LOOKING FOR: Trapper Tips

I've been playing more killer lately and I've started to get into trapper. I like the idea of the traps and I want tips on how to get better!
So far I can only get merciless on Springfield, and that's when I try pretty hard.
Anything is appreciated.
Summoning @Mister_xD
my sacrifice is @Elk
Some advice I can give you is, be unpredictable and always keep one trap on you.
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Always trap the shack, if only to stop people from looping you there. Put one outside under the window, and one at the corner in the long grass. You can put another at one of the entrances if you like. Put traps under pallets for the same reason. Put them anywhere that survivors tend to sprint without looking where they're going. Put a trap at each exit gate if the generators are going to be completed soon to buy yourself more time in the endgame.
Also, try to make sure that survivors don't see you putting your traps down, so they won't disable them the minute you leave the area.
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Trapper is all about putting traps where survivors tend to go go. If you want to get good at Trapper I think the best way is to play Survivor.
Most survivors know where the "usual" trap placements are so get creative with the grass. Grass is your friend. So are hazy reagent offerings actually.
I don't pretend to play Trapper at a high level but I know what annoys me as Survivor at high levels. And that's traps that are in the places I least expect. Trapper unfortunately is a killer that requires a lot of map knowledge and survivor experience to succeed. You need to know where the survivors go to get them.
Also keep one trap on you at all times to close a loop when you are in a chase.
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Trapping right on windows and pallets can always work, but it's expected and they are the most likely to be disarmed. You can 100% shut down the harvester tile and Haddonfield balconies (the ones without a door anyway!) with traps. The only way they can be disarmed is if someone steps in them. No matter how predictable it is trapping the shack window is useful, unless it's called out there will always be that "Is there a trap there?" uncertainty for the survivors, which can help you.
Trapping in grass around a looping spot is less expected, but still relatively standard. Try to trap along the longest loop route on the given tile, as that's the one survivors will prefer to run if they know what they're doing, as well as actively push them into that route.
Trapping the routes between tiles is often unexpected and can be surprisingly effective in some situations. Look for natural routes a survivor will take from area to area, in and outside of chase. These traps (as well as the "around loops" ones) can randomly catch survivors you're not chasing too more often than direct traps.
All approaches have pros and cons, and you should honestly have a mix of different traps if you ask me, as a lot of trappers go all in on one method (usually direct pallet/vault trapping). I know it catches me off guard as survivor when I've seen exclusively pallet traps until then, and I suddenly step in a route trap.
And oh, if you block someone in a corner and you have a trap, that's a down. Just shuffle until you can put one down and they'll instantly be caught in it 😈
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you know this is actually good timing to learn Trapper, as many of the killer archive challenges center around him.
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Corrupt Intervention is better then Ruin ever will be on Trapper. His strength lies in snowballing mid to late game. CI gives you guaranteed time to set up in one area for that late game.
Trap key points on the map. Shack window, Inf loops, etc. A great place to trap is not in loops specifically, but at the exit points or blind spots for loops that survivors have to take when looping you. You can ways fake putting a pallet down it's a incredibly powerful mind game. After losing a 2 or 3 gens set up a trap at exit gates as closely as possible.
Dont be predictable as a Trapper like Hag you want them to be nervous and paranoid. You unfortunately only have 5 traps spawn in the map and 1 to 3 you bring in.
Last time I played Trapper you could place a Trap inside the top right stair of basement when coming out. Not sure if it's still a thing.
My favorite build with Trapper is Corrupt Intervention, Infectious Fright, Remember Me, and BBQ. If I had Discordance or Thrilling Tremors I would switch out BBQ.
Trapper rewards knowing survivors pathing and rotation.
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OhTofu was playing Trapper last night on his stream. I would watch the VOD and learn.
His trap placements were on point and he dominated the matches while hardly even paying attention.
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Who's the other streamer oddsts or something. He is a Trapper main iirc.
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I often just place a trap in front of a chest and in 9 / 10 games it AT LEAST catches one survivor in a game, also had games with all 4 survivors falling for it :) Just improvise!
