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Hex: Ruin rework

Psylent Member Posts: 38
edited October 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hex: Ruin does none of what it currently does, as in no penalty for good skill checks. It is no longer a Hex perk either. Instead of all that, it now applies a debuff of -12% repair speed to all survivors. This debuff uses a kind of backwards token system. You start the match with 3 tokens, each worth 4%, making the total debuff -12%. You lose one token when you down someone, meaning each down lessens the debuff. After three survivors have been put into the dying state, you basically lose the perk. I know flat out repair slow down sucks, but surely this is better than the current Hex: Ruin right? It's main use has always been to slow down the start of a match, but is a bit too strong when it stays active for an entire match. I also think its too strong against less experienced survivors who haven't memorized totem locations and tend to run around doing nothing because of Hex: Ruin. It also really sucks when it's found and destroyed immediately. I feel this is the only way to make Ruin more viable and balanced, but also keeping it temporary. Ruin helps weaker and/or less experienced killers, as well as killers that need time to set up. More experienced killers will likely get downs quicker than your average player, so they won't get as much use from this new Ruin.

EDIT: After further thought, I realized getting just 2 good skillchecks while Hex: Ruin is active ultimately adds 14 seconds to repair time. 4 seconds for the progress lost and 3 more because it pauses generator progress for 3 seconds. That happens for every good skillcheck. So I changed my mind, deciding this new Ruin needs to be stronger than -12% repair speed.

Just for reference:

-12% repair speed = 10.9 more seconds to finish a generator solo.

Let's go with -24% instead, which adds 25.3 seconds. After downing one person, it becomes -16% which brings it down to +15.2 seconds. After downing a second person, it becomes 8% which brings it down to +7 seconds. You lose all tokens after downing a third person.

To get the seconds, just do 80 ÷ (1 - x) where "x" is the debuff percentage in decimal form. A gen has 80 charges which takes 80 seconds to repair when solo with no assistance from items or perks.

Is 24% enough to replace the current Hex: Ruin?

Post edited by Psylent on


  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79

    How does that affect Hag?

    Also, how does that fix Hex: Ruin? It doesn't deletes it.

    I think it's fine where it is...can't be that many games where it's active "for an entire match". Most will say it's destroyed very quickly or "within 30 seconds," but even then it's done what it was intended for.

    It's a great perk for killers, with an easy counter in Small Game, etc. and especially now w/ Detective's Hunch having been buffed. Really don't think Ruin can take much more before the actual perk itself in bloodwebs just dismantles.

  • Psylent
    Psylent Member Posts: 38

    I get this is Hag's perk, but why do you ask? Do you think it needs to be a Hex perk because all her other perks are? I'm making this suggestion for overall game balance, not for lore.

    Not sure how this deletes it when it literally can't be destroyed within 30 seconds of a match anymore. This guarantees you get use from the perk. I also never said it's often active for an entire match, merely stated that it happens. Typically on certain maps and/or when against less experienced survivors. Surely most people think that Hex: Ruin is too strong against new survivors and too weak against high rank survivors. That's what I'm trying to fix.

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79

    I honestly haven't read each toon's lore/story. I mean, the points of balance I covered in my opinion above.

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79

    New players will always have trouble, but that's what Small Game is for. Experienced players will always know how to overcome or adapt, that's what Hex: Haunted Ground is for (an example, that is). It's balanced as is, but in general totem placement needs work. That would solidify things.

    Either way, if totem placement continues to improve to the likes of Badham, etc. then it will be fine. 30 sec. is still helpful and definitely makes a difference (whether or not that is enough of a difference for you to run it, is left to player preference).

    Honestly, Hex: Ruin isn't always the best perk to run, but mid-level players, and low, are going to use it the most because they have seen it "advertised" by high-level players for so long now. It's a good perk and it was meta, but theres betta... *bah-dum-pish*

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Ruin would become close to useless.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Yeah... after reading this... this isn't a way to fix it at all. It would just ruin Ruin.

  • QuentinxJake
    QuentinxJake Member Posts: 30

    I was thinking this could be intressting but I also have an idea how about giving ruin a timer like old noed like 3-4 minutes this will slow down gen progress a bit just an idea

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    This would punish the killer for LITERALLY DOING THEIR JOB with no way to rebound on it.

    No, this is not the way to fix Ruin.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    This is cool buuuuuut nah. I think its fine. Dont see the point when corrupt intervention exsists. I would also rather them fix gens over anything rn.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    Well yes but it grants a strong start. I dont want this change but i get it and i like it. If u were to combo this with dying light, it would literally be the entire match of decreased gen speed... Thats pretty good.

  • Psylent
    Psylent Member Posts: 38

    I get how it feels like the killer is "being punished for doing their job" but isn't Play With Your Food similar in that way? Their seen as powerful perks so they come with certain drawbacks. But it seems this idea is a bad one anyway since nobody is liking it. I didn't put enough thought into it initially which was my bad.