So, I had a thought about a killer.

I've loved reading these forums for quite some time now. I've seen so many fantastic ideas, even between the sarcasm and toxicity. I was sitting here and a brainstorm kicked up, so I thought I'd run it by you. As a disclaimer, I'm not expecting it to be a reality, just had a thought is all.
So I love the idea of a killer who can change perception or more basically, mimic. Now we all know that as fun as it could be it realistically wouldn't work very effectively. SWF would year it apart, hell, even a decent solo team could see through it. So, why not make it a mode?
It would be an interesting prospect wouldn't it. A new model, with a new model specific killer. Again, a mountain of work for something like that, I fully understand the implications of it. I just love the idea. Full solo only with KYF for the groups who want some ridiculous fun, without the BP or level gains.
With all the recent talk of old Pennywise, it got me to thinking of a killer who could mimic other's and it is a fascinating possibility. There are a lot of games on say steam that have this "who's the killer mentality" but none have done it really fantastically that I've personally played.
So as a test run, I thought, why not Legion? I began to think of an arena of sorts, an indoor area with objectives. Find this, do that, they are mostly basic objectives that can be thought of later. All the "survivors" are legion and their different skins, with one being the legitimate killer. Now objectives must be completed in a timely fashion and require you to buddy up amongst so out of six or more players, someone will have the killer with then. When the choose to strike is their own choice.
The problem I keep running into is how does that happen? Is it a DBD-classic chase? Maybe an animation? What does the killer have to do to kill the person? What prevents the survivors from just standing together? Do the survivors turn into extra killers when killed? How do you prevent snowballing? Many, many questions.
Hence why a brainstorm that I pose to the forums. Hypothetically ofcourse, how would you make this game mode function, and would you find such a mode enjoyable? Who knows, maybe such a thought process can help the devs in any number of their own questions.
I'll sleep on it for now, but I think it has a potential to be very exciting, buy possibly frustrating. How to prevent that I wonder.. just another question.
I really wish this was a thing. But Devs have said they will NOT make a mimic Killer. I doubt they would wanna add another game mode. Sorry man.
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Absolutely, as I said it's hypothetical and a fun brainstorm. I've found they can really help with a multitude of problems so I wanted to put it forth. See what the community can come up with. As far as a mimic killer, it would never work, so I can't blame them. Unless they had a mode that was suited to that kind of killer ;). All in good fun, I've loved all the killers they release and most survivors so I've nothing to complain about, would just like to see more killers who can compete against good loopers. Has to be dreadful playing Nurse and spirit all the time just for that, even though a few others can get around it . Doesn't affect me though, I have fun either way. "Losing" is just a part of it and subjective at best!
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I would also like to put forward that mimic is a base line term for what I mean. Changing perception is the true end game there. A killer like doctor but not as weak and reliant on strange add-ons. Making you see things that aren't there or may not be. Maybe hearing a phantom heartbeat like that plauge perk, false messenger or something? I think the idea could have real merit and not a just a mimic. But the idea of the mimic extends so far beyond making you look like a survivor.
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I hope they make Doctor's illusions move when they update him!
But I get what you mean more now! That's pretty cool!
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I never thought about that, if they did that it would actually make him what I want and I already love doctor. Make the mirage come walking up with a heartbeat only that survivor can hear? Gives me chills..
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I actually proposed during the Ghost Face publicity marketing that Ghost Face should look like a Survivor, and have the ability to change into a Survivor by copying any other Survivor's cosmetics. In this disguise Ghost Face can't attack but can do gens and other survivor-like things other than dropping palettes, but doing so doesn't contribute to gen progress or totem destruction. He also has no terror radius or red stain.
He wouldn't be able to attack in this mode but had to press his power button to take out his mask and robes for a second to put them on before he could attack.
Unfortunately this wasn't the case. But I pushed for the idea again with a "The Thing" killer.
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and maybe even fake lunge at you!
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Yeah, a fun idea that just wouldn't work with swf sadly. A killer who could infect a host like the thing though.. that's a thought. Might run into the same problem as the rest though again, sadly. Kind of feels like the plauge is just that idea in reality form. Infects players but has no control over them.
Oh.. that's a thought now isn't it.
A killer who can affect a survivors actions, as a power. Force then to say mess up a gen if they are *infected* as a host.. hm, has potential.
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You know if they take away his miragesor don't so this kind of stuff, I'm going to be the saddest of dads now that this idea has been pushed forward. Doctor would be phenomenal with such pressure late game.