Huntress with 115% Movement Speed too strong?

We all know Huntress. In my opinion she is one of the best (and fun to play) killers in the game. But you can't deny that she is map dependent. And almost every time the Devs change something, this change comes with a Huntress nerf. With 115& movement speed she would be way better in certain maps.. but I feel like that buff would make her unbeatable in maps like Blood Lodge. I don't think that they will change anything about her, because she is kinda ok. But she deserves love too.^^
Just delete haddonfield and yamaoka and everything would be all right.
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Na she doesn't need it to strong
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As appealing as that sounds to a huntress main, she would be way too strong. Fixing the awful maps would be a much more consistent and fair change.
She already is one of the best at shutting down loops, and with 115 movement she would be unstoppable.
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Title should be: "Is Plague with unlimited Corrupt too strong guys?"
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She can, theoretically, down a survivor from anywhere on any given map. There is a reason she has 110% movement speed. Maybe 112-113% might be fairer for her, but she should not be the same speed as an M1 killer.
I'd rather see her hatchets fixed, since her hatchets hit things they shouldn't and miss things they shouldn't...
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Her movement speed should increase by 1% depending on how many hatchets she has left.
5 hatchets- 110%
4 hatchets- 111%
3 hatchets- 112%
2 hatchets- 113%
1 hatchet- 114%
0 hatchets- 115%
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I actually love this idea and it is kinda logical. Fewer hatches means less weight she has to carry with her^^
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Her speed should increase based on her humming changing.
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But like, Iri head huntress would be unstoppable
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I dont think she needs walk speed buff.Her hatchets need to more flying speed since it's really easy to dodge them even fully charged.Not to say what cooldown time after the hatchet throw and survivors can just look behind them without any penalty.
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It would change accordingly. This idea has been made before, and another effect on iri head add-on would be that your movement speed doesn't ever change even with no hatchets. That was the universally agreed on method to implement this change.
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A better idea (in my opinion) is change the effect of Iri head to cut the amount of hatchets but increase the movement speed, and the infantry belt would slow moderately the movement speed.
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As a Huntress main, I think her having 115% movement speed would be too strong. She’s pretty good as she is, and needs NO changes. Pretty balanced, in my opinion.
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But without any hatchets, she would technically be an M1 Killer, and we ALL know how those killers are. i suppose speed in trade for power is in hindsight a buff, but with no way to stop survivors from looping her. (Becuz no hatchets), then her usefulness is still limited.
Yeah, I can agree to her current status to being balanced, but I disagree to the fact that a 115% speed Huntress is too strong. Not saying it should be implemented, just thought about in some regard. have her max speed be at 112% with no hatchets or whatnot.
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I don’t think this change is necessary.