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Zoldyar Member Posts: 438
edited October 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Nothing here.

Post edited by Zoldyar on


  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293
    edited October 2019

    Just play hide and seek like everyone else when she gets the pool in the beginning also your 2 hit not 1 so it isn't as big of a deal

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Infectious is a great perk it's just niche

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    Plagues counter play is dont heal and she loses half her power so the addon exists so she can use her power guaranteed besides if she makes everyone sick and they use up the 4 remaining devotion pools it forces her into vile purge and cleans all the pools. That is technically another counterplay.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    Good joke

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    I see posts like these all the time. People always react the same as well. It’s either “Plague needs buffs” or “Plague is fine”. Obviously, you don’t play her if you’re saying that her Apple add-ons need changes. You made a point that Survivors have a choice to cleanse or not. If they cleanse, then Plague gets a very strong ability for 60 seconds or more. If they don’t, everybody becomes 1-shot for melee exclusively. Having only ONE fountain(or two, on rare occasions) is not huge, nor is it OP for that matter. It only lasts for 60 seconds, and it alerts every player in the match that it happens.

    So instead of going on the forum and writing an essay about an underrated and underplayed Killer’s power, try to switch things up and adapt to what is presented to you. If you hear her activate Corrupt Purge and you don’t want to get hit, then hide. It only lasts for 60 seconds like Myers’ Tier 3.

    We don't need any nerfs to Plague of all Killers. Case closed.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    By the time the killer uses the devotion pools all survivors would most likely be in dying state because they would be in broken state.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    You didn't explain why she is weak or why her perk is weak so I can't take you seriously.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    So, she has an addon that lets her actually use her power, instead of, you know, being denied her own ability by survivors, and you want it removed? Seriously? Just hide when you hear the bell.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    Obviously you are the one who doesn't play against her because things such as comeback exist. Everyone being in broken allows the killer to knock them down instantly with her perk which is why I also follow up with killers using perk which tells the killer where nearby survivors are. This is why I said red rank killers because they understand how to use a killer.

    So what if it alert every survivor in the game? They can't just suddenly disappear off the map. Also, how can a survivor hide when perks such as BBQ exist? Hide in a locker you will probably respond to. However, what if the killer has iron maiden? There is also other perks such as whisper and basic tracking devices such as blood, scratch marks, sound and e.t.c

    You said hide as if there aren't perks that killers can use to locate survivors. If it was that easy as you said to just hide then how exactly will killers win games when they can't find survivors? It's obvious, it's because the game allows the killer to track survivors.

    I didn't say Nerf in my statement, but rework. Also you can't decide rather the case is close or when it isn't because I asked for the member of the public, not just you.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    Survivors had items that allows them to insta heal and brand new part that can do gens in less than 40 seconds. So since that survivors have items to do their objective it is perfectly fine and the devs should add items for survivors to do gens in 10 seconds. That is how I see your point if we switch it to a survivor side.

    The point of her ability without add ons is to allow the survivors to choose rather they want to be broken or not. So by add ons basically ignoring the whole choices and leaving all survivors injured which can cause the killer to easily make her come back no matter how many gens she done.

    You guys say hide, but let me ask you the question. What if the killer has Black Incense? You also know it's hard to hide when you are constantly puking, not to mention the puke state gives out your location if in lockers. So hiding isn't possible.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    You know Black Incense is an add on, right? You also know that by puking perks such as iron will is useless and allows the killer to easily track survivors by sound. I can go into more detail of the effect a survivor has while in broken, so don't make me treat you like you are a new to this game. I'm assuming you are experience and maybe more experience than me, but you should understand hiding is almost impossible against a plague.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    I forgot to mention that Plague also has Black Incense, so hiding is non existence. Also, when in broken hiding in lockers will give out your location. Also, when in broken you start vomiting which makes loud noise that the killer can hear and perks such as iron will is useless against it. Also, when in broken your character release a visible aura of them to the killer. So no hiding doesn't work. I also said red rank killers so I don't expect you to treat them like some sort of bat.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I didn't go into detail because knowing Plague is weak is already pretty universally known by most people and it has already been explained why she is weak many, many times on the forums.

    They don't cleanse.

    You never get your Corrupt Purge.

    You're now just an extremely loopable M1 killer that never gets to use her power.

