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Buffs/Rework Ideas For Underused/Underwhelming Perks

Trwth Member Posts: 921
edited October 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

If it's not obvious already, I really like writing stuff like this. There are so many perks in Dead by Daylight, yet still so many are never really used. Now I'm not trying to shift the meta here, but I would like to shed some light onto some perks that could use a bit more attention so that they aren't completely left in the dark to never be used. As always, feel free to share your ideas!

Beginning with the Survivors' side:

Buckle Up

Unlocks potential in one's aura-reading ability. The recovery and wiggle progression of dying and carried Survivors can be determined by the intensity of their auras at a distance of up to 48 meters.

When you heal a Survivor from the dying state to injured or healthy, both you and the healed Survivor see the Killer's aura for 4-5-6 seconds.

Deja Vu

Unlocks potential in one's aura-reading ability. Paranoia paired with the horror of failure drives you to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

When you repair 1-2-3 generators for 30 seconds, its aura will be revealed to you at a distance of up to 128 meters away. If the Killer breaks a generator affected by Deja Vu, the generator's repair progress can be determined by the intensity of its aura until it stops regressing. If the generator is trapped, then its aura will be revealed in yellow.

Deja Vu can only affect 1-2-3 generators at once.


You start the trial with 3 Tokens.

When any generator is completed, gain a token. When your aura would be shown to the Killer, Distortion activates and a token is consumed.

For the next 10 seconds while Distortion is activated, your aura and scratch marks will not be shown to the Killer.

  • Distortion does not activate while you are in the dying state or in a trap.

No One Left Behind

It is inconceivable to leave someone behind.

Once the exit gates are powered, your altruistic action speed is increased by 40%-50%-60%. Any injured Survivors within an 8 meter range of you will have their grunts of pain reduced by 50% and leave no scratch marks. Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds when out of range.

Gain 100% more bloodpoints in the Altruism category.


You have a knack for finding medicine. Searches through chests are 40%-60%-80% faster and the noise created are reduced by 8 meters.

Pharmacy guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit with the Self Adherent Wrap add-on on your first completed chest search.


You look over your friends even in dire situations. You and your allies within an 8 meter range will recover from the Exhausted, Hemorrhage, Mangled, Hindered, Blindness, Madness, and Oblivious status effects 20%-25%-30% faster. Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.


You have an uncanny ability to escape the inevitable.

While in the dying state, your recovery progression is converted into wiggle progression when you are picked up by the Killer, up to a maximum of 50%-60%-70% total wiggle progression.


Your running is light and soft, making your tracks harder to follow. The sound of your footsteps are reduced by 75% and your scratch marks stay visible for 2-3-4 seconds less than normal.


That's all I've got for the Survivor's side. Some perks that may still need looking into are Mettle of Man, Sole Survivor, Left Behind, Slippery Meat, Solidarity, and Wake Up!.

Moving onto the Killer's side...



Your presence alone instills great fear. Survivors within your terror radius will have their repair, healing, and sabotage speeds reduced by 9%-12%-15%.

Cruel Limits

Your ties to the otherworldly manifest when your prey attempts to get away.

When any generator reaches 50% repair progress, receive a loud noise notification from that location and all windows and vaults within a 24 meter radius from the generator will be blocked by the Entity for all Survivors for the next 22-26-30 seconds.

Cruel Limits can only trigger once per generator.


At the start of the trial, you receive the Undetectable status effect for 60 seconds. Any time you hook a Survivor, you become Undetectable for 20-25-30 seconds.


Your distressing presence drains and weakens your prey.

While repairing generators, Survivors are afflicted with the Exhausted status effect. Any existing Exhausted effects are paused during repairs. After ending the repair action, Survivors will be afflicted with Exhausted for 8-9-10 seconds.

Injured Survivors who are repairing a generator with more than 50% repair progression will be afflicted with the Oblivious status effect as well. After ending the repair action, Oblivious will linger for 8-9-10 seconds.

Monstrous Shrine

Your fervent care of the hooks in the trial have aroused the Entity's interest. When you hook three Survivors, the next time a generator is completed, all generators will be blocked by the Entity for 20-25-30 seconds.

Remember Me

You become obsessed with one Survivor.

Each time you hit your obsession, you increase the opening time of the exit gates by 5 seconds up to a maximum of 20-25-30 seconds.

When there is one Survivor remaining and you close the hatch, the opening time of the exit gates are increased by 15 seconds if the obsession has been killed or sacrificed.

The obsession is not affected by Remember Me.

  • The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.


You have a keen vision in the darkness of the night. Overall brightness is increased by 25% and your field of view is increased by 9-12-15 degrees.

Field of view gains do not stack.

Territorial Imperative

Unlocks potential in one's aura-reading ability. The auras of vaults and pallets are revealed to you within a 18-22-26 meter range. During a chase, when a Survivor is 2 meters from a vault or pallet, its aura will turn white.


When a generator reaches 75% repair progression, you receive a loud noise notification and the Undetectable status effect for 10-12-15 seconds.


