Survivor Perk [-Technician-] against Freddy - There is something wrong...

Hey, I just wanted to say, when you play against Freddy and you are repairng a gen...
and you are in the dreamworld and you are missing a skill check aaaaaaand you get the chance that the generator will not explode, you still get waked up. But when there is no explosion, you can't or you shouldn't get woken up. #badEnglishSorryNotSorry
You still missed a skillcheck and progress got reverted. Just without the notification.
So it does make sense (in regards of Freddy's dreamworld)
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yeah but only an explosion wwill wake you up. no explosion = no wake up.
and at the end I think is too much advantage. even when i am playing survivor in this situation I feel it shouldn`t wake me up. xD
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It's hilarious because of fail logic, but in a way, the game isn't meant to follow real-life physics.
Hag teleports to traps because she can.
Shape gets stronger by looking at people.
Ghostface can somehow inflict massive amounts of injuries that can cripple survivors by staring at them.
Wraith can be invisible.
Demogorgon existing.
And a Child molester that can kill people in their dreams because of demons.
And plenty more.
I think the entire "Waking up through Technician" is the least odd of logic fails. Alot of people can wake up in real life in different ways. Reacting quickly in dreams could wake someone up. Or the shock of failing a skill check, but relief after being saved. With the "Shock" part waking you up.