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idk I don't play trapper anymore but I usually picked 3 gens that are close to each other then trapped all the area around them and about trap placement they are only 2 places they really need to get place asap
Shack is pretty explanatory if the survivor is pretty decent you are getting looped at least a 1 minute and a trap could cut that chase at half (or even end if they get trapped) since they won't be able to use the vault
Infinites since you normally would drop the chase since its a waste of time , here is you either trap obviously or go for a creative one if you can call it like that (ex: the window inside the building in the ironworks of misery our you either trap directly the vault or you could trap by the main entrance there's a box and grass
Other tiles like jungle gyms and T L walls they can be trapped in creative forms as u like but I normally trap in a jungle gym by the side of the pallet there's some grass right there and for a T L wall I trapped the T wall where's the way to go around there's grass as well too
Curious fact : There's variant of grass (? If could call it like that in different maps ex: in colwind maps there's some grass in front of left pallet in a jungle gym or in mother dwelling where's grass in front of the vault if the pallet spawned left
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@Liruliniel The Entity's Left Hand only plays Trapper so he is a great resource as well.
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You should check out Not Otzdarva's content on Youtube. He does a lot of Trapper stuff and is very educational.
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This guy right here is what made me interested in trapper. trapper is probably the oddest killer in that you don't exactly want chases (unless they're in / going towards your danger zone). He's basically a puzzler character in that you calculate where survivors will need to go and put a trap there. heck sometimes the most random of traps you set at the beginning of the game in a "they'll go here at some point" ends up being the game changer 7 minutes later.
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No, you need chases and you need to win them — more so than with any other characters. If you relied on your traps for your main pursuance of goal by manner of puzzlecraft, you're going to do poorly most of the time.
Chase people in the general vicinity of traps around common loops is all I can say. Im not that good. lol
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Oh no I don't mean ignore all survivors and place traps cause then you'll find yourself having a pet who closes your traps on you. If you hit a survivor at the 'edge' of your zone and they run halfway across the map into generator / trapless loops then you're going to end up looping yourself for 2ish minutes which is enough for another gen to get done in exchange for a single down. In this situation you take your hit and hunt someone else because they're thinking "he'll chase his injured survivor".
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Grass and small pathways are amazing for traps also place traps on where you'd think you'd go as survivor
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You just need to trap the Shack window. Furthermore, don't trap pallets, trap the small part of the loop like this. (Amazing drawer btw, next Picasso)
(Pallet here)
The --- part is where you should. Basically at the climax of the loop, where they are going to the other side is where you should trap. They won't expect it. Survivors usually bet on it that if it's not on the pallet or window, it's nowhere. Also, in a jungle gym with a window, trap the corners of the super safe pallet side, so that when they're backing up towards the window to leave, they're instead trapped.
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hello there! glad you selected Trapper as your killer of choice, its always nice to see newcomers in our holy community of Beartraptism.
since you havent said where exactly you need help, i'll just start explaining and hope this helps ^^
if you have any questions in case i forgot something / didnt explain something properly (yes, this can happen :c ) feel free to @ me to get more and clearer information on this matter.
Now, where do we start with Trapper...
Add Ons:
lets begin with his Add Ons, as he surely is one of the Add On dependent Killers in the game. they are not a must have, though you will have a rather hard time without them, so here's my tipps on this matter:
to start off, i'll go into some detail regarding the different add on series and what they do:
- speed add ons are add ons that allow you to place your traps faster. this is a very good add on series, as it allows for a quick set up and gives you the chance to block off loops mid chase without losing distance.
- Trapper Gloves (common): slightly increases trap setting speed
- Trap Setters (uncommon): moderately increases trap setting speed
- Setting Tools (rare): considerably increases trapsetting speed + makes it take moderately longer to escape a beartrap
- Fastening Tools (very rare): tremendously increases trap etting speed + makes it take considerably longer to escape a beartrap + makes it moderately harder to escape it
- bag add ons are add ons that allow you to start with and carry additional Beartraps. those are easily his best add ons, thanks to the extra amount of Traps they provide you with and since they allow you to carry more than one, allowing once a faster setup, but also give you the chance to cut off multiple loops with them. you can also get out of annoying situations where you already have a trap in hand but want to replace another, as now you can just pick it up and place it, which saves time, which is a crucial factor in general killer gameplay.
