Let's all press F for nurse



  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Why is Plague even in the conversation of being nerfed? She’s mid-tier.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I’ve seen a few posts that players think Corrupt Purge is OP and broken (spoiler: it’s not). I still see “Nerf Nurse” and “Nerf Spirit” posts almost every day. Gets a little tiring.

    I honestly feel a little bad for Spirit mains like @Rin_is_my_waifu @Blueberry it gets tiresome to here that over and over again. I think Spirit is boring to play against but she doesn’t need any nerfs.

    Saying all that...I don’t think Plague is in any real trouble. She simply can’t deal with an SWF group as effectively as the other top tier killers. If anything Spirit is gonna receive the most backlash along with Billy and Huntress :/

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Aparently, "survivor mains" did this. That includes Ayrun, Otzdarva, Tru3Talent and basicly all streamers who have spent thousands of hours playing the killer, but yes, congratulations survivor mains.

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    They are, because corrupt purge is very overpowered and winning against a plague with eyes basically means not giving her that power

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Imagine seeing the same scenario play out again and again, and still believing that the devs know what they're doing.

    PS it's 3 seconds per charge. The Nurse has 2 charges. It's 6 seconds.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I really wish they would give weaker killers some QoL buffs.

    They Legioned her ):

    They complain about a lack of variety and now it seems Spirit and Billy are all that's left. Pretty sure Nurse is gonna be fun, but I had some much fun playing against god Nurses and now they ruined that exp for me.

    Charge up blinks and we can see her before the end of her blink. What a joke. She was my first main and even though I dont use her this still hit me in the feels.

    Time to be the most toxic killer I can be anymore.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624


    Idgt both of them plays survivor and killer lol you think that streamers are the main reason? Should I blame OhTofu for showing how Nurse is unfair!?

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278


  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Yup i’m definitely gonna be that guy running prayer beads and ebony moris on the PTB.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    Look lads, I get your all distressed about the adjustments made to nurse.

    But in the end, it's for the well-being of the game.

    We can whine ALL WE WANT until after we try out new nurse first, aye? It seems fair that we start complaining until after we have a good feel for this new nurse.

    Do not judge books by their cover, it is possible that we're merely underestimating her adjustments heavily.

  • agutty1
    agutty1 Member Posts: 36

    Now all we need is buff weaker killers like wraith, legion and letherface, and change prayer beads, and make it so you can hear spirit while phasing but it’s not directional, that way it’s more fair for mindgames. Some of these nurse changes seem good but we would have to wait and see how it plays out.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047


    If I cant have fun games as a survivor with a great Nurse main because others can't adapt then I'll become a killer main and make survivors suffer.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    She didn’t get legioned though, Peanits confirmed that you recover while in fatigue so just keep using one blink to patrol (after fatigue it is a 0.5 second wait) and in chase you’ll only have to wait 3.5 seconds after blinking twice. I think she’ll still be the top dog.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    She didn’t get legioned though, Peanits confirmed that you recover while in fatigue so just keep using one blink to patrol (after fatigue it is a 0.5 second wait) and in chase you’ll only have to wait 3.5 seconds after blinking twice. I think she’ll still be the top dog.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917


    Finally this broken killer is fixed

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    So the 5% should always be allowed to Bully killers and win and deserve to never lose vs any killer?

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    No but the opinion of someone who literally spent 5000 hours on the game and has hundreds of thousands of subscribers, being rank 1 on both killer and survivor has some value right?

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    That's a issue I could work around though it does seem a bit irritating, but I was talking specifically how you can see her blink towards the end now.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310
    edited October 2019

    Survivors are happy cuz they can bully any killer now, sad that they couldn't bully a Nurse.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I think after enough practice people will figure out how to work around it.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    This new Nurse seems to sound very fine.

    When I read here and there reactions totally disproportionate, and the bad arguments justifying the old Nurse... this goes certainly in the right direction.

    Now, let's do the same for the Spirit quickly before the poor survivors have an overdose.

