Youtubers/Streamers who main Doctor or Clown?

I know Scorpionz mains Pig, Farmer john and raging_ryuga main Legion, but there doesn't seem to be any Doc or Clown streamer/youtuber mains afaik. Anyone know of any? Im specifically looking for people who are very good at that killer
Best Answer
I ran into a doc main on twitch. Otzdarva recommended him. Thought about you! Here ya go:
Space coconut and Moritz L are great Hag mains if anyones curious
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Also no Console Players
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Not main but Monto does pretty cool builds with both.
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Clown is one of the few killers Monto has at P3. The only ones I ever saw that he had at P3 is Pig and Clown.
I don’t believe he has a “main” killer though. I think he said his favorite build is Bodyblocker Hag though.
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For Doctor I'd say edgaralanbrolive on twitch:
He has a skit "Doc's daily dose" that he does quite a bit. He doesn't exactly "main" him, but he does him play often for the 'skit'. It's pretty good.
Other's that are great teachers that will play all characters and you can actually vote for them too, are Otzdarva and FunGoose ( ) . Both are on twitch. But again they don't "main" any of them. However, they are very educational and I think you will enjoy them, if you are trying to learn which seems like you are. They also answer your questions as well, its super informative and I've learned a lot with both.
I don't know anyone that actually "main's" clown. Sorry.
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I'm really good at Clown and Doc, was just hoping to watch other people play those killers.
Didn't know Edgar streamed, he's a cool guy
Otzdarva is a bro, never heard of Fungoose
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Ah. Well if you want people that more consistently play those two in particular, I have no idea then.. Everyone I find usually just rotates through them. I'd probably check on youtube then. I know someone mentioned Monto, he has some nice builds and games to watch on youtube.
And ya they are a really nice bunch :) I enjoy learning from 'em. Nice, friendly communities too.
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Without having top tier add ons and perks the doctor is pretty worthless
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I already found him lol, thanks anyways
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Sounds like you have no idea how to play him
People like you are the reason Hag got buffed the way she did, she was already one of the best killers in the game but you didn't bother to learn her. Now she's braindead easy to play and in top 4 best killers.
Please shut up if you don't know what you are talking about
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Firstly shut the ######### up, secondly stop being a cry baby survivor main that find killers to hard to deal with. Lastly i do know how to use him but he is so underpowered with any decent add on's to have the speed necessary to be that effective
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OMEGALOL SURVIVOR MAIN, I main Doctor/Legion/Hag you ######### tool. Hag used to be my primary killer until they buffed her but now she's too easy. Doctor does not need a buff, he is incredibly skillfull and is one of the few killers left in the game that actually require thought to play. Please quit being a crybaby cause you can't even 4k with omegablink nurse at rank 20
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Post edited by martin27 on0 -
I'm a console player but you can check scorpion_RulezMK i don't want to self promote.