Is Ranking Fair? (pips)

DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117

Do you think that the amount of pips you earn is fair and is their any circumstances where you don't earn enough or vice versa?

Is Ranking Fair? (pips) 84 votes

Yes, it's always perfect and correlates to my performance.
Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.
BossIhatelifeSpartagone45Ring_Ringbrokedownpalaceblue4zionDeadbyDeathGardenReconeticKnucklesAxX7891CJsDBDPandiferJoao_BandicootSome_Dood64AwakeyPhoxoTechnicRaven014Aikanaropalletsryummy 29 votes
No, but there are times where I do earn alot for reasons I shouldn't (I didn't earn them.)
vampire_toothyArk_the_BonsaiPluAshleyWBSblitcherJacoby2041ad19970antgnsteaJawsIsTheNextKillerLeonardo1itaRullisidfrenchieeNullSp3cRicardiBacardiTKTKErshfly_172MookywolfHellbentGreentheNinja 22 votes
No, they suck all the time.
Techn0GibberishkodiakyBlueberryHattyTapeKnotXpikselInnCognitoTheLegendDyl4n1KrallexEaDreskimusstang62AngryFluffyNeverdwellerpremiumRICEMysticAdvisorn2njauwuDr_LoomisRydog 33 votes


  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    I've had some times where I A: get absolutely smashed by red ranks due to bad matchmaking and B: I lose due to slugging and the killer being unable to find me after intentionally going to the open.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    Don't really feel like any of these choices.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    No, they suck all the time.

    I'm talking about red ranks, if you participate in all activities, killed 2, hook 3rd, he lets go cause he's in SWF and he tells the last one where hatch is and 4th gets the hatch you de-pip. That's BS, the 3rd player got another 3 hooks or more from me just cause and also a kill even when I was owning the kill. So... My answer is for red ranks only.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310
    edited October 2019
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    Im talking about red ranks.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943
    No, but there are times where I do earn alot for reasons I shouldn't (I didn't earn them.)

    I feel like i dominate in chases didn't play super tryhard and some get away and only black pip which feels pretty crappy when i have no control over gen speeds and it's the survivors emblem to give me.

  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    Hey, thanks for your opinions! I was curious, what do you think would be viable choices? What do you believe would be good options to put in the poll?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    I would have liked to be able to choose something like: "Yes, but the result of the match does not have enough influence on your rank."

  • Valla
    Valla Member Posts: 25
    No, they suck all the time.

    Kiting the killer for 5 gens gives you a blackpip. So much about working rank system.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    No, they suck all the time.

    Don't be dumb, the ranking system is bad. You can de-pip or safety pip for escaping, or for killing the majority of survivors. This should never, ever happen.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,056
    No, they suck all the time.

    Ranking system is terrible for both sides.

    With Survivor it punishes you for playing efficiently and juking the Killer.

    With Killer it punishes you for playing well, and rewards you for just stalling the game, even if you lose.

    Survivor ranking system should be reworked, though im not sure how.

    Killer ranking system should be based entirely on kiling survivors and the number of generators remaining. Survivors escape? Depip. Kill all Survivors with 1-0 gens left? Safety. Kill all Survivors with 3-2 Gens left? Pip. Kill all Survivors with 5-4 gens left? Double pip.

    Something like that.

  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    That's kinda what I meant with I don't earn enough. But I'll add it if possible, thanks!

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    Okay, then i'll do that, since i know you can't add that.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,587
    No, they suck all the time.

    The pip system is terrible.

    It rewards you for playing a way that is not smart and extremely non optimal.

    It also punishes you for playing the smartest way and trying to kill the survivors as fast as possible.

    They are trying to force you to play the way they want you to.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    The pip system is terribly balanced for both sides. It's ridiculously hard to do for solos, and killers have most of their emblems in the survivor's hands. It doesn't really reward either side for playing well, just having long games. If I stomp a game with bubba really quickly, I will not get a double pip, but only a black pip due to how short it is. It's ridiculous.

    At least it does a good job of shoving the toxic ones out to red ranks though.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798
    No, they suck all the time.

    Rarely appropriate. They force you to play in a certain way to rank up and sonetimes you get punished for no reasons.

  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    Huh? How can you do it?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    No, i meant i'll choose that answer since i know you can't add another option. 😋

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    Had a game where 3 survivors DC'd, I escaped and me and the killer both depipped.

    Get camped/tunneled? Pretty much guaranteed depip.

    Keys and moris are pretty much designed to make the other side depip.

    The devs want an average of 2 escapes per match. Doesn't make much sense that a 2k pretty much guarantees a depip for the killer, then, but you can still safety pip or even pip up if you die as survivor.

  • asdw
    asdw Member Posts: 1
    No, they suck all the time.

    Rank one in a nutshell is depiping when you get 4k too fast lmao

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    No, they suck all the time.

    For both sides it is really bad.

    Imagine getting a 4K as Killer within 3 minutes and you blackpip.

    Imagine looping the Killer for 10 minutes and then die at the end by getting camped? Depip incoming.

    But on the other side, who really cares about the rank?

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    So, to me I don't see how that is a yes or can be. It isn't fair and that's a great reason why it isn't fair. You lost rank due to circumstances that aren't your own. You load in as killer. Everyone DC's. You depip. That's not fair.

    And as mentioned about a killer kills TOO FAST and "wins". They lose out. Instead they have to actually be "less" aggressive. And play with their food. If they want to be high ranks...

    Thinking about it, would you really want a killer that can completely decimate teams with seconds/minutes... to end up with the lower level unskilled survivors? How is that fair on those survivors? It makes no sense to me.

    I like to think each tier, has similar skill set of people, and as such you get to practice your skills, hone them and get better at the game. To me that is a good ranking system, one that fits you with others of similar skill. And the skill is actually based on your personal skill. Not others. That seems fair to me.

  • StevePerryPsychOut
    StevePerryPsychOut Member Posts: 190
    No, they suck all the time.

    Wow. 58 votes and not a single person thinks the ranking system works as it should.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,851

    The pipping system basically determines if a player A. participated, and B. did so in a way that was fun for the other side.

    It is a band-aid fix for not encouraging fun gameplay organically within the game itself, because playing smart and efficiently often isn't fun for the other side.

    Players can also de-pip through no fault of their own. Get hooked first and your teammates just don't feel like saving you? The killer tunnels one person all game and is never interested in anyone else? The killer goes AFK? The survivors all suicide on their first hook? De-pip de-pip de-pip de-pip. A player's rank is extremely dependent on the other players in their matches.

    What a strange system, where if a killer completely destroys survivors at their rank, they safety pip or possibly even de-pip. And the survivors they wrecked also probably de-pip or at best safety pip, so the two sides could stay locked in the least fun match-ups forever and ever...

  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    Oh.. Thanks

  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    WOW. No-one likes the ranking system and thinks it's good all the time

    I think this is a bit of a warning to BHVR when they next update the Ranking System.

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830
    Yes but there are times where the match was out of my hand and I lost my rank due to it.

    Rank is messed up all to heck