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I am rank 1 with 2 pips on survivor, and rank 2 on killer...
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Your profile says otherwise.
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I think plagues corrupt purge addons are pretty strong because they give away corrupt purge, which is impossible to go against
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I do watch Tru3 regularly and he agrees with everything I've said here today.
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Did you type in "NurseRequiresSkill"?
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This is honestly all I asked for. I just wanted advise in which I try and want to learn from mistake. I also wanted to know why people would disagree which you have ticked off all my boxes. But obviously I will ask questions to some advise you said.
When staying out of the open it usually result to the killer m1ing me because they would use it as a way to prevent me from making distance. Obviously loops are useless so i usually get myself in a position to where the chase time will last 40 seconds at best.
I never tried hiding in a locker so I try using that.
Also when you say keep your distance, it's pretty hard when a killer can move faster than you and is a range killer.
I try my best hiding in door most of the time, but I ain't consistent on doing so. I will try doing that more commonly now.
Other then that, thank you for the feedback.
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It is not impossible to go against whatsoever. You are literally also ONLY getting a pool from an addon.
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He is the one that said plague is extremely underrated and viable at red ranks
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Copy pasted it
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You make it sound like her corrupt is up the entire match. It does have a time limit. Unless everybody is all bunched together, it's not that much of a worry.
Again, the apple is only for one pool. Once it's gone, it's gone. It lasts 30 seconds. Just loop her. The puke doesn't corner, and she slows down when charging it up.
Sure, if you're in an empty section, it's much more difficult. If there's something near you to hide behind, do it. There's a reason people loop trees.
Yes, a Plague can make a comeback with a good dose of Corrupt, but she's a killer. It's what she's supposed to do. If she has corrupt, don't bunch up. Use the environment against her. It doesn't last forever, and if nobody else cleansed during the match, it's her only shot.
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He did not.
He says many, many times the few killers that are red rank viable and Plague is not one of them.
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Here in brazil is late so i will take a print screen as soon as i can use my pc tomorrow and send them here
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Im pretty sure he said she is viable, i also remember him saying "now we are tier 3 myers" once everyone was broken and then "now were iri head multi shot huntress" when he collected corrupt
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It seems like YOU are the one who doesn't understand what it's like to go up against a good plague since you have yet to give me reason that I haven't already countered.
So what if a survivor has 8 add ons, 4 items and 4 offering? Does that mean it's impossible for killers to win? At this point you are sounding like one of those crybaby killer mains. You said Nurse and spirit are weak, so that just says alot to me.
I never said the killer is op, how many times do I need to say it to you? I even made it clear on my post that i'm not speaking of the killer without add ons or anything.
You already pointed out that the killer is unfair against low rank survivors judging from your only counter being high rank survivors. So you proved my point more than you try to debunk it.
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Those statements are NOT the same as saying something is red rank viable in any shape or form.
He was also saying those things for entertainment purposes. He has videos where he actually talks about killer viability.
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Yes the profile of yours I found by copy pasting what you gave me is also from Brazil.
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Yes, i am. So the only red rank killers are spirit, nurse and billy?
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I tried to tell him that, but it seems it is too hard to aim with plague
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Well, i do think they are. Iri huntress has been considered op for the longest time now, and tier myers is literally what i just said before, you can one shot every survivor if they don't cleanse
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I can maintain rank 1 playing nothing but Plague. That does not mean she is rank 1 viable.
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Search for "RemoveNurse"
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I apologise if i make it sound like it's ridiculously broken.
I think the puke last for 60 seconds and also you can't loop her because to use her puke can be activated in a short time. Not only that, but a killer can fake using it in order to stop the survivor from making movement and catch up to them.
The killer can still use m1, but I will try doing that even though I don't trust hit boxes.
The problem with that comeback is how easy it is. All it takes is for one survivor to get knock down for the killer to move on to the next one. Sure the survivor can indeed waste time, however, that time doesn't really last long because the survivor is a one shot and the killer can use long range attack.
I'm an unlucky red rank survivor that majority of the time get paired up to low ranks and because of how stupidly long the loading screen is i cba to keep on trying. So my post is more for low rank survivors and also here for me to try new method.
Thank you for the feedback tho, I will try using that.
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I use a controller so I try and guess what it means. Also, clown can shorten loops.
You speak as if thats for all youtubers. So I can say your point isn't accurate aswell.
like I said Black Incense is an add on. There are also perks such as whisper to help killers so avoiding isn't that simple.
But the range in which the attack can reach and area it can cover makes up for it.
The thing about Plague with add on that it doesn't matter if you are getting gen rushed or not. Once you use your corrupt form, all survivors are broken and start slugging the game becomes easy. That's just my usual experience against her tho. I don't know how your games are like.
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"You speak as if thats for all youtubers. So I can say your point isn't accurate aswell."
I wasn't referring to just youtubers so yes, it was accurate.
Do you actually play her at rank 1 as killer?
All the things you think are strong are not when you are going against actual competent rank 1's. That stuff will seem strong if you are playing against low rank survivors that play dumb.
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It makes no sense to you because we have different definitions of what rank 1 viable means.
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Corrupt Purge can be countered... You have to play extra careful if you’re fixing gens, going for a save... and if you’re being chased you just need to have map awareness and make sure you find the nearest tile to use LoS blockers that will prevent her for hitting you with the vomit and if it’s not a full wall just crouch.
The ashed apple is on a timer so it will run out.
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It isn't, she just goes to you if you dont take her before it ends
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@WickedKatz When she consumes the corrupt purge there is a sound indicator letting you know she has it.
I have countered it by initially hiding and then looping and dodging.
Also not to mention you can also remove her corrupt purge by stunning her with a pallet. Very difficult to do but not impossible.