    Being 1 hit down is irrelevant when there are more than enough pallets and windows to end the game before they run out.

    That's the TLDR quick summary.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    None of her addons are broken, learn to hide, try to identify her tracking perks if she has some and see if you can work around it

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    Actually, I have played against her multiple times, even when people have cleansed. Making everybody broken is part of her power, and cleansing is her way of punishing them.

    Infectious Fright is rarely used. When it IS used and you scream, that’s your cue to flee since the Killer now knows where you are. If you get caught, that’s your own fault, not the game’s, nor an add-on.

    I play Plague, and I’m well-aware of how infected Survivors spread infection to everything they touch. I wouldn’t have said to hide in lockers in the first place. Nobody runs Iron Maiden in the first place, especially not on Plague. If you want to avoid BBQ though, you CAN still hide in lockers to avoid getting your aura read. Just don’t hide in there when the Killer is nearby, obviously.

    Black Incense is an Ultra Rare add-on that, again, is rarely used. The point of it is to be strong since it’s ultra rare. If you realize that she has that add-on, then you may be better off cleansing.

    When you say “red rank killers”, I don’t get what you’re trying to say. I’m sure red ranked Survivors can survive against a Plague with the Apple add-ons or even Black Incense. You don’t even have to be a red rank to counter a Plague, nor do you need to be in order to destroy as her.

    Lastly, when I say to hide, I’m not guaranteeing your safety by saying so.

    And I lied when I said “lastly”, I’ve got one last thing to say. Sorry about saying “case closed”, it just gets me agitated when people are on the forums saying that Plague is too strong or something. It IS a discussion, after all, so I shouldn’t be that way.

    If you have an idea in mind for a rework though, I’d be interested in seeing it. (This is a weird change of pace.)

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    I'm talking about her add ons, not the killer itself.

    There are add ons which grants the killer corruption without the survivor cleansing.

    Add ons

    Corruption which allows you to hit a survivor with little to no fail.

    I'm not talking about her base power..

    -_- Plague isn't as weak as you say she is because most killers are like her. So does that mean all m1 killers are weak? Obviously, Plague isn't strong( arguably very weak) against high rank survivors, but once she has her corruption you can't tell me she is weak.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I. . . what? How are instaheals/New Parts comparable to Apple addons? It's ONE pool. You're making it seem like that pool regenerates corruption after she uses it.

    Just loop her. Pallet stun her if she has corrupt, it'll knock it out. Once it's gone, it's gone. Unless somebody cleanses, she's an M1 killer.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    Learn to hide against a plague? I swear you guys are acting as if you never faced her before because I shouldn't have to list how hiding is useless against her.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    The apple is literally just 1 pool ONE FLIPPIN POOL

    If your entire team is downed by one pool, you deserve to die.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "There are add ons which grants the killer corruption without the survivor cleansing."

    It's literally one pool...that's practically worthless.

    Your entire team gets a heads up that she picked it up and she had to waste the time to go out of her way to get it as well. If your team is going down to that they are just bad.

    "Corruption which allows you to hit a survivor with little to no fail."

    One pool that can simply be waited out and it isn't that difficult to dodge when looping at all.

    "-_- Plague isn't as weak as you say she is because most killers are like her. So does that mean all m1 killers are weak?"

    Yes, all M1 killers are extremely weak.

    "Plague isn't strong( arguably very weak) against high rank survivors""

    That is the basis we are going by because you determine somethings strength when both sides are playing optimally and using things to the best of their ability. You don't determine somethings strength at low ranks where people play stupid, that isn't going to give you a realistic idea of how good it is.

    "but once she has her corruption you can't tell me she is weak."

    Against competent players she is NEVER getting her corruption even once the entire game. The ONLY exception to this is if she uses an addon for ONE pool of which is meaningless when they just wait out that one corruption and then you have nothing and wasted an addon slot as well. That addon isn't even good.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    The moment you hear the notification you should head to Los blockers or a pallet or a fountain even if they know your location for 5 seconds you can get to a wall at least or a fountain

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Infectious fright is top tier on at least 5 killers, and the apple addons are very op

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Both of them are 2 pools, and you dont seem to play plague much but with one corrupt purge i can get all 4 survivors sometimes and i am a red rank both killer and survivor

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    No, it is not. No actually rank 1 killers would agree with that.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited October 2019

    I play her regularly at rank 1. If you think that is seriously that strong I do not believe you actually play both sides in red ranks. No one in red ranks would agree with that. If you're seriously getting 4 survivors with 2 pools you are playing in green ranks. Post your steam page please.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    I don't doubt your experience on the game, however, when you say hiding especially against a plague. You understand what that makes you look like.

