Play with your food: Something that may make it better

Hello everybody How are your week going? I was thinking about a small change should make "Play with your Food" a bit better than actually is.
Here is the description of the perk at the moment
You become obsessed with one Survivor.
Every time you chase your Obsession and let them escape, you receive a Token, up to a maximum of 3 Tokens.
Each Token increases your movement speed by 3/4/5 %.
Each offensive action spends one Token.
What do I think that should change?
Replacing this sentence "Each offensive action spends one Token" for this "Each succesfully hit action spends one Token." Mean you won't lose a token if you fail in hitting a survivor.
Do you think it will become too powerful?
I don't think it would.
Only time PWYF was good was on release. It was bugged that hitting your obsession was the same as losing chase so you gain a token. The speed boost was also higher.
Now the only good use is T3 Myer's with a tombstone (full or piece).
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I think it would be fine but killers still won’t use it
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I was thinking in adding a token as well but that means losing four chases. I joined the game when Clown was released so I am watching the perk history and I like the speed bost that the perk gave you when it was released.
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True. I see a lot of perks that may have great potential for killers and not being too bad on the beginners at the survivor's side. The thing with nefing killer perks is to prevent non experienced survivors to have an overwhelming experience but the truth is... killers should have more power than they have.
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I do agree, but compared to other perks, it won’t change the meta. Stealth killers and bubbas will run it the most. It is really disappointing that there are so many perks with so much potential but they just don’t, like for example vigil and I’m all ears.
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Nah it takes all the skill out of the perk
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Skill? It doesn't require skill to find the obsession and let it go.
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Clearly you haven't tried it on Bubba.
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No but if you miss a hit on a survivor you lose a stack of the perk, Hence the skill
There would be no counter play
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The perk is almost trash, and failing a hit doesn't mean you are lack of skill.
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Ehhh, perhaps a little lack of skill if you miss while also having a speed boost.
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Maybe just a bit.
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I hate this excuse so much. "No Counter Play" has been slapped in EVERY talk of nerf or Buff ever. Stop it. Use real reasons.
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Current PWYF is OP on LF.
Your change would ruin it, making it slightly too op for any other killer. Also, if you miss... Its your problem. Movement speed is one of the best stats that you can increase, NOED is strong due to 4% of speed boost, not exposed status.
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I never missed with PWYF just saying that it would be cool. And I faced PWYF with LF as well. Is a meh, all depend if you're good or not.