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If she has corrupt, she wont loop you to get stunned man, not every killer is a botx and also the context i meant was that it auto collectes corrupt purge
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@WickedKatz Well of course not every killer is a bot lol That’s why there is a skill gap. You have bad Plagues but you have good ones too.
Like I said, I would suggest practicing in KYF and you will see that there are ways to evade her corrupt purge. You have to make sure you’re not in a “dead zone”, so if you hear her get it, it’s time to change positions.
If she gets it without it making the sound is because she has an ultra rare add on, in which case you may not be as lucky but like I said it just takes practice dodging her vomit.
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No it isn't accurate because explain youtubers such as tru3, noob3 and monto who post videos of them losing? So your point isn't accurate at all. Also, what if the youtuber is live streaming? Is he going to magically remove all the clips of him losing?
I have played with her for more than 10 times in my friend's house because he has all the killers with the best add ons and perks. All the games that I have used the add on, I have not lost against a rank 1 survivor. However, the time I haven't used her add ons I have lost. Then again that doesn't matter because I said the killer isn't strong without add ons.
Then let me ask you a question, how is it fair for low rank survivors to go up against a plague?
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I do not have a problem for most of the things you say. However, for the ones I do I shall cover.
Obviously the devotion pool is an rng in which the killer has enough time to knock down at least 2 survivors.
Even though the add ons are ultra rare it isn't really a big deal because offering such as black ward exist. Not only that, but killers have fewer perks and add ons than a survivor, which does decrease your chance of getting more useless items. As for the green add ons, it is obvious that it would be the more occurring thing.
The problem I have with the add on is that it ignores the whole point of survivors choosing not to cleanse. The point of corrupt not spawning on it's own is because it gives the killer an massive advantage over the survivor. So by it spawning on it's own doesn't make sense because a survivor can't do anything in the matter then hope not to be found. I mention rank 1 killers because I been against some that will knock down a survivor go and get corrupt then use BQB to locate others.
Looking over it, I have indeed over-exaggerated by saying its "op". I should have used a better choice in word and try looking it more into the killer point of view.
I said the add on should get a rework such as most of them reducing gen progress when in broken stage.
I do appreciate how you covered all grounds in your sentence. It's these type of things that slowly change my view point on killers and survivors at times.
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She can just wiggle to hit you horizontally, so unless you are in tall loops like the coldwind ones you cant avoid corrupt
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"youtubers such as tru3, noob3 and monto who post videos of them losing?"
They generally do not.
"Also, what if the youtuber is live streaming?"
If you actually watched their livestreams you would see how much they lose when using weaker killers.
"I have played with her for more than 10 times in my friend's house because he has all the killers with the best add ons and perks."
You are literally saying right now that you think you have a better understanding of how good a killers addons are because you picked her up on your friends account 10 times than someone who has 4,000 hours in the game right now...seriously?
If I had played something that extremely little I would not be arguing with anyone about how good or bad something is because that is VERY little experience whatsoever to have any idea what I was talking about.
"Then let me ask you a question, how is it fair for low rank survivors to go up against a plague?"
It's fair because losing against a killer because you played dumb isn't unbalanced, you just have to learn how to play better. This shouldn't even have to be explained.
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Ok so where’s the part where you change things in her favor to counter the suggested chang like pools don’t heal unless in broken status or seeing its a healing action nurses calling shows auras in range of survivors using pools of devotion. There is a counter you have the choice To max her pools out to force her corrupt purge and empty all other pools that were corrupt, but seeing the meta is not to heal that is on you not that there’s no counter. That’s like a certain someone saying doing dulls is a waste of time but wants noed to be nerfed or removed.
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Nurse currently is now as of today’s ptb lol
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Me a crybaby? you obviously do not know me well to even assume that, therefore I find it ironic that you're being touchy about this subject and you trying to turn the tables with your point and making me look "stupid" sure says a lot to me. Over all, do not throw me your pitiful reasons to complain if you have not played as her and YES, I have come across her as a Survivor and am I complaining? no.
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Make you look stupid? I mean that wasn't my intention. I was simply copying what you said to me back to you.
So what if you come across her? People came across Mori, but yet that still in the game.
If you consider my reason pitiful, even though you have yet to gice me a proper reason why. Then I can't take you seriously.
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Oh yeah I heard about that.
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The problem is that when the killer being a it the add on that allows her to spawn in devotion pool. All strategies become useless because if you choose not to cleanse you will get one shot. And if you choose to cleanse you would get punish even more.
The point of Plague is to let a suriviour choose because both choices benefit her. However, when they decided to make it so she can do two things makes it unfair.
I'm not really too interested to this topic now considering now that I hardly play games thatisn't swf. It seems that the game match making would always put me a part of low ranks which would always make me lose games. It annoys me how I come across the same one, but they don't learn anything from the previous match.
Also, this post was more for those that are new for the devs to come up with something not too punishing, but in the same time punish the suriviour a bit more when in broken stage. This would allow it so both choices benefit Plague equally instead of having one side way stronger than the other.
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Yeah and for each strategy a suriviour has a choice rather they want to create one or use another strategy. But i do get what you were trying to say tho.
I'm not too heated about this now, it wasn't really supposed to be a nerf but for the devs to make it so both choices a survivor make against Plague are more or less balance for the killer and that one isnt more stronger than the other. It was also for them to create more punishment for being broken so that surivior mains with a brain would find it difficult which one is a better choice.
Furthermore, I mainly made this due to this game match making always putting me with low ranks survivor against a plague. This usually result to them losing not because of them being new (kind of), but how they constantly make the worst choice. You think some would learn until you join the same game as them and still they cleanse.