    I'm not talking about the perk. I mean the add ons...

    What you just explain there is why some killers start to use it. Also, what's the difference to hiding in a locker before the killer shows up? You are experience against a plague and should knock about the killer knowing if you are in a locker or not. Not to mention her add ons.

    Just because it's ultra rare doesn't stop it from existing. Killers can use black ward to continue using the add on. Also, cleansing is a bad idea..A very bad idea.

    Explain how a red rank survivor can win against her. I really would like to knock.

    When you said hide I took you as saying it as if its easy to do. I hear and see so many people saying that, but i'm here getting caught almost all the time. When I don't get caught, the killer is just blind.

    I think i might have sounded a bit too rude when re-reading my sentence. I apologise if it came out as being disrespectful.

    My idea is simple, when sick make the survivor reduce gen time. Obviously plague without add on is disgustingly weak and gen rushing her is easy. So things such as reducing gen time, vault speed and e.t.c would make her more of a threat.

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Well, unless we have a different meaning for rank one, check ayrun's hillbilly build and Otzdarva's Nurse and Myers build. Infectious garantees a snowball. There is literally a video of ohtofu called "infectious fright is so much fun" because it is quite strong

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438
    edited October 2019

    It last for 60 seconds...Add ons and perks that allows you to locate survivors and her vomit is basically impossible to counter play. I would like advise, but I will ask questions for each advise you give.

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    She literally can hit survivors at a 20 meter range by just moving her mouse. If you play her "regularly" and at "red ranks" you know people never cleanse, so yeah giving her the corrupt purge without even being a survivor cleanse is pretty broken. Also, not quite sure if you need my steam page, the legendary killer and survivor achievements have pretty high achieved rates, so getting to rank one means nothing and i have no way of proving to you that i get to red ranks every single season

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Removing Plague's apple addons would pretty much remove her Corrupt purge from the game because once survivors grow a brain, they'll never cleanse versus her.

    Any survivor above what, yellow ranks (?) knows not to cleanse against plague and to simply loop her. Looping plague is easier than looping most others killers due to her height, which means she cannot mindgame as effectively. Without the apple addons, she would just be an m1 killer.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited October 2019

    "Well, unless we have a different meaning for rank one, check ayrun's hillbilly build and Otzdarva's Nurse and Myers build."

    First, Billy and Nurse are two of the few red rank viable killers.

    Secondly, both of those players would agree with everything I've said here and have in video.

    Nurse is the only real person that can make use of IF and even then it is not in her top build.

    Neither of those players believe what you're saying here.

    "There is literally a video of ohtofu called "infectious fright is so much fun" because it is quite strong"

    He makes those videos for click bait. If you actually watch his streams and videos he talks about how they are actually bad and how he tried so hard to make them work.

    One example of this being here:

    Then in this video at the beginning he states how he had tried to make Surge work in his previous video and it was just bad:

    This is click bait fun videos, not serious and they repeat that themselves.

    There is also no interpretations of Rank 1. Either you play at rank 1 or you don't.

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Why is there a surge video about an IF discussion? Also, you didn't send a single proof of what you said, ayrun's main build of billy has IF, SF, Enduring and BBQ

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "Add ons and perks that allows you to locate survivors"

    With how strong loops are finding survivors is meaningless. They don't care if you find them because they will just loop you.

    "her vomit is basically impossible to counter play."

    No, it is very easy to counter and it should be rare to never that she is even getting it in the first place.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    A pool that last for 60 seconds (without using other add ons). You understand how hard it is to go up against so I don't need to explain.

    -_- How do I make my team good? I went to red rank expecting god tier survivors which I was mistaken. I want to know of these good survivors you killers speak of. I hardly encounter them and they give the worst advise possible which is "get good noob".

    How can they wait out when there are add ons and perks that can locate survivors? To dodge it is hardly impossible especially if the killer can aim.