You recuperate faster from attacks made by your main weapon. Your missed attack cooldowns are reduced by 25%-30%-35%. Your successful attack cooldowns are reduced by 15%.

Missed and successful attack cooldown reductions do not stack.

Beast of Prey

Your lust to kill is so intense that your connection with the Entity is momentarily lost, making you totally unpredictable.

You gain Bloodlust Tier 1 30% faster. After gaining Bloodlust Tier 1:

  • Your red stain disappears.
  • You gain a speed bonus of 15% to vaulting and breaking.
  • Gain 50% more bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter category.
  • You cannot exceed Bloodlust Tier 1.

Breaking pallets will not cause you to lose Bloodlust. You lose Bloodlust when you hit a Survivor or lose the chase.

Beast of Prey has a cooldown of 100-80-60 seconds.

Fire Up

The increased pressure of losing your prey fills you with anger and gives you unsuspected motivation. Each time the Survivors complete a generator, Fire Up grows in power.

  • For each generator completed, exit gate or hatch opened, gain a 4%-4.5%-5% speed bonus to picking up, dropping, breaking pallets or generators, and vaulting for the remainder of the trial.

Overwhelming Presence

Your presence alone instills great fear. Survivors in your terror radius suffer from inefficiency.

Affected Survivors will not be able to perform Great Skill Checks. All skill checks performed while in your terror radius will pause their action progress for 2-3-4 seconds.


Your eerie presence charges the air and interferes with technology.

Putting a Survivor into the dying state will cause all generators within a 32 meter radius to instantly explode and regress. This applies additional regression of 8%-9%-10%.


And that's a wrap. Like the Survivors, here are some other perks that could use some improvement: Iron Maiden, Lightborn, Mad Grit, Spies From The Shadows, and Hangman's Trick.

Quick Note: In this thread, I think Beast of Prey and Territorial Imperative should swap rarities.

Feel free to tell me what you think. I know that most of this probably isn't gonna happen, but hey, it's fun to brainstorm.

Post edited by Trwth on


  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    How did u simultaneously buff and nerf pharmacy? XD

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    It depends on how you look at it lol

    To me, I was trying to make its sole purpose finding med-kits. Isn't that why you run this perk in the first place?

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I like everything except for Coulrophobia. I feel like with that change it would just be a better version of Thanatophobia and no one would run Thanatophobia anymore.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    Well, it only works when Survivors are in the terror radius. Thanatophobia affects the entire map.

    Maybe I could reduce the values a bit though. 25% is a lot.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I run it because it helps better then self care by giving a medkit and then after that I get faster chest searches. It's amazing as is.

  • TruffleTurtle
    TruffleTurtle Member Posts: 614

    I think people will use pharmacy more now that the emergency medkit will become the best medkit when the medkit changes go live

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Yeah. This could be worse than map wide. I would take 16 over 25 any day

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    Makes sense. I'll change them to a lower number then.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Thats a nerf to Pharmacy, not a buff. Again, you only get one heal out of it now.

    Self Adherent Wrap only adds 8 charges. Considering the new changes, it should come with Gel Dressings, with 16 charges. Now reliably giving you two full heals.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Huh.... you got some good ideas here! Do you do more than perks? These are really good!

  • zodbones
    zodbones Member Posts: 13

    I like these ideas!

    Was also thinking for territorial that it could give you a noise notification when a survivor interacts with an item crate.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    Whatever is in the game that I think has potential to be better than it is currently, I’ll probably have something in store for it.


  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    Fire Up is the one I had a lot of trouble with. The only thing I came up with that made sense was increasing the max value by 1%. This way it multiplies to much higher percentages when a gen is done.


  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    WEll if you come up with anything for Legion, can you toss it into my Legion Rework Thread?

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    Oh yeeeeaaaahhh!

    Well, it’s not very well-polished, nor am I sure that it’s balanced, but I’ll see what I can do.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Its fine with me! I'm sure you can find the thread if you look.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,468

    A few of your buffs seem a bit too much, like Cruel Limits or Distortion. Regarding Distortion, I think that perk should have 4 tokens at the start, and then you can gain one extra token for every totem you cleanse.

    However, I do really like a lot of your ideas here. Especially Territorial Imperative and Monstrous Shrine. Those could easily become new perks as well, for a killer in an upcoming chapter.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    I don’t see the issue with Cruel Limits, but Distortion... kind of? I feel like there should be a way to reobtain tokens in the match since it’ll make the perk far more useful in the long run. The conditions can be anything as long as it isn’t broken. Cleansing totems can definitely be one.

    GODOG Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2019

    Disregard the forum ate my post.

    GODOG Member Posts: 17

    I'm rather disappointed with the last 2 sets of Killer Perks as I think the Plague had one of the best set of perks released in a while. Corrupt Intervention is a great less annoying Ruin-replacement, Infectious Fright is secretly becoming a fan favorite as people realize it really helps you snowball and know when to properly slug, and Dark Devotion while kinda gimmicky can at least actually work for some fun gimmicks since it's buff.

    Then Ghostface and Demo came out and oh my god what have you guys done. Here's my suggestions to fix them with some simple tweaks to the numbers.

