We should expect Billy to get a cooldown on his power as well ?

When they will rework Billy's add-ons, I wonder if they will add a "slight tweak" to his base power too. Like, now his chainsaw has a 5-10 seconds cooldown or something like that. Personally, I already think that both Spirit and Hag are better than Billy, so nerfing his base kit ( which is already easily countered by good survivors ) won't be a good idea. Do you think we should expect Billy's nerfs incoming relatively soon ( devs said that they want to look onto chainsaw killers after Doctor ).
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I was just about to post the same thing, you know it's comming now at some point, one of them stupid power gauge boxes around your power icon that has to fill up again before you can use your power.
They are a "feature" of most of the modern killers with the old original ones not having one such as Nurse/Billy but after this:
"Previously, the Nurse could double blink, go through fatigue, then immediately double blink again. A recharge mechanic for blink charges has been added to limit how quickly she can perform multiple blinks."
Expect Billy to get one of these really annoying and unfun to use "power refill gauge boxes" for his chainsaw icon somtime soon.
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obviously not. billy has ample counterplay
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No. He can still be looped. I only think that the insta-chainsaw addons should be toned down, but they are still not as problematic as the other broken addons.
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No because he's actually a really fleshed out Killer, and can be countered... Not easily of course, but it can be done!
Unlike Nurse, which... if you were in her sights and she knew exactly what to do... than you're just good as dead...
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Well i hope they never will add one but they will build the standard add-ons preset which is (4 common , 5 uncommon , 5 rare , 4 very rare and 2 ultra rare).
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I don't think so. If you notice killers with power guages are those whose power can directly counter looping, but Billy's chainsaw doesn't. Imo it's more plausible a nerf to insta-chainsaw addons since they reduce a lot survivor's counterplay.
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Ghost Face has a power gauge, but his power doesn't counter looping. He can do some mind games with it, but it's very far away from countering loops.
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I kinda forgot about him, but in a certain way it still holds up, since his power can help a lot to mindgame around loops with high walls.
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It's extremely doubtful considering that Hillbilly already has a cool down variable to his chainsaw alongside plenty of counterplay.
Concerning the Chainsaw add-ons update, I think it's safe to say no base kits will be nerfed.
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The Infinite chainsaw sprint will become an Ultra Rare add-on lol
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Honestly, I could see it. Every Killer and Reworked Killer since clown have cooldowns. seems to be the new way to balance for the Devs.
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GF has to have a recovery though, otherwise he would basically be a permanent no terror radius killer. Even without anti looping having no terror would be OP
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No. Billy is their target point for all killers. And some killers are close to that point like Hag and Freddy. That's probably why Nurse was getting changed too.
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Question: Does Hillbilly have a counters?
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I doubt it. Hillbilly isn't the power level Nurse has been until the upcoming nerf. If maps get reworked to have more pallets in general, despite more of them being mindgameable, his one shot potential might take a very small hit anyways.
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I feel that with the changes BHVR are making and are gonna make, they will have to either 1) make the nerfs minor ones that only give survivors more wiggle room and counter play against those killers or 2) reshuffle the general killer tier list, changing the meta for better or worst as the top 3 are nerfed and different killers rise to take they’re place at the top. These two options are the only viable ones in my opinion that keep high killer ranks playable.
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I was literally talking about his base kit, never complaining about his add-ons potentially getting nerfed.
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Pallets and windows are the most common one. You want more ?
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Then he doesn't need a nerf. What's the problem?
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what about demogorgon though? his gauge is for his map pressure, not his looping.
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I forgot about him 😁.
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feel like a lot of people have, i hardly ever see Demogorgon XD
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*w h e e z e s i n L e g i o n*
The only real killer that has a power gauge that is good for loops now is Spirit.
I don't play Billy, but I hope his basekit isn't changed cause then pressing my face against melting glass would be easier then doing his ritual at that point.
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You’re already gonna lose some people from changing the nurse so if billy gets nerfed expect to lose a lot of killers.
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Billy already has one . Don't be drama queen .