    All m1 killers are weak? Is spirit and nurse a joke to you? There are times where I played games where I easily overpowered them by doing gens and looping them. However, I don't take them as good spirit and nurse because usually players will dc in 60 seconds and 2 people will be down in 30seconds of the game.

    I'm talking about Plague using add ons. Of course the best survivor would beat her without it, but even with it. Plague can easily make a comeback. I seen it, youtubers have shown it and probably you have to.

    Explain how they can wait out. You say it like it's easy so I would like to understand how and question some points that you might make.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    You posted how they make videos saying a perk is "really good".

    My point is that they make videos with titles saying a perk is "really good" when they don't actually think it is "really good".

    That is my point.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    Yes, hiding is very difficult against Plague. Overall, playing against her makes you have to do some quick thinking.

    If you expect her, you’ll be in one risky chase with only one hit in you.

    If you hide, you could get caught in a horrible position.

    If you cleanse, you could severely punish not just yourself, but your entire team.

    As for the locker thing, I meant that to counter BBQ. Hiding in lockers hides your aura.

    Lastly, regarding the red ranks thing, this is really a strategy that anyone can use. Nothing is exclusive to red ranks. If she has Corrupt Purge and you find yourself in a chase, try to stay out of the open. Don’t stick to loops, as they won’t help you very much. Keep your distance, and look where she is aiming. If you’re feeling slick, you can even dodge into a locker to avoid it and jump right back out without getting hit. Maybe you could even hit her with Head On. I dunno. Just brainstorming. That’s what I do when I’m against her, Corrupt Purge or not. By far, the best place to run her is always indoors since there’s so much cover. That’s why indoor maps are a nightmare for her.

    Anyway, all brainstorming aside, the add-on idea would be really nice. This may be asking for too much, but I think that would be a wonderful thing to have in her base kit. Maybe not vault speed, but action speed reduction sounds the most realistic, since the Survivors are literally suffering from constant vomiting and a horrible stomach ache.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    No one that plays killer at red ranks would think these things. If you really do play at rank 1 then link your profile.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    Insta heal and new parts are a one time thing which is why I compared it to apple add on (thanks for telling me the name).

    Loop her in corrupt stage...What killers have you gone up against to think any of them would be dumb enough to allow them to get stun? Also, how can you loop her?

    It's from the one corrupt that can easily make a comeback. I don't see how it can't.

  • Lodosslight
    Lodosslight Member Posts: 65

    Killer has 4 Perks and can use 2-addons with 1 offering . . . . . . .Survivor are 4 Players(unless someone disconnects or ragequit) 8 add-ones with 4 items, 4 offerings, 16 perks in total, therefore if the Survivors are SWF and they are all coordinated, then the Killer is bound to be at an disadvantage and either be trolled or struggle keeping up. Over all, its a game and complaining about a Killer being OP does not guarantee a need to be "fixed" if you have no idea what it is like to play as the "The Plague", therefore your complaint does not exceed as a valid point if YOU are the one struggling to understand the Killer.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    I'm pretty sure they will care if you are in corrupt form.

    Easy to counter....She can hit you at any direction as long as she is in within distance and you are in front of her.

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    She just spits damage, it is absoluty easy to hit survivors. And my name is NurseRequiresSkill,

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "All m1 killers are weak? Is spirit and nurse a joke to you?"

    I don't think you understand what an M1 killer is. Spirit and Nurse are not M1 killers.

    "I seen it, youtubers have shown it and probably you have to."

    Youtubers post their good videos, they don't post the other hundred videos where they got destroyed. That is not an accurate assessment of strength.

    "Explain how they can wait out."

    This is a self explanatory answer. They avoid the killer.

    Even if you do find them looping around high walls with Corrupt Purge is quite easy as it has a delay on impact time.

    If you seriously are running "locating" perks as well then you are getting genrushed to hell. You should be running DL/Thanata combo.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Unless the survivors are dumb it is easy to dodge.

    Also, why did this entire time you said you played at rank 1?

    On your profile you have not reached rank 1 on either side and for killer you only have the rank 10 achieve.

    This is what I've been talking about this entire time. You think the addons are crazy strong because you are playing against low rank survivors that play dumb. When you actually play against good players those addons are not good.

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Just search Tru3Talent Plague on youtube. Those are stream videos and most of them i saw live, so they aren't just higilights. Plague is seriously underrated, and yes i do think she is rank 1 viable