Devs, remember the exhaustion nerf outcry
Yep, they got changed survivor-side and now is the worst killer in the game
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I would agree with you that people who who disliked the exhaustion nerf were people that simply didn't want a nerf to survivors and probably never played killer at high ranks. But that doesn't change the fact that I feel like the nerf to Nurse is also fine, and that people will realize that once they play with her enough.
Also, I'm pretty sure there are enough people that do play killers at red ranks and don't feel like so many killers are unviable. There's no doubt to me that there are still quite a few killers that need some buffs, but I feel like there are a fair amount of killers that are good now. I play killer at red ranks as well.
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Because he had no counters. Of course the changes were survivor sided lol.
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Good to hear you are willing to give her a try. Just don't forget that she will also need some time to get used to probably. I really feel like she will still have enough potential with her power to be red rank viable, but if it turns out that she was overnerfed a bit, they can still reduce the recharge time of her blinks before she hits live.
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"Also, I'm pretty sure there are enough people that do play killers at red ranks and don't feel like so many killers are unviable."
I'd have to see them then because in all my time on these forums/twitch/youtube/in game I have seen very few who would agree with that. It's pretty universally agreed on by most red rank killers.
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- The Legion now moves at default Killer speed (4.6 m/s or 115 %).
- The Frenzy movement speed was reduced to 5.0 m/s (was 5.28 m/s).
- Terror radius increased to 32 metres (was 24 metres) .
- The Legion can no longer see Blood while in Frenzy.
- Missing an attack in Frenzy cancels the power immediately.
- Frenzy power gauge amount lost when landing an attack outside of Frenzy: 50 %
- Increased the recharge time of Frenzy to 20 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- Increased the default fatigue duration when Frenzy ends to 4 seconds (was 3 seconds).
- Frenzy can only be used when the meter is fully charged.
- The Bleed-out timer is no longer reduced by Feral Frenzy hits (was 10 seconds per hit)
Not to mention Vault speeds are slower and other little bits like that.
I main Legion, I struggle with the limitations EVERY TIME I PLAY. I didn't like how Old Legion put a timer on a chase or that stupid exploit but you can NOT tell me that they didn't break the whole Killer in HALF instead of just fixing the ISSUES.
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Maybe I'm speaking from console then, but nurse appears fine for me. : P
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Again so what?
Legion was always bad, doubly so if you compare it to the other killers in the game. Most people played as him simply because he was fun.
Pity that no-one liked playing against him.
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Welp, if you are just gonna be a douche, I'll move on.
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How is it a douche thing to say that Legion was never a good killer?
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No no, its you going out of your way to tell me, in bold letters, that No-One liked to play against them. Old Legion was bad, I already said that. You need to chill and not be so damn argumentative. Your tone this whole time has been one of talking down to me for a Killer I enjoy and would like to be made better. THAT is why I said that.
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... Ok?
The entire reason I mentioned Legion in this thread the first place was because someone told me that frustrating things shouldn't be changed.
I really don't mind him nowadays.
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Course you don't cause he's weak. But enough, we are getting off topic hard core here.
I think people need to wait to play the PTB before judging one way or the other.
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No I meant I wouldn't mind if he got improvements.
But your right, lets stop getting off-topic.
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Never forget
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Well I've seen you not believe someone who said he was red ranks with killer, because he disagreed with you that killers in general are underpowered, so that might have influence on that.
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And when I called that person out and they linked their profile they were in fact not in red ranks.
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The whole point of her is that she is great at mind gaming. It's intense when you don't know whether she is phasing or just tricking you.
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Lol. What a genius move of that guy. Still, I believe there are many people with killer at red ranks who believe killers are fine in general. But I don't know for sure. Of course pretty much everyone agrees that low tier killers like Clown or Wraith need buffs.
And we should also keep in mind that map reworks are coming, and even if they come with more juking and stealth options for survivors, loops giving killers more counterplay during chases will be a nice buff especially to weaker killers.