- Trapper Sack (common): start with 1 additional trap and allows you to carry 1 additional trap during the trial.
- Trapper Bag (uncommon): start with 1 additional trap and allows you to carry 2 additional traps during the trial.
- Stiched Bag (very rare): start with 2 additional traps and allows you to carry 2 additional traps during the trial.
- coil add ons are add ons that affect the sabotage aspect of the trap and make it a lot harder to sabotage the setup / the traps themselves. this add on series is not one you will want to choose, unless you pick both ultra rare add ons. they will only take a few seconds longer to disarm traps, the setup will still be gone and saboteurs are a very rare sight these days, so no one is really going to try to take down your traps. in the end you barely get any effect out of these and could have chosen a better add on that actually helps you.
- Strong Coil Spring (common): slightly increases sabotage and disarm time.
- 4 Coil Spring Kit (uncommon): moderately increases sabotage and disarm time.
- Secondary Coil (rare): considerably increases sabotage and disarm time.
- Oily Coil (very rare): tremendously increases sabotage and disarm time.
- Bloody Coil (ultra rare): slightly increases sabotage and disarm time. injures any survivor who disarms a trap.
- jaw add ons are add ons that affect survivors who get trapped. again not a very useful set, as those that are trapped are usually those in a chase with you, so it doesnt matter if you inflict them with negative status effects, they will be hooked right away anyway.
- Padded Jaws (common): survivors stepping into a trap will not be injured. gain +100% more BPs for trapping survivors. (NOTE: you can still pick them out of the trap to oneshot them. if you hit them, they will be freed and able to run away injured)
- Serrated Jaws (uncommon): survivors stepping into a trap will suffer from strong bleeding until healed.
- Rusted Jaws (rare): survivors stepping into a trap will suffer from a the mangled status effect until healed.
- darkening add ons are add ons that make the traps darker and therefore easier to hide outside tall grass / make them harder to spot in said tall grass. one of trappers best add ons, in the heat of a chase survivors will often not notice a trap that has been darkened.
- Log Wood Dye (uncommon): moderately darkens all traps.
- Tar Bottle (rare): considerably darkens all traps.
- brick / stone add ons are add ons that afect the survivors who try to escape beartraps (except the ultra rare which has a very unique effect). usually an okay choice, though as i said before the survivors stepping on traps are usually the ones you are chasing, so you mostly wont need these.
- Wax Brick (rare): makes it moderately harder to escape a trap. (useless)
- Honing Stone (very rare): if a survivor frees himself, they will be put into the dying state. (has niche play)
- Iridescent Stone (ultra rare): reopens a random, not set trap every 30 seconds. (decent. you dont want your traps to be in the same locations all the time though, unless you combine this with the Bloody Coil)
thats it for the Add Ons. I would recommend you to only use add ons from the speed, darkening or bag category. the others are pretty much useless and wont really help you. the ultra rare combo is decent, though i personally dont really like it that much, as traps are more efficient when hidden than when cutting off areas, especially if it only takes one injured survivor to go around and screw your setup.
if you look for his strongest add on combo: Tar Bottle + Stitched Bag.
in general i would suggest you should always run an add on of the bag category, as the utility aspect of those is amazingly good.
Trap Placements:
the first thing you will want to learn with him is where to efficiently place your traps.
this topic comes hand in hand with map knowledge and active predictions of your future preys pathing (also the main reason why imo the killer is not "easy" as the devs claim him to be ingame).
there are 2 different types of traps:
1) traps that are ment to cut off loops / areas. those are very usefull, though you dont want to have many of these, as thse are usually easily found and disarmed by survivors outside of chases. you dont need to hide these traps, you want to announce to your prey that this loop is off imits. a good example would be trapping a maps infinite / the killer shack. everyone knows a trapper will trap this if he can, but you should still do it, as they will always try to loop you on those. such traps are often placed during chases and you shouldnt worry too much if they get disarmed. just replace them whenever you are around.