  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    with this change, she becomes less oppressing and more versatile. A nerf doesn't mean unplayable, but the style of play need to change. She can still phase through walls and I'm sure she will still be a top tier killer because of it. Her addons now make it possible to do many different builds with her making survivors have to adapt to the situation. I, for one, love the extra blink without phasing through walls. Just check her out tomorrow before spamming F.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Exactly. They always act like just because a small amount of people can abuse the game is not a problem but I guarantee you everyone they came up against sure as hell didn't have fun nor stood a chance.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Let's pray Spirit is next. After all the survivor changes, map changes, pallet adjustments. Don't you DARE cry about these nerfs.

  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    I play all Killers, all the time. Nurse is fun right now, but being overwhelming in games isn't always fun. I believe Nurse needs these changes so it's more fair for both sides.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    I still don't get it why you're thinking that streamers are the only voice of this community

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Think about it like this, spine chill pretty much tells me your location as spirit but I know that you can still kill people who use spine chill, nurse will just require some practice. :)

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Im not saying the only voice, i am just saying they are the people who know the most about the game and if they approved the nurse rework, you either shouldn't adress it as a survivor main thing or maybe reconsider being against it

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    So? I don't give a crap about them and I'm still able to have my opinion. And that's it. I really blame survivor mains who are so entitled and full of themselves for every nerf who aren't justified.

    Also, all of these stramers that you @ play both sides, know the true inconsistencies of the killer side and always treated Nurse and Spirit as the only viable killers against red ranks. Tru3 is always talking about how survivor mains are complaining about the wrong things in this game. Also, streamers always talked about how Nurse's add ons were broken but not the killer itself. I'm done with this conversation because it doesn't make sense. You wanna blame me for showing my opinion using people who are "better" than me but guess I don't care. Thank god I don't need to rely my opinions on streamers.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Experienced players know when something is going to be good or bad on paper already. Like with MoM. We knew it and the test just confirmed. The nurse test is probably confirming it aswell. We play the game enough to know what's going to work or not.

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Yeah, survivors do complain a lot, but that doesn't mean the nurse nerf was wrong. Also, while tru3 says nurse is one of the only viable killers, he says her addons should all go

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    This is not entirely true.

    The Devs were pretty clear about their vision for how Legion was supposed to be played. Legion was designed to be the anti-tunneling killer. He/She/They was supposed to be played as a stabfest killer finding all survivors easily with his power, denying loops with vaults, and delaying the game with deep wounds.

    Killers were just abusing mechanics of how Legion worked to turn him into the ultimate tunneler, which was contrary to the design goal.

    You can't lay all the blame on survivors for pointing out that killers were abusing his deep wounds and stab mechanics to tunnel a survivor and cause an uncounterable down. That was contrary to the design. So the devs simply corrected the course.

    If you want to blame anyone for Legion's nerfs you can blame the killers who abused him.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    The opposite is true as well.

    Only SWF is competitive against a sweaty nurse, spirit or Billy.

    Let's not pretend this is a one-sided argument.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    See, this is the unreasonable thing with killers.

    When you have a nail that sticks out... you have it down. You don't add more nails that stick out.

    If one killer is OP compared to the rest of the killers...t he more reasonable thing any sane person would do is nerf the OP killer, instead of buffing all the underpowered killers.

    From an unbiased developer's point of view, this makes absolutely more sense.

    Buffing all other killers is just an unreasonable position only a biased killer main could have.

    Once the nails that stick out have been hammered in, then the devs can finally make any necessary adjustments to nerfing survivors -- like adjusting gen speeds, one of the killer's favorite wishlist items.

    The problem with a lot of killer mains is that they don't realize how everything needs to work in a balance. It makes a lot more sense to nerf a few powerful killers like Nurse and Spirit (than to buff everyone else). Then when the dust settles see how the results compare with the survivor power level. Then it's easier to nerf survivors or make adjustments to keep the game in line with the ideal state of 2:2 kill/escape.

    This kind of balancing also helps avoid power creep -- which is a valid design tenet.

    Everything the devs do is based on their design goals and the stats they have available to them that tells them how well they are adhering to their design goals.