Of course I hope they'll increase the rate at which they rework maps. Pretty sure this patch is supposed to have map reworks according to the road map, I can just hope it's more than just one map this time that is being changed.
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Map design is THE biggest issue hindering balance right now.
Like you mentioned though, the reworks on maps are coming slow. At this rate all the problem maps will be fixed in a few YEARS and that's if not a single new bad map comes out in that time.
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I mean they definitely shouldn't make 5 versions of one map another time. That would most likely help a lot. It's true though. They need to work on these maps faster. At the very least just nerf the ridiculous windows on some of the maps, without reworking the map if it takes too much time.
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Yes faith is great, unfortunately tho faith has no room in this. You say yourself you have been a red rank killer? When? Old ranking System Maybe? ;)
Are you a red rank survivor too? I am displeased that they handhold bad survivors who are too lazy to learn how to play. I enjoy playing vs a Nurse. Spirit is where it is lame af, it is boring to play as and against. Now I will have even more of that. Great. Not boring at all. I already have trouble finding lobbies as Survivor in red ranks and These People cheer when they remove a viable killer from red ranks. I dont Need a ptb to see what those changes do to the killer.
Do you speak russian?
So you learn how to play vs nurse.
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Yeah just getting through the current maps fixing them at base would be better. THEN go back and add the variants they want later.
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About the only thing that could be done is to give notification that her power is on cooldown that way the stand still doesnt work all the time... if notification is given that shes using her power itll be the most boring gameplay ever.... everyone will stop and walk around instantly.... right now it's fun and intense at least for a lot of players...
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No I am not red ranks survivor. So I don't even really go against the best Nurse players anyways. I still think this is a good change. She will still be powerful, but now survivors will have a bit more counterplay against Nurse. Has nothing to do with learning how to go against a Nurse.
You could say the same thing about the new Nurse though. People aren't even willing to try her after the nerf and learn her before coming to the conclusion that she will now be terrible.
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Yes please. I really hope they will be doing this now in the future.
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dead hard is broken on dedicated servers
yet some eople are still crying about balanced landing when the reality is that some maps are just badly designed around this perk
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I think without add ons Nurse is fine as is.
Sorry Nurse can be handled that way and makes for fun and good Matches and it has to do with how to Play, don't get me wrong it is obviously more demanding of a Survivor but at the same time more rewarding and fun to me.
Ripping away her mobility isn't a good move at all, the Killer will feel completely diffrent and I doubt that People are willing to learn their beloved main anew.
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So... two of the three ways spirit has to hit people? No thanks.
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Having that opinion is totally fine. I just think it's great that survivors now get a bit more of a chance to break line of sight. It just allows for a bit more counterplay, and I feel that's what Nurse needed. Of course if you disagree that's fine.
I could see them reducing the recharge time from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds though. So she would only have to wait 2.5 seconds after the fatigue until her two blinks are back.
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Here's my hot take. People who are actually good with the Nurse will still do well. People who are carried by her will struggle.
As it should be.
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That's what I believe as well. Only time will tell, but I can't see how survivors having a bit more time to break LOS will make her unviable at red ranks in any way.
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You couldn't counter sprint burst recharging mid chase with vigil.
You can counter a nurse blink by being unpredictable.
Bad comparison of two different issues that got two different outcries, but nice try.
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Until I hear the opinions of Ardetha and TrU3 on the changes, I won't make any judgement. Tho the changes look ok for now.
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If Nurse is close enough, there's no real counter to her, a good Nurse will still get you. Those outcries have enough similarities.
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I do feel that tru3 is a bit killer sided, so I'm expecting him to be unhappy with these changes for sure. I think the thoughts of Zubatlel or whatever he is called will be interesting to hear.
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I'm telling you man. The biggest problem with Nurse players is that the mediocre ones think they're very good and the character has counterplay because survivors juke them. Never have I heard an actual god Nurse player claim she has counterplay in her current state.
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That's any killer, not just nurse...
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Yes, I don't mean that close of course.