Spine Chill

Okay, so MANY people are telling me that Spine Chill works against the undetectable status effect. @Peanits can you clarify this statement? I've also noticed you've implemented the status effects onto the killers already in live? Said killers have the effect listed in their power description. Is the power based off of The Shape's Evil within tier 1?
Me and my friends tested this recently on xbox as of Oct 9th, I used the demogorgon new ultra rare in a custom game and teleported and me and me and him were starring at eachother and spine chilled wasn't lighting up.
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Both Spine chill and Premonition never worked against it.
"Those are new statuses dumb ass"
Not really they are both reworked version of stalk variants.
"What do you mean?"
Undetectable is basically what Myers use and Oblivious is a buffed version of the Pig stalk.
Knowing the link between the stalk variants and their statuses help you deal with them.
Basically no sensory/aura reading perks work against Myers T1 stalk. The same apply to the Undetectable status.
In the same line of thoughts, all sensory (not aura reading) perk works against the Pig. Thus the same apply for the Oblivious status.
Note: Oblivious was recently buffed again or something so idk anymore about how much it diverge from the stalk variant.
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So is premonition gutted basically now? 😢 so much for being stealthy and avoiding killers instead of playing loop de loop.
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It still work on almost all Killers.
The stealth killers are going to be much harder on us immersed players tho.
Better get good at looping those I guess.
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Umm isn't the new status going to apply to a good handful of killers? Why bring premonition at all if there's going to be like 4-5 killers it wont help with?
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It's a bit more complicated than that.
Killers with stealth statuses or stalk variants;
-Freddy (mid tier)
-Myers (mid tier)
-Demogorgon (low tier)
-Pig (low tier)
-Wraith? (?)
Notice how most of them are mid tier or lower. So all in all it won't change much and probably won't be countered that much. Especially higher ups.
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Peanits clarified it in this thread about Myers.
It makes them immune to aura reading perks but not detection ones.
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So that's a nerf from the original stalk variant. I'm not mad tho Myers T1 stalk is literally my nemesis xD
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Well, thats why SC is a good perk, otherwise it would be useless
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Spine Chill and Premonition do work against Undetectable. Undetectable only blocks aura reading, hides your terror radius, and hides your red stain. These perks do not rely on aura reading and so they still work. This is also what the perks are for, after all; detecting the Killer.
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so you should rename the status then.
why is it called undetectable if you can in fact get detected by spine chill and premonition?
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Still, it makes Myers in Tier 1 Useless. His ability was to block ALL detection perks.
In return makes Undetectable detectable. So that status effect literally does nothing to help Stealth Killers. Myers in Tier 1 was unique because he would literally get rid of detection. He was the only killer to do so and that MADE HIM UNIQUE now, his Tier 1 is a nerf! Which is a disgusting move. Such a disappointing move.
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And if Peanits statement isn't enough proof, is this?
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But you don't have a terror radius so it all works out.
Its actual quite the blow to T1 Myers. During his month, even!
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Because you are not detecting the killer, but rather getting a warning.
Spine Chill does not give you the exact location of the killer, just that they are looking in your direction and are close by. Premonition shows you the general direction the killer is but not whether they are coming towards you or not or what they are doing.
Plus do people really think spine chill/premonition shouldn’t work against stealth killers??? That’s literally their whole purpose.
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don't mean to be rude, but please do open a dictionary and search for the word undetectable
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No, we don't think that. We only think T1 Myers should.
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It was part of his base kit after all...
(Aka now nerfed T1 Myers...)
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Nah tons of people are saying that every stealth killer should trump spine chill and premonition which is silly. Maybe you aren’t saying that but others are.
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Others should understand that T1 Myers is a different case with his slow movement speed and stop mudding the waters with 4.4 and 4.6 killers.
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Yes they should. Myers should be an exception because of this and the fact that scratched mirror Myers won’t be possible anymore.
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I mean on the one brightside, you don't need to bring Monitor&Abuse on Scratched Mirror Myers anymore. Plus if you feel like someone is using Spine Chill, the the best way to close in distance is to just moonwalk. It isn't 100% foolproof but its better than the survivor running away as soon as you pass the 36 meter range.