learning experience and a great opportunity to improve my game-play.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited October 2019

    Yeah, I can get on board with that 🙂

    If you're interested in the statistics, they were shared in this post several months ago:

    The main facts of note with relation to SWF are (a) The survival rate for a member of a full SWF team is only about 5% higher than that of a solo player, and (b) SWF teams make up less than 50% of all games, with 4-man teams being only about 5%.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Oh wow, that is awesome! Thank you for linking it, I appreciate that. I don't always get a chance to check out the forums much. And I've never seen that. That is really cool they did that for everyone. This definitely puts things into a better perspective overall.

    ..I hope they do more stuff like this, so I can geek out on it. haha!

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    TBH if you are in a lobby solo and you see a rank 11 survivor, a rank 12 survivor, a rank 10 survivor and a rank 17, it would suggest that either everyone is asleep not playing and matchmaker gave up, or more likely the 17 is in an swf group with at least one or more of the higher ranks. I play a two man SWF and my partner is a rank 10 to my rank 16. I find it helps me deal with higher rank killers and once I am dead I can then spectate to see how better players work together to win.

  • ForgiveMyEngrish
    ForgiveMyEngrish Member Posts: 23

    I feel if you are playing in a party it is safe to assume you are using voice chat or at the very least are using text when you are safe. You won't be able to fix SWF because people wouldn't want to play then as a group. So, IMO you can just fix it by giving more BP for facing a 3+ survivor party.

  • AntiFlowX
    AntiFlowX Member Posts: 13

    @TAG Giving the Killer the Information at the End of the Match is totaly Useless. A Main Killer can tell in the Trial if its an SWF or not simply because of the Playstyle of the Survivors. This would only be a Conformation at the End if the Killer was right or not.

    This doesnt solve the Problem that the Killer is forced to play against a Full 4 Man SWF most likely on Comms and he doesnt want it at this Point.

    And to be honest i dont care if there will be more Lobby dodging then. Like People say and i agree that there are a lot of Killer who like to play against this Kind of Groups. Like i sayed i do like it also sometimes to face this challenge. But full 4 man SWF are becoming more and more common then facing 4 Randoms. With the old System and the Killer hosting the Trial he can kinda tell if there is a fulll 4 man coming in the Lobby and he can dodge. With Dedicated Servers i feel you cant tell it anymore. Alot of People think Killers dodging Lobbys is only because of the Ping. Thats not true. They are also dodging because he could tell how the Survivors are entering the Lobby if its an SWF or not.

    Playing as an full 4 man SWF should have some kind of an downside. And for me its only simply let the Killer know it that he is going to play against an full 4 man SWF.

    And for the Statistics you Guys are posting here i say that the Time Period of 6 Days is waaay to short to give it an accurate Result. You need to track it for a full Season from start to End to make it a valid Statistic.

    And Thanks to you Guys so far for an Toxic Free Discussion about this Topic.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    They can guess who is SWF or not, but giving that info at the end lets them know for sure. The point is not to give Killers the chance to lobby dodge.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @AntiFlowX What I am saying is I think killers might be thinking it is SWF because of how they play, but realize they actually are not.. And if you had proof at the end, you could know 100% if you were right or not. Then you could kind of come up with your personal statistics on what you are facing. I'd love the dev's to post the statistics all the time, but I think that's kind of tedious most likely. I feel if we can get a better understanding of whats really going on, we can find a better solution. Because I don't see lobby dodging on either side, helping this game grow if it takes an hour just to get into the game. I mean matchmaking alone is atrocious. I'd rather just face people I don't like than stare at the screen "finding a match".

    And to be honest i dont care if there will be more Lobby dodging then.

    The dev's do care, and they have stated somewhere they don't like when survivors do it against killers. They definitely don't want killers doing it to survivors. So, I don't think they are going to implement anything that can assist with dodging. So even if SWF becomes/is a problem I think there needs to be an alternate solution.

    But for real tho... franklin's.... love it o.- lol