
Why is it that after every patch survivors need to come up with new strategies and methods just to play and survive?..and when we do we get nerfed. Why?
Every single time we complain it’s about the same problems and nothing ever gets fixed this should be saying something about these devs...
After Cody got beat by those Koreans survivors stand no chance against these killers 😂 stop worrying about nerfing us and “GET GUUD”
Not to say that the amount of BS op stuff is much greater on the survivor side. Killers pretty much only have Nurse (which is being fixed in the next update),Prayer Beads and Iridescent Heads.
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Mathieu Cote???<— & the changes that are being made tips the scale towards the killers favor more than survivors and you guys know it.....He got beat and like a month later survivors started getting nerfed Baddddd.
you gotta nerf our stuff then say you’re gonna “buff” something but in reality it’s still useless.
we complain about the same things OVER AND OVER and nothing get changed so what’s up with that???? the lag, vaulting ,killers tracking everything we do even our HEALING.
Post edited by Gcarrara on1 -
Wow... you are very very salty. You should take a break from the game or something and get your head back in the right place. I don't think you realize that BOTH sides are being changed for balance, and that you are living up to a stereotype right now. Please, take some time to relax and think about it all.
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"Our advantage is not quite as excessive as it was before! ######### Behaviour!"
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No, nurse isn’t added to the list because she’s now broken with her new add ons. She’s not nerfed. Stop talking about the killers and address the survivor situation with how much you’re nerfing them. I will literally make a compilation and post it on YouTube and send you the link OF ALL THE TOXIC THINGS YOU ALLOW THESE KILLERS TO DO and not do anything about it.
Its like they’re your babies. But as soon as a survivor complain we get out posts taken down and get nerfed...WHY?
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What about Survivors were nerfed? The only things that stick out to me are the Nurse changes, which seem completely fine to me, and the Medkit reworks, which looks amazing actually.
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Also, I love the parallel of this and all the people freaking out about Nurse changes yesterday. Yall all need to chill.
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Just in this thread.
"No, nurse isn’t added to the list because she’s now broken with her new add ons. She’s not nerfed. Stop talking about the killers and address the survivor situation with how much you’re nerfing them. I will literally make a compilation and post it on YouTube and send you the link OF ALL THE TOXIC THINGS YOU ALLOW THESE KILLERS TO DO and not do anything about it.
Its like they’re your babies and when they complain you stick a pacifier in their mouth. Cradle them. And fix the problem. But as soon as a survivor complain we get out posts taken down and get nerfed...WHY?"
you gotta nerf our stuff then say you’re gonna “buff” something but in reality it’s still useless.
"we complain about the same things OVER AND OVER and nothing get changed so what’s up with that???? the lag, vaulting ,killers tracking everything we do even our’s ridiculous."
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They arn't facts though.
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When Cote got bullied after that event what happened immediately after they nerfed flashlights and this whole thing started spiraling downwards but go ahead enjoy the game because it won't be afloat for much longer with these continual nerfs to survivors and buffs to killers.
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Here... just... for your info.
Read this one, that isnt updated:
and then this one that is:
Also Flashlights were nerfed cause of Insta-blind and the white screen giving people headaches.
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I'm leaving a very public warning right here - keep your posts civil & constructive please I do not want to have to delete any more posts on this thread from people attacking others!
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the game has NEEDED continuous nerfs to survivors and continuous buffs to killers BECAUSE THIS CRAP WAS THE BASELINE DBD
THAT was the OG baseline DBD, if that was DBD now adays, NOT EVEN OMEGA BLINK NURSE would kill even halfway decent survivors, and a M1 killer? might as well never play killer again or just DC and uninstall. the reason why it seems like killer is always getting buffed and survivors always getting Dced is because some survivors said back them "this is fine the way it is" so if you had that stupid mentality then yes it does seem like "omg killer always buffs and survivor always nerfed WAAAA WAAAA" it has taken BHVR 3 years to go from THAT to current. it is a long way but there is still a long way to go for good balance still. that is why mechanics like BLOODLUST are just bandaids to help patch the larger problem until it gets fixed, the devs have even said they don't like bloodlust but admit it is needed until the other balancing issues (like bad map design) gets resolved and wont be removed till it is resolved
if you think what you see in that video IS BALANCED for survivors and killers then you forfeit your right to comment on balance on this game for forever and/or complain about nerfs/buffs.
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Do this apply to killer mains also or just survivors
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Why is it that after every patch survivors need to come up with new strategies and methods just to play and survive?
Because that's what one thing of playing Survivor is about.
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They are. You just don’t see em because you.
A. Don’t play survivor.
B. You don’t play on the same platform // ranking.
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I think it's pretty clear that it applies to EVERYBODY!
