Now that medkit addon got deleted (nerfed)



  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    So if I started using your points, would you start using mine? You know, since you'll disagree with me?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    I for one don’t think keys are that OP, at least they require an objective... and more than half of the time it’s only 1 maybe two survivors that get to use it.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    That is simply not true. the majority of the communty only wants things nerfed that are ridiculously strong. Saying that killer mains will whine about every survivor perk that is just halways good is an incredibly biased way too see things. I'm guessing you are saying this because DS and Mettle of Man got nerfed?

    If you think those perks were fine, that's your opinion and you are allowed to have that. But when the big majority of the community agrees that those perks were too op, it's not fair to say that every killer main only whined about that because they want any decent perk of survivors ruined. Survivors still have some really strong perks.

    Of course there will always be people who are biased towards the side they main. But that's with both sides.

  • siyke26
    siyke26 Member Posts: 81

    To be fair I never got to use old MoM or DS but considering people still complain about DS I imagine it won't be around for long the way it is and no one uses MoM anymore because it never works it doesn't proc I have tried and I can literally stand between a survivor and killer and not get the token towards the one time protection I might have 2 out of 3 by the time I am dead on hook. All I am getting at is if there is anything good it will be taken down soon. I am biased because I do try to play more survivor but I do play killer and it really takes zero effort to get kills as is I can play a killer with zero perks and still get a 4k yea I am playing at rank 10 but thats the middle ground so I get toxic survivors that abuse some things but thats not that often usually and they are deranked red ranks based on play style.

  • MathiaStef
    MathiaStef Member Posts: 132

    Please stop giving anything related to death hook as a nerf because at that point it would be faster to hook you

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    Why do people want NOED nerfed? NOED can only be used when specific conditions are met (all gens are completed and totems are remaining). It’s the only counter to survivors who focus gens and the killer has no mobility on a large map.

    NOED can be countered by cleaning totems and using Small Game or Detectives Hunch, but of course survivor mains just want to stick to their meta builds....

    Can't you see how flawed that argument is?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,280

    We're supposed to be able to debate. You can't stop him, even with your imaginary claims of "stirring up hate'.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    edited October 2019

    Who are you and why are you bothering me? Look at his past comments, then come bother me, in fact don't bother me.

    I've already wrote this whole talk off as pointless. Have fun in the Fog, random person with no context or idea what's going on.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited October 2019

    Soon, hopefully in the next patch. Seems like the devs are finally cracking down on the rest of the OP stuff in the game. :)

  • EyeFearFoolie
    EyeFearFoolie Member Posts: 33

    If the game was truly trying to be balanced they would buff them together. killers and survivors taking turns getting buffed/nerfed forever would be just tipping the scale back and fourth in either favor. Doesn’t sound very “balanced” to me

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    True and false. If the game was balance and they took it in turns nerfing/buffing you would be correct however if the game is not 100% balance and they take it in turns the scales will indeed go back and fourth.

    I don't agree with some of the survivors nerfs they receive but for people (not you) to go out of their way to say the game is killer sided because survivors got nerfed and the killers didn't baffles me because balancing doesn't work like that unless both sides were balanced.

    With the latest patch, insta healers which WAS OP has been been nerfed so they are STRONG and not OP anymore. I think a nurse nerf/rework was a good trade for insta-healers to be toned down a little bit. Next on the line are moris and I think a good trade off for moris being nerfed would be keys but to be honest I don't know how they will nerf them.