Instead of creating new killers, can we get a fix first ?

Hi guys,
I would like to know what you think, do you want more new killers or you would want a fix for the killers that are not viable (Low Tier) so we can see more balance?
I personally think that the DEV's should focus on fixing the current content instead of creating new one.
why not both
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No way dude, need to keep making $$$ with the new chapters.
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We all know BHVR have a small team. Instead of asking to much, im asking to make their priority's straight. Theres alot of killers out there that needs some love, people who paid for DLC but never play with them cause they are just bad...
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Buff the lower Killers!
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What do you consider a small team?
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No more then 150 employes ?
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@GunDemNoobs I thought it was more like 600 employees.
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Then yeah, that'd be a small team to you. 😜
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I do wish their balancing would be a bit faster than it is. There is still a fair amount of killers in need of some buffs, and many maps also need reworking.
And let's not forget about the balance gap between solo and swf survivors. The balance changes they have been making were really good though in my opinion.
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It's not asking to much with small number buffs that they could give to the underperforming killers and see how it helps them. They could do it every month until the killers are more in line (almost like a normal game that balances and doesn't take 2 years to make any change). Small changes are alright, you don't need a total rework of every killer.
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They are doing a fantastic job from last reworks... I cant complain on that.
But instread creating new chapters IMO, they should fix Legion / Clown / Bubba / Doctor first. That is my only wish.
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The new chapters are set on a general time, a 3 month separation between the chapters, this would throw BHVR’s pattern off.
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I wouldn't mind that at all. But they do need to make money as well, so I can understand if they continue to release chapters every 3 months. Personally I would prefer them to take a pause with the chapters and focus more on the game's balance and bugs, though.
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I hope they have seen my Legion rework thread in feedback. Poor Legion needs so much help.
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Sorry no they gotta get that money
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I agree, they are just bad atm.
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We are up to 5 pages now! Let's hope they see!
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The Doctor just needs add on changes for everything lower than green, and a 25% base shock radius increase. If you set Doc up right perk and add on wise he can be very viable. Shocking survivors at pallets like the ones in the middle of Blood lodge can give him easy hits other killers would have to bloodlust or mindgame to get.
Leatherface can maybe get a faster movement speed while revving up his saw, and perhaps make a purple or red add on only to allow him to hit multiple survivors with his chainsaw (normally he will automatically perform the cooldown after 1 successful hit)to help discourage players from camping with him.
Legion just needs his Frenzy to be less punishing to use, and the instinct range add ons needs to go back to movement speed increases. I’m not sure if Frank’s mixtape allows you to down Survivors with Frenzy, but if it does it should give you the penalty for missing attacks where as not using Frank’s won’t take you out the power for missing, but still give a missed attack cooldown to make it a bit more fair.
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Frank's mixtape will not let you down Survivors with hits anymore. It, Cold Dirt, and anything that reduces the stun BARELY do anything any more. KI range add-ons are stupid, but honestly most of Legion's add-ons are stupid. Need to talk more about those on my thread.
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That's why developers have an art team, a programming team, a design team etc. It's like when people ask for them to take their time off of cosmetics and work on fixes. Dev artists can't exactly work on bug fixes.
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I'm honestly done with the content drops. If we got a full year without content and instead devoted all the regular chapter drops and mid chapter patches to reworks/buffs, then the game would be in a better spot. Massive buffs to killers would also mean buffs required to survivors, so everyone wins. I'm really getting sick of the fix it and leave it attitude Behavior has with all the new killers, which is exactly why Ghostface is so broken.
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Fixing the game doesn't generate revenue.
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Well, a unbalanced game means more player leaving.
Less player playing means less income.
So maybe fixing the game doesn't generate any revenues on the spot, but it makes people play their game and it means more people spending on DLC's and cosmetics.
So in the end, yea it kinda does.
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I think thats not true, a unbalanced game means more people leaving/quitting.
Less people playing the game / talking about the game means less incomes on DLC's and cosmectics. So i think it kinda does, they just don't see it that way.
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You're seemingly wrong, as we're seeing. There's not even basic things like rank rewards in the game yet.. yet skins come out per automation more or less every other week.
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they are starting to. Nurse nerf, they will change the doctor and they said they will review some killers like pig, myers and the chainsaws.
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They will never stop dlcs just to fix bugs/balance...
Thats why mid chapters exist.
We already know of at least 2 more chapters in December and March.
Then a new dlc roadmap in June...
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I’d agree with them delaying December and take that time to fix everything that is wrong.
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Freddy is the first killer I’ve seen buffed and that took years.
I’m not very hopeful..
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It does, more people playin because it is a good game thus more people buyin dlc&outfits.
Instead you have to answer questions like " How to change resolution?".
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I agree, but unfortunatley its likely never going to be a focus, because like ProfDunwitch said:
Cant squeeze more cash out of the playerbase by fixing old stuff, even if they desperatley need fixing.
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Clearly it doesn't, though. Otherwise we'd have seen changes done by the developers towards that goal, wouldn't we?
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Nope it is definately related to philosophy and how you approach business, since bait and switches are done and f2p mechanics implemented we know how they think about it. Since they do not want to fix stuff all they can do is milk the current playerbase, meanwhile they tank in reputation for ignoring blatant issues.