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I literally can't even agree with you anymore. Finally someone that gets "us survivors"
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Wow you are rude. Right to the Mods face.
Soooo Just cause I don't play survivor I forget the meaning of a word? okay! I'll look it up!
- a thing that is known or proved to be true.
- a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
Seems like I remember pretty well what they mean! Did you see the post where i put the lists of nerfs to both sides? Please go read both of them completely! I think it might open your eyes.
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Can we do the same thing when it comes to balancing.
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Oh God.... PTSD.... I played 2016-2017 DBD... never again... please....
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@StupidButTru it seems that you are intent to try to pick a fight with me, please don't go there and please keep this thread on topic before I close it.
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WELL PREPARE YOUR BUTT, because it looks like that BHVR HAS A NEW DIRECTION, of nerfing the GOOD AND BALANCED KILLERS so that rank 1 SWF will always escape, and that even the bad survivors will have an easier time looping
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Umm... I get good games as Legion at Red Ranks.... So.... I don't know what you mean unless you are being Sarcastic. Cause like... The Nurse was in a Tier of her own, and needed to be nerfed for game balance and possibly even the ability to rework maps better or bump up lower tier killers...
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It’s a fact because I know and so does everyone else I play with and I can prove it with all my games clips. And I have a RIGHT to post my opinion on what this game needs to do to make it better.
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What kind of question is that?! It applies to everyone!
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Soooo, it's a fact based on your personal opinion along with the personal opinion of your friends instead of anything official or supported....
Please, go read what i posted earlier, the lists, and see that it's on both sides. Thank you.
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Ur still not understanding 🙃
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and neither are you. So, in the interest of keeping this civil, I think I'm just done trying to convince you of something that is obvious. The Devs work for Balance for BOTH sides. They are not on EITHER side. Now, I'm not gonna bump this thread anymore with my replies and I will now merely ignore you. Have a good day.
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Don't take it personally, he does that with everyone. Not trying to be rude towards him, but, he likes to fight people.
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Prove it then. If you can, surely people will believe you. However, seeing as you are the one making these claims, the burden of proof falls to you, sir.
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I have plenty of proof I just need to know how to post the videos on here.
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You misunderstand.
Your initial claim is demonstrably false. Even your claim about the addons is false because while there are more usable addons, her best addons (the ones that broke her) are now normalized which is an overall power decrease.
In other words, basekit Nurse is worse and Nurse with addons is worse. Thus Nurse is worse.
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No. She’s not.
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Prove it. Its not hard to prove that these addons are worse than Omega Blink or 5 Blink and her basekit was a straight nerf.
So show that she's as good or better than current Nurse with these changes.
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As I am curious as to what over edited clips you bring, there is an "Embed" option in the chat window. It's a square with the two arrows in it.
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Who says I edit them? I don’t I record them as soon as something happens.
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I'm not sure what your problems are or what never gets fixed that needs to?
"the lag, vaulting ,killers tracking everything we do even our HEALING."
Check the ping? Make sure it isn't red. There's always going to be some amount of lag, and if you have bad internet I don't think the dev's can help ya.
What's wrong with vaulting?
Killers can track everything... There are counters. Lockers, distortion. Bunch of perks to lose your tracks and/or faster. Inner strength hides your healing. etc. There are counters and playstyle choices to make.
I'm not entirely sure you seem to care about balance. But if you can make the video and show us, maybe that will help with some confusion.
So, if the nurse is not worse, you think she is the same or better? There's so many bugs on the PTB it's really hard to tell right now (for me).
Regardless, as of now, I don't see how the dev's are "more" killer sided. I don't see the "facts" to prove that statement.
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It was a joke, I assure you. Please, I await your proof.
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ah, they also buffed survivor heals. Didn't realize that.
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Yes. Something happens I record it and add it to my captures.
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I fail to see anything in the patch notes which will force survivors to create a new strat just to play the game.
The fundamentals are exactly the same. Gens, pallets, windows and looping.
Insta heals aren't even that much of a nerf one is now an anti tunnel item and the other an over time one. They still give a health state when needed.
The only real other thing is oblivious to certain killers but again that only affects things like OoO users. Those that always used our eyes instead of relying on a game mechanic to tell us will still do what we did.
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Ah, you have my sympathy. Try to upload to OneDrive, download it onto the computer, then upload. Worked well for me.
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This is very true. But this might come from the extreme overreactions of people regarding the Nurse nerf. One killer, the best of the best, gets nerfed, and people go crazy.
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I'm not picking a fight I'm asking you a question. Am I not allowed to ask for answers?
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@StupidButTru Opinions here only matter if they're killer buff focused. Anything else is a waste of time.
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This guys delusional.
At least try and bring some facts to your point, killers just got a fairly large nerf and survivors got a exploit fixed.
The game is still balanced, just have to adjust to the changes.