2) traps that are ment to surprise and catch your prey. those are the ones where your real strength comes into play. while we have the very predictable loop denying traps, you will want to place those in areas where your prey will not expect it, so you can catch and oneshot them during the trial. those traps should also always be moved around, should they be disarmed or if someone stepped in one. you should never place these traps under windows / pallets, rather around the pallet where you think your prey might try to loop you. another great way to place them is between generators and loops, as they wont expect to run into a trap before entering the loop. you can also place them in areas you think survivors will walk through when trying to avoid getting seen by you when you get close to them. you will usually be able to end chases before they even started with traps like these, which makes them really strong, if used correctly. please note that it takes a lot of time and map knowledge to correctly predict survivors pathing and place such traps. you will have to learn the right spots by trying them out over and over. important is, that you want to find spots that are NOT known by the community! otherwise they will be predictable and might end up getting disarmed. this is also where the Tar Bottle can help tremendously, as you will be able to place traps in areas where parts of the trap might stick out of the grass. Tar Bottle also allows you to place traps that are ment to cut off areas and still make them surprising.
some more things that will help you with your trap setup:
1) dont place a trap too close to a window. fastvaulting survivors might be able to jump over it otherwise. try to place it in a way, that its not horizontal to the window to avoid this. if window and trap form soem sort of T ( | this being the trap), they wont be able to avoid gettingg trapped uppon interacting with the window.
2) dont place a trap inside a pallet. survivors that found about about this trap can avoid getting trapped by dropping the pallet and vaulting it. always place a trap before or behind a pallet (IF you must place it in a pallet). in general try to avoid placing traps inside pallets though and place around it.
3) the middle bar of the trap (if you look at an opened trap, it has this middle bar going through it and on its sides the circular jaws) decides on which level the trap will be placed. this allows you to basically hide 50% of your trap underneath floors, which combined with the Tar Bottle can make traps very hard to spot. this works on the killer shack, try it. lock down the pallet of it by using this trick with a Tar Bottle and they will keep running into the trap, even though its a super obvious one. this also helps on staircases.
4) do not spread your traps out too much. by default you have 6 traps (number can increase with add ons up to 9). you will want ot trap a certain area and defend it as good as you can and lock down 3 to 4 gens.
5) the basement is your pwer play. trap it. a lot. Trapper has the potential to be the best basement defender - even stronger than bubba. you can use your traps to lock down every possible entry to the shack, which would basically make it impossible for a single survivor to rescue their friend - you will get notified of them entering by them disarming a trap and uppon resetting the trap they are stuck in there with you.
6) always keep at least one trap in your hand for chases! the ability to force them out of a loop is immensly good and can chase them into your actual setup easily.
7) do not trap dropped pallets. you dont have enough traps for that and its very obvious you trapped said pallet. just break them or trap them before they start looping you there.
here are some perks i can recommend for Trapper. those are not must haves, though they do make your life easier (similar to iron maiden on huntress). they are also not the only perks that work good on him, the usual meta perks are always helpful, but they do provide Trapper with buffs he needs / can play around with best:
- Corrupt Itervention: the ability to block of the 3 furthest gens from you is very strong, as you dont have time to defend them anyway, so you can focus on your trap setup around the other 4 and properly defend them.
- Hex: Ruin: a meta perk, though Trapper is one of those killers that can gain the most out of it. by trapping the totem, they have to announce their presence there to you and you can defend it easily (does not work on all totem spots). on top of that, slowing the early game down is a tremendous help for trapper, as this is where you lose the most gens.
- Hex: No One Escapes Death: as its a totem perk, the same upside Hex: Ruin had applies to this aswell. on top of that, Trapper is not one of the strongest killers out there, so getting some help when you are close to losing is always helpful. especially if you dont have Corrupt Intervention or Hex: Ruin yet, you will pretty much have to rely on eigther the survivors overaltruism or this perk backing you off. Warning: a lot of Trappers run this perk, its expected on him! be prepared for all your totems being cleansed. this might also help you, if you dont run it, as they will expect it and therefore waste precious time cleansing totems.
- Brutal Strength: getting rid of pallets is very important for him, as you will be able to trap the remaining ones and therefore increase their chance to run into your setup.
- Deerstalker: Trapper lives from his momentum. its not too uncommon that you get to down multiple players at once, therefore its always nice to see them.
