So I have a few things to talk about.

First: The current state of dedicated servers.
I could just say they are simply raw and not ready for final release, but that is too simple and a good 3/4th of the community already says that, so I'll try to explain why.
First of all there is the problem with a lack of avalible data centers for people to use all over the globe, including places like russia, south america,africa and more. For example: There is no data center located directly in Russia so any Russian player not close to France,Germany or China will have no less than 100 ping no matter which data center he is connected to. Or South America having like 1-2 data centers for an entire continent, which leads to the simular issue. But that's the simple stuff. Another part of the dedicated problems is them actually failing to fix most of the problems they were adressed to fix. For example: dedicated servers were exciting news for a lot of newer and veteran players alike for their supposed ability to "fix the broken hitboxes", which came as a huge disappointment to many players on any of the initial test runs, because AT BEST(less than 30 ping) you would experience the same kind of game you played on the peer to peer system, and if the ping was below near perfection, which was the case for a lot of games, the situation simply became worse. On top of that dedicated servers brought a solid number of bugs, harmless and not so, to the game, previously unheard of. So in summary, in their current state dedicated servers only fixed the issue of so called "lag switching" which was basically the killer purposely making their internet connection worse to gain an advantage over survivors who would lag a lot. But even that issue was encountered so infrequently, most people simply didn't think of it too much. I know the investement in the creation of dedicated servers was huge, the system is simply not improving enough things for it to be worth switching to. At least for now. I recognize that the dedicated servers we have now are simply a test of the system in a hunt for ways to improve it, but it will take a lot of time to do so.
Second issue: The most hated thing by the majorityof the current dbd playerbase next to dedicated servers: The spirit.
The killer itself does not seem too groundbreaking at first, her power works as intended and has no potential exploits. The problem with it lies in the limitation of the survivor's ability to "do something about it". Let's look at a pretty common chase situation with the spirit: The survivor recognizes the spirit has started phasing and has to quickly decide on what to do next to avoid getting hit.
They have a few options:1)Stay at a pallet or a window to try and make the spirit miss them by vaulting at appropriate times(which are mostly random due to the survivor hardly being able to tell where the spirit is). 2) Slow walk away not leaving any trail for the spirit to follow, ultimately losing her. 3) pretend to start running away, and then quickly changing direction to shake the spirit off their trail and make her miss.
So here's where the problems are: Option 1 and 2 can be countered by the spirit player by listening to the audio cues of a survivor vaulting an obstacle(even slow vaults can be heard!) and ultimately hitting them after they vault or decide not to if there is no sound. This option can be also countered by spirit standing completely still and pretend she is phasing to make the survivor panic and make a mistake, which can prove quite effective since the survivor has almost no way of telling if the spirit is phasing or not thanks to her not having any indicators of doing so and emmiting no phasing sound while within her terror radius. And option 3 can be countered by the spirit player hearing the survivor while phasing thanks to the spirit having muffled chase music and thus nothing to disrupt the sound of the survivor breathing, grunting or running.
How to adress these issues(purely a suggestion):
First: Make the spirit emit the phasing sound even while in her terror radius, or/and add an animation or any other indicator to her husk, warning the survivor that the spirit is currently phasing.
Second: Make sounds less audible for the spirit while phasing or do not muffle the chase music. Please note that the second suggested change should not be implemented if the first one will, because having both applied at the same time will make it really hard for the spirit to tell where the survivors are during phasing based on sound.
Third:Add a window vaulting for the spirit, since the survivor approaching from any sort of angle from the window will hardly be able to tell the spirit is vaulting it, until it is too late.
Furthermore I have a small idea for a rework of the infamous "Prayer beads" Spirit power add-on.
My suggestion would simply be to replace the "No phasing sound" Effect to "You are able to quickly vault windows or break pallets while phasing. Doing so will pause the phase gauge depletion".
Also: A small suggestion for a small improvement that will have a singnificant impact on The trapper.
The trapper no longer has to collect his traps from around the map at the start of a trial, he has all of them in his hands and can carry all of them at the same time later in the match.
Trapper sack:+1 total number of traps Trapper bag:+2 total number of traps Stitched bag: +3 total number of traps.
The reasoning behind this suggestion would be that the trapper already lacks in map presense and chase potential outside of using his traps for it, but the main reason is that the Trapper has to waste a lot of precious time going around the map collecting his traps and setting them up at the start of the match.