    Thrilling Tremors

    Your dark designs and shrewd composure rouse The Entity. After picking up a Survivor, all Generators are blocked by The Entity and cannot be repaired for the next 16 seconds. Affected Generators are highlighted by a white Aura.

    Thrilling Tremors can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.

    Thrilling is actually a Perk that is slept on a lot, but the absolutely nutty CD on it holds it back sadly. Lowering it to 40 and making the lower tier versions of the perks actually useful will help make it proc more in a match and it will have synergy with Surge.

    I'm ALl ears

    Your keen senses are sharpened in the dark Realm of The Entity. Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability. Any Survivor performing a rushed action within 48 meters from your location will have their Aura revealed to you for 4 seconds.

    I'm All Ears can only be triggered once every 40/30/20 seconds.

    I'm All Ears is also slept on a lot but it's actually pretty insane on The Nurse and some other strong killers. Mega boosting it may lead to some unfortunate outcomes...A slight nerf to the aura reading should help make it better without being terrible. Having it proc multiple times in a chase potentially would be a neat QoL change.

    Furtive Chase

    When your obsession Obsessionis hooked, Furtive Chase receives a Token, up to a maximum of 2/3/4 Tokens. If your obsession is sacrificed or killed you lose all stacks.

    Each Token decreases your Terror Radius by 4 metres while in a Chase and lowers the size and brightness of your Red Stain by 20% along with your Heartbeat.

    I've seen that some people say it should just hide your Red Stain entirely if you get enough stacks but I think that would step on Ghostface's own power too much, and also Beast of Prey assuming that ever gets reworked to be decent. Having it just make the red-stain smaller would be a neat effect that could lead to some more mindgames without just completely removing it. Same with the heart beat being up to 20% volume, thus almost indecipherable. This is mostly just me trying to make it a 'chase' perk as it was intended, honestly I think the best way to make the perk decent is just say it lowers your TR by 2 for each token, period. Make it a second M&A.


    Your eerie presence charges the air and interferes with technology. Putting a Survivor into the Dying State causes all Generators within a radius of 40 metres to instantly explode and regress. Surge applies an additional regression of 8%. Surge can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.

    Two simple but actually game changing additions. First the requirement of it being a 'basic' attack is removed as it's completely nonsensical and pointless. Especially with Demo's Shred not being a 'basic attack' means he will often not trigger Surge making one of his own Perks awful for him. Amazing. Next a minor range buff. I'm tempted to go whole hog and do 48 meters but I think 40 is a good sweet spot as I feel like a lot of times when I feel like it should have gone off but didn't, 40m would have covered it. Other than that it's a pretty cool perk but definitely not a 'Ruin/Pop-killer' as people hoped, which is fine we have Corrupt.


    Your ties to the otherworldly manifest when your prey attempts to get away. Each time a Generator is repaired all Survivors within a radius of 24 meters from the completed Generator are inflicted with Hindered for the next 20/25/30 seconds

    Now this fits the original flavor a bit more. Blocking vaulting locations is completely map dependent and hit or miss, and it also feels kind of cheap when it happens mid-chase with a survivor and they just get told 'lol you die' because all the stars aligned right and the perk actually worked. Hitting them all with Hindered however will do several things: Slow down them running away to either another generator or away from you. Screw over a guy in a chase right next to the gen. And maybe actually make Tinkerer work. I especially like the idea of it discouraging Survivors to just finish a gen right in the killers TR as they are chasing someone or right in their face. It also combos perfectly with Mindbreaker and Surge to an extent (Assuming it gets a range buff and could maybe hit another generator).


    Your distressing presence drains and weakens your prey. While repairing Generators below 50% repair progress, or when Hooked, Survivors are afflicted by the Exhausted Status Effect. Any existing Exhaustion Status Effect timers are paused. After ending the Repair action or being unhooked, the Survivor is afflicted by the Exhausted Status Effect for 3/4/5 seconds.

    Now this would be interesting and possibly a lot stronger than the simpler version of just removing the dumb, 50% requirement, but I think this would be awesome. Can't just waste your Dead Hard and have it back right after you get unhooked. Otherwise just removing the 50% and buffing the lingering effect would do the trick.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    The three Ghost Face perk ideas I like, except for I’m All Ears. It’s a good perk as is, but reducing the cooldown makes it way too good. Mind-gaming Survivors would become too easy since their auras would be revealed so often.

    As for Surge, I think 32 meters is fine, just not 24. It should not have a cooldown though, since it’s completely unnecessary and does nothing but restrain a perk that doesn’t need restraining.

    Your version of Cruel Limits... really won’t do much in the long run. Changing the effect doesn’t make it that useful, since people want to get something out of PROTECTING gens, not completing them. If it applies Hindered, then people still won’t use that perk since it’s still not very useful unless combined with a certain build.

    Adding Mindbreaker to affecting hooks doesn’t make it any better. If anything, it will encourage Killers to funnel since the previously hooked Survivor can not defend themself unless they have BT. What people want is to have Exhaustion affect gens at all times, not just below 50%. The Exhaustion timer increase is definitely needed though.