Killer Idea: The Sacrifice

Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618
edited October 2020 in Creations

The second idea of killers based off of emblems, which are killers made by the Entity as experiments to see if they are more efficient then the killers the Entity itself has abducted.

Appearance: An amalgamation of hooks and the thorns of the Entity. Its weapon is a hook attached to a short chain.

Speed: 115%

Terror Radius: 28 meters

Power: Hook of Terror

Hooks have a small terror radius (12 meters, and can be increased by add-ons). While within 28 meters of a hooked Survivor, it's speed is decreased by 10%(Can be changed with add-ons). While outside of a 30 meter radius of a hooked Survivor, the Sacrifice's speed is increased by 5%(can be changed with add-ons). When holding m2, the Sacrifice can see the aura of Survivors within 12 meters of a hooked Survivor.

Red add-on (because the rest are boring):

Iridescent Hook - It takes tremendously longer to unhook Survivors. Unhooking a Survivor requires completing a moderately difficult skill check, that if failed, progresses the sacrifice tremendously. While outside of 40 meters of a hooked Survivor, the Sacrifice sees the auras of Survivors within 8 meters of it. Wiggling progresses tremendously faster. When within 24 meters of a hooked Survivor, move 15% slower.

Teachable Perks:

Sacrificial Plague - One Survivor becomes the obsession. It takes 100/150/200% longer for the obsession to unhook other Survivors. While unhooking another Survivor, the obsession's aura is revealed for 10 seconds after the Survivor is unhooked. When the obsession is sacrificed, all other Survivors have a 8/12/16% increase in time it takes to do altruistic actions. There can only be one obsession per game.

Hellish Scenario - If 3/2/1 or more Survivors are hooked, the Killer gains double blood points until there are no hooked Survivors. While 3/2/2 or more Survivors are hooked, all generators are blocked until 1 Survivor is unhooked. Hellish Scenario can only activate once every 80/70/60 seconds.

Bloody Mix - If 2 Survivors are hooked on the same hook within 60/90/120 seconds of each other, they are both afflicted with the exhausted and blindness status effect for 15/30/45 seconds. Exhaustion does not decrease while sprinting. The exhaustion of the hooked Survivor is not active until they are unhooked. If the Killer is within 16 meters of the hooked Survivor when they are unhooked, they are not exhausted.

Thank you for reading through this, feedback is appreciated!

Post edited by Critical_Fish on


  • GeneralSpudmuffin
    GeneralSpudmuffin Member Posts: 311

    Neat idea, especially the base idea of the Entity trying to build its own monstrosities! I like it~!

  • GreentheNinja
    GreentheNinja Member Posts: 71

    Sacrificial Plague would be incredibly OP. It's basically a free hook on one survivor, which can't unhook other people, and then it just becomes old Dying Light but only to altruistic actions.

    Not being able to unhook people is incredibly unbalanced. Imagine being in a scenario where it's just you and some other guy on the hook, and the killer has Sacrificial Plague. It just guarantees the killer a cheap kill since you can't do anything about it.

    Hellish Scenario would be a bit useless outside of BP grinding. Usually when you down a survivor and you have someone hooked, everyone rushes for the unhook since you're too busy carrying a survivor to a hook.

    Hex: Bloody Mix would work better as a non-hex perk. There's really no reason to it being a hex perk. Also, this perk can be easily countered with Breakdown, although not many survivors use it. And even if you get it, there's a chance that the Survivors don't even have any exhaustion perks, making it totally useless. It would work a little better if exhaustion was applied to all survivors.

    It seems pretty situational, but it would definitely work well sometimes.

    The only time you'd really get to use the perk, though, would be those times where someone takes a hit and uses your attack cooldown to get the unhook.

    As for the killer (I'm only gonna cover the hook terror radius since I want to die from making this long of a comment):

    Hooks giving off a terror radius seems a bit weird. I don't really understand what this could be used for. If this terror radius actually affects survivors though (like the true terror radius), it could pair kinda well with Unnerving Presence or Coulrophobia. On the flip side, it would make farming tokens with Stake Out very easy, which makes Ruin useless. On top of that, hooks are typically close to generators, meaning that you could possibly regain tokens the whole time you work on a gen. It also would guarantee use of Borrowed Time.

  • GreentheNinja
    GreentheNinja Member Posts: 71

    Do you still have to hook the survivor, or would you just have that ability right off the bat with an Ivory or Ebony Mori and Sacrificial Plague? I'm curious

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618

    You still have to hook once for a mori with Sacrificial Plague.

    Also, with Sacrificial Plague, the main idea was making being the obsession a bad thing. Maybe I made it too bad, possibly instead of not being able to unhook others, they take 150% longer to unhook someone, and have their aura revealed for 5 seconds after the unhook..?

    Hellish Scenario is meant to punish survivors for not striking a balance between altruism and objective.

    After making Hex: Bloody Mix, I did realize the Hex part is not really necessary, and probably should have removed that.

    The hook having a terror radius is just a weird thing I thought of, it does not do anything like the killer's terror radius, but is extended by Distressing.

    Thank you for the review, it was very helpful.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618

    I changed some stats to make some things more balanced. Again, thank you for the feedback I have gotten.