And finally: A suggestion to change some of the addon's for hillbilly's and Leatherface's chainsaw add-ons:
Chainsaw file: Rarity changed from common to uncommon: now reduces the noise made by the chainsaw by 50%
Homemade muffler:Rarity changed from uncommon to Ultra rare: Now renders the chainsaw completely silent.
I know those add-on changes sound really strong on paper, but if we compare them to what you can take instead(AKA Charge time decreases, Cooldown decreases, Chainsaw movement speed, and so many more) you see the bigger picture and the fact that reducing the sound made by the chainsaw will simply make survivors approach chases with either of the killers with more caution and pay greater attention to their whereabouts and currect actions they are performing.
I would love to hear your feedback on this topic, reader, if you even made it all the way to the end heh, so feel free to write anything you want to say.
This was LunaTik the obligated rank 1 player, signing off.
Good luck.
Anything for Legion? Then I can credit you in my "Rework Legion" thread if it keeps the Rush Down Playstyle.
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@SpiritMain182 Those changes will not take away the mindgames from spirit, they will just make it so that the survivor has a fair chance to win them, because as in how they are right now, I've explained in my spirit chase breakdown, there is not a lot you can do against a truly good spirit player. Like I myself can hear stuff like slowvaults, breathing and much more during chases which makes it effectively impossible to scratch mark juke or slow vault. I respect your opionion but maybe you are just not experienced enough to see the full picutre.
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@UlvenDagoth Nope. Got nothin on legion. His power has to be reworked completely IMO, but keeping the aesthetic will be kinda crucial.
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Generators are a bigger problem than spirit.
Spirit needs the vault to remain the same and the phase being still to remain the same. Those are mindgames. Mindgames are great for this game. If you need an animation to tell well then you should pay attention as her head tilts (looks like a lag) when she begins phasing. So you can wait til you see that before moving.
A better change would be to instead:
Add some sort of punishment for not landing a hit. Maybe a stun but have the sound be better. She shouldnt be nerfed but made more difficult.
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@WickedMilk03 I can understand what you are trying to say, and the idea you propose is pretty good, but it will create a new problem of really good spirit players just being unable to lose, simular to how nurse is. Nurse is super strong, but she requires skill to play properly and good nurse players will usually win with a very good end result. I am not sure if we want another killer lke that or not. Also the thing about mindgames that spirit proposes is that for higher level of play and people with over a thousand hours into the game those mindgames are not even mindgames, since really good killer players will always be able to hear breathing, making walk jukes impossible, hear slow vaults, making vault jukes impossible, and will never come out of phase not knowing where the survivor went unless the survivor used something like a combination of quick and quiet lithe and dance with me.
But making spirit harder to play and master for the killer players will definately put her in a better shape as a strong killer. Because as it stands right now spirit is almost like NOED. You equip her, you play, you win(not at high level play of course but still).
Thanks for the opinion.
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They aren't good mindgames, the vault one perhaps can be argued as such, but fake-phasing is so incredibly unintuitive and brainless. The survivor knowing she's phasing does NOT remove the mindgame of where she is gonna reappear at.
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it stops double backing. Its good to learn around rank 12 when its useful. There is a learning curve
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"The most hated thing by the majority of the DBD playerbase." You immediately lost me. Who is this "majority"? Do you mean the minority sub group of salty survivors who don't like to play against things that can actually beat them?
I've never heard killers complain about her. Infact I'd bet money that you aren't going to find killer mains complaining about her. Any time I see a good survivor, either through youtube or twitch, I never see them complain about it. Hell even the salty Rank 1's usually only focus on complaining about your style of gameplay or perk choice, but never the killer unless it was super blink nurse.
I think your idea of a "majority" is just a TAD bit, MAYBE even a smidgen, scuffed here. Your logic is also flawed. Survivor's entire gameplay routine is entirely compromised of nothing but things that Killers can't do ######### about. Survivors have always been full of crap that killers couldn't do anything about, it's just that now they can actually get punished for mistakes. Seems to me that Survivors are just used to comparatively weaker killers, and when the killers actually get something that gives them the advantage suddenly that's too OP and gets whined about constantly.
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@FootMan2893 I get your point, but I think you're the one salty here. And also you didn't have to express your hatred to this thread in such detail unless you want to talk about it.
Also it is advised to go around asking people whether spirit is a bit too powerful or not and comparing how many people think so and how many don't, killers and survivors alike.