My personal perk set up looks like this: Corrupt Intervention + Monitor & Abuse + BBQ & Chili + Brutal Strength.
here some general tipps on how to effectively play him:
- Trapper is a very defensive killer. you will always want to lock down one area and defend it, dont let them lure you out of it! also, dont be afraid to drop chases. if you get the jump on someone else who then tries to escape through your zone, you have a much easier time than chasing the other guy outside your defense zone.
- do not be afraid to stay around hooks longer, preparing a setup for potential rescuers. defending your hook is one thing Trapper is very good at! dont place the traps too obvious though.
- do not chase far away from your trapped zone, unless you are very confident in your chase skills. dont be afraid of dropping a chase and looking for someone else, who might end up trying to escape through your defense area.
- do not try to get to players who got trapped far away from you. by the time you got there, they will probaply already be free - may it be due to them being lucky or a friend helping them.
- uppon trapping a survivor, hit them with your blade instead of picking them up. the chaser emblem will not count it as a won chase if you pick them up from the trap and the better you played, if you picked the mup, the worse your chaser emblem will be.
- do not panic by them repairing a gen. focus on trapping the 3 or 4 you wish to defend and ignore the other ones. especially your early game is going to be bad with trapper, as you need to place your setup and they can work on the gens uninterrupted.
- do not start chases before you managed to get a good setup. ignore them. otherwise the game will end up goinng bad for you, as trapper is not good at chases when he has no traps placed.
- There are trap deadzones around hooks and other traps. you will not be able to place your traps too close to those, so watch out where you place your stuff. the wrong hook placement can screw your potential setup pretty bad, honestly.
- when you end up on an inside map (Lerys Memorial, Gideon Meatplant, Hawkins National Laboratory), dont try to get many surprising traps, that wont really work out. try placing traps that take away loops from them. you will rely on your M1 skills a lot on those. Tar Bottle can sometimes fix this, but most of the time its a lost case.
thats all i can think off for now.
if you have questions, feel free to @ me and i'll try to answer them as good as i can!
EDIT 1: added more points to the playstyle category :D
have a wonderful day / night,
i'll cya in the fog!
Post edited by Mister_xD on2 - speed add ons are add ons that allow you to place your traps faster. this is a very good add on series, as it allows for a quick set up and gives you the chance to block off loops mid chase without losing distance.
Do you like stbfl on trapper
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Put a trap near a hook or two at the start of a match where you plan on the endgame 3 gen strat.. Then as opportunity presents, hook someone at that preplanned hook. Nothing better than catching the hook savior before he gets there. Especially in swf. "Did he put any traps?" "No." Snap. "You said there weren't any traps!" You catch 2 for the effort chase of 1.
I catch so many people in random traps in the stupidest places. Just out in the open with nothing around or in wide trailways. And especially in the corn on Coldwind Farm and in the bamboo on the Estate. You might hide from me in the corn, but you can't hide from my traps, lol.
I'm not an expert Trapper, but I only use bags and darkening add ons.
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STBFL is in general a very solid perk choice.
Trapper can gain a lot of use out of it, if the obsession steps on a beartrap, so you wont lose any stacks by picking them up.
though, there are other killers that can make a better use out of the perk - killers with a direct M2 attack, such as Demogorgon.
It can help you a lot though, as Trapper usually relies a lot on normal chases, especially if they left the trapped area.
so yeah, if you like the perk run it. its a very solid perk choice.
personally i prefer other perks though.
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Honestly, if you REALLY want to play Trapper well then do not fall for the obvious 'put traps in between pallets" trick. It doesn't work 99% of the time. Instead put them in tall grass areas (around the shack, anywhere on a Macmillian map, around the dock and boat in the swamp) and other unpredictable high-activity areas. Secondly, when someone DOES throw a pallet and it's in a traffic heavy spot, put a trap at one side and continue with the chase. You don't have to always break pallets as Trapper - use them to catch a different person off guard. Finally, check out Otzdarva's trapper gameplay because I'm just reciting his tips xD
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Thank you to everyone who has commented! I love watching Otzdarva and i'm learning from him, as well as all of you. :)