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I am not.
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Nurse had her fatigue too. This is not going to stop them.
Everyone knows what's next after the chainsaws, hatchet cooldown and multiple locker reload in either you need multiple to get full ammo or they are limited use.
mark my words.
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I hope so.
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So did base Nurse, but that didn't stop survivors from crying to mommy devs.
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I would say no cause then they would have to give one to leather face and he is a dumpster fire as is
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*already has a cooldown that also prevents normal attacks*
ermAgheeerrrrd he needs a longer cooldooooooowwwwwwwnnnn....
Shouldnt you be talking about spirit before targeting hillbilly?
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Did you read my post ? Because I said I wouldn't agree with such change.
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in a chase, she didn't. anyone who believes she did still runs spine chill and hides all game lol. she's still S tier so stop whining
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Hmmm yes legion counters looping. Sorry I mean deep wounds counters looping. Sorry I mean he littetaly can only vault pallets and Windows a little faster
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No he won't get what your talking about as someone previously said he already has one after all you have to charge your chainsaw and if you miss you have a short animation where you recover so yeah billy already has one. Plus he isn't on the broke tier of nurse.
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The devs have already stated that billy is their balance point... I can see them reworking his addons but I think his power is going to be staying as is...
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Shouldnt we be targeting the lower tiers to boost variety so there's no complaints about 1 specific character... like if more killers had the same power level that freddy, Billy and spirit have then there would be more of them...
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You don't need to worry about that. They will probably change that since Billy doesn't even have any very rare or ultra-rare add-ons. They'll add those and rework his current add-ons.
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As a survivor main, plz don't ever Nerf billy.
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Thats what I think too.
I was being unecessarily sarcastic towards OP because i misinterpreted the thread title and didnt read ^^
Off topic but:
In my opinion
- Buff the weaker killers to close the gap towards the higher tiers
grant the survivors all that unecessary information buffs they want because swf get those by cheating. Implement the Solo-Cwf buff concepts, be it ping tools, message systems, "current action icons" and maybe show the average emblem score of every other survivor for the last 10 trials to survivors and optionally VC.- Buff the basic killer/game mechanics (and maybe some slight buffs to killer abilitites) to compensate the huge boost in power the survivors got by the hyperbuff of point 2. (by "killer mechanics" i mean gen regression, totems, map size might count too, etc). Inspired by IdV's terror shock, I personally fancy adding a small animationlock-hitstun/mini-slow when hitting survivors that are performing an action)
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Devs also said that they wouldn't touch Nurse's base kit, but they lied.
You can't trust anything the devs say anymore about the killer, the killer community shouldn't be like Billy is safe, cause we said the same thing about Base nurse. "Oh the devs won't touch Base Nurse cause she is balanced and really the only thing that can prevent rank 1 swf, and that they would lose a portion of the killer community", and look what happened.
After spirit, mostly likely Billy will be next on the nerf list.
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The team said straight from the beginning that changes were coming to the base kit of nurse horvath said it on stream.....Spirits not on the list atm Doc is next.... theres way too many characters that are in need that prevents them from looking at a character that bhvr just invested a decent amount of resources into just last year, that's the same reason why legion isnt going to be touched for awhile....
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Yes this.... give solo the buffs they need..... buff the lower tier and you wont have everyone complaining that "oh Billy OP" or "spirit is op" because there will be variety and players who wanna compete wont feel compelled to play certain killers...
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Probably something stupid like add a fatigue after every chainsaw attack for "Counter Play"
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They shouldn't
He is a completely loopable killer. And he already has a cooldown on his chainsaw soo..
Unless you just want to be able to visualize the cooldown?
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While possible, I don't see why they would. How often do you see people complain about Billy? He's honestly pretty fair. I feel like he's the most balanced killer in the game. My only complaint is the saw hit boxes are a bit questionable.
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Yeah, he is honestly balanced and fun to go against. Just tone down the insta chainsaw addons and he is absolutely fine
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Uh M&A Myers says hello.
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Watch as they give Leatherface a timer too.