    A lot of what players point out isn't acted upon because they don't bring the game closer to the design goals. That is for both sides.

  • Ukonvasara
    Ukonvasara Member Posts: 65

    A big F for my dear waifu, may you and your dailies rest in pieces in the trash can BHVR placed you to.

    Goodbye, my love.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited October 2019

    "If one killer is OP compared to the rest of the killers...t he more reasonable thing any sane person would do is nerf the OP killer, instead of buffing all the underpowered killers."

    No, because the only serious outlier is with her OP addons of which are very rarely used. The amount of games the average survivor is getting against a Nurse running those addons is few and far. THAT is why it isn't a main priority and why it hasn't been touched in years.

    It also shouldn't be the main priority because survivors are not in a bad position at all currently where as most killers are.

    "Buffing all other killers is just an unreasonable position only a biased killer main could have."

    Where do you get this stuff? I play survivor at rank 1, that isn't biased whatsoever.

    Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them biased.

    "The problem with a lot of killer mains is that they don't realize how everything needs to work in a balance."

    Someone disagreeing with you doesn't mean they are biased.

    What IS biased is thinking you know better about the balance in red ranks than the people actually playing in red ranks when you don't actually play in red ranks yourself. That is literally a biased viewpoint because you only have one sides viewpoint.

    "It makes a lot more sense to nerf a few powerful killers like Nurse and Spirit (than to buff everyone else)."

    Nurse being too strong isn't even close to as much of an issue as all the weak killers we currently have.

    "This kind of balancing also helps avoid power creep"

    Power creep is not an issue with killers right now almost whatsoever.

    "Everything the devs do is based on their design goals and the stats they have available to them that tells them how well they are adhering to their design goals."

    Their stats are irrelevant as even they themselves have stated all the reasons they are flawed and that the data should not be used to dictate balance.

    "A lot of what players point out isn't acted upon because they don't bring the game closer to the design goals."

    Which is why most the player base has big issues with the games balance. The games balance has been terrible since release and still is. Most players think the balance teams goals are misplaced.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I was wanting to buy a Nurse statue because she's so fun and interesting.

    I don't want a statue of garbage though.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Always the same thing don't overact it's PTB. Where is legion today ? top bottom , Most of the add-ons are useless. They told they will change base kit a bit so i'm scared that nurse is no more the threat she was. I just hope that BHVR will lose a lot of players so, they can understand what is the problem.

    Nerfing nurse while maps design are still bad for 95% of the maps is not a smart move. If i see nurse being loopable on haddonfield i stop playing until they fix it.

    I do understand nurse add-ons was strong and all but, they have make them too much useless now like they did to legion.

    Typical of useless add-ons nurse have now : Dull Bracelet , Anxious Gasp (it's a green add-on BTW) , White Nit Comb.

    As add-ons Omega Blinks still exist but balanced like i have been asking (Charge speed is reduced by the same amount of the range the nurse get).

    My conclusion : Nurse will be less powerful and spirit will become the next best killer in the game. Spirit players will increase due to nurse nerf, More DC will occur due to the spirit increase. most played add-ons will be the new omega blinks combo (Heavy Panting - Kavanagh Last Breath).

    Anxious gasp shouldn't be a rare add-ons BTW.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @Rin_is_my_waifu That wasn't and isn't the survivors fault. Devs already mentioned a lot of times, that they wanted to make changes to her, but there wasn't a time for this.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    Big F for Queen of killers may she RIP

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    The recent queue times, progress regression and these changes have me playing other games, not to mention another disappointing "halloween" event (if you can even call it that).

    No big deal;something will eventually draw me back into this game (it always does), but for now ill spend time and money elsewhere.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    FYI: survivor cosmetics are a huge money maker for this game (as you can see from the store options), so these nurse changes actually make sense when you consider where money is being spent.

    (For those that need it spelled out: if survivor players aren't having fun, they won't spend money on cosmetics)

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    Today nurse...tomorrow spirit and billy 😈😈😈😈