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Whats wrong with tunneling and camping?

Why is it considered that killer shouldnt tunnel and camp?

Everyone knows that survs use everything at their disposal - looping, best builds, gen rush, best items. But if a killer uses an op addon or starts tunneling and camping everyone goes mad. Like isnt it biased?

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  • Member Posts: 635

    i dont mind tunneling and camping always. if you do it after 3 gens pop before the first hook i think its ok to. or if survs farm hooks you can punish the farming for going for the unhooked. im only upset with it if the killer is in a good position in the game or starts with it from the get go.

    its really weird ppl saying its a strategy and its even said so by the devs. i think thats only an excuse because they cant fix the circumstances that lead to it or camping/tunneling itself.

    Ofc if the killer camps/tunnels you can just do gens. but comon who with right mind set doesnt want to help his mates? its logical for me to be altruistic and i think for most ppl too. and i think its a good thing. but the game tells you, you are stupid for being altruistic. that sucks

  • Member Posts: 914

    A red mori is nothing more than a DS counter. They already nerfed moris so you need to get hooked once, which is enough. Also moris are burned and cannot be used again, whereas DS is a perk and it's use in every game is "free".

  • Member Posts: 3,703
    edited October 2019

    I don't usually but this morning, whilst getting my Daily, was an exception.

    Was Demogorgon running Ruin. The hex totem was in a shack so I placed a portal near it.

    A few moments later the portal got broken so I headed to the shack.

    Two survivors, one cleansing the totem, the other crouch body-blocking so I couldn't stop the cleanse.

    Totem got cleansed, got a hit on both, managed to shortly after down the cleanser. As I pick her up...I get flashlighted by the body-blocker. Now this could be seen as simply good survivor teamwork. But I had enough of this prize joker.

    I got the body-blocker and it was Camping & Tunneling to the max. Selectively, survivors deserve it.

  • Member Posts: 914

    Everyone is free to play as he/she pleases. There is NO, absolutely NO rule for Camping, tunneling etc. that would forbid it. Also as a survivor, you basically "signed up" for a game with a killer and have to accept the fact that you are in some situations at the killers's mercy.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    For both circumstances it's not fun and rather boring. You make one mistake that makes you go down and now you're under the killers mercy.

    For camping imagine getting DS stunned as killer and the stun lasts for 2 minutes. That's basically 2 minutes where you can't do anything and don't get to play the game. You're just on the hook until you die. Extremely boring and there's nothing you can do to counter it.

    For tunnelling it's not that fun either. You get unhooked and you get downed immediatly. Maybe there's no pallets around? Maybe you don't have DS or an exhaustion perk to help you escape? Maybe the unhooker doesn't have BT? You get unhooked and go down again, you don't get to play the game.

    They're good strategies depending on circumstances. Like, patrolling if all gens have been powered, there's nothing else the killer can do. Tunnelling a survivor if there's 1 gen left and you really want that kill. I see nothing wrong with that. But I've met killers (especially Doctors since they can do the Treatment grab or LF/Billy with their instadown) that down their first survivor with Ruin up and just camp them. Then by the time the first survivor has been sacrificed Ruin has probably been cleansed and they go for another surv, camp them and by the time the last gen has popped they get a third surv with NOED. They don't pip from that, they just wanna ruin peoples experience and enjoy the salt.

  • Member Posts: 914

    I mean not entirely true, beause in 1 minute I can hook 2 survivors and still get DS'ed by a 3rd, without tunneling... soooo

  • Member Posts: 914

    And survivors in turn should not complain about Freddy's counter to BT....

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Indeed, they shouldn't.

  • Member Posts: 3,272

    Why is everyone talking like "that one" survivor couldnt prevent getting downed.

    I remember from long times ago that "being hooked" was supposedly the same as being out of the game.

  • Member Posts: 453
    edited October 2019

    It’s bad because if you stumble upon survivors like me and keep chasing even though you realize over time the gens are gettin done yet you do nothing about it. You deserve the loss.

    Also if a survivor is a good looper and you just followed them off the hook, what can you expect?

    DS, Insta heal maybe?, wasted time as the player may be a good looper, Dead Hards a good one.

    or borrowed time.

  • Member Posts: 1,711

    There is a difference between insidious camping as Bubba in the basement with 5 gens up and camping one kill at the end with exit gates powered.

    First is absolutly disgusting and shouldn't be a thing in the game and the second one is absolutly understandable and the only thing a killer can do most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 3,348

    There's nothing wrong with it (as in it being against any rules and such), but at least in my eyes it's boring to all 5 players in the match.

    The "victim" just... dies. DS and BT can save a match from a team vs killer perspective, but from a 1 survivor vs killer perspective all it does is prolong the inevitable if the killer really wants them. I won't get into which perspective the game should be balanced around as that's an entirely different topic, but from a personal and subjective standpoint it's perfectly understandable that this is viewed as boring and unfun.

    The other survivors hold M1 if they want to punish it effectively. There's a reason even survivors often want secondary/a more fleshed out objective, because generators aren't the most exciting thing on the planet.

    And if it's punished properly the killer just stands around with little interaction if they camp, and can walk away with few kills and points if they're hardcore tunneling and the survivors make sure to make it take as long as possible (do gens then save before stage transition with BT). I obviously can't speak for everyone but that's not very entertaining at all. Go all out with mori + hardcore proxy camp tunneling and the counter is basically the same as camping - just do gens, as saving them will probably make them die quicker than if they're left on the hook.

    People saying something is boring or unfun isn't inherently some sort of statement on the balance or legality of camping and tunneling. It's just a pretty commonly shared opinion. People that report people or threaten people for camping/tunneling are brain rot morons, I 100% agree with that as both are explicitly legal strategies.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Its not fun for the survivor and I don't know how it's fun for the killer to just go after the same person.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    Tunneling is a very viable strategy. Nothing puts more pressure on survivors than reducing their number.

    Also if you pressure hooks (or slug), survivors don't have time to take care of gens.

  • Member Posts: 3,535

    see? Level headed. That's why its good to get your feed back.

  • Member Posts: 535
    edited October 2019

    Well to me , gen speed is too quick. There is a reason why RUIN is such a popular perk. Another way to slow down gens is to ELIMINATE a survivor as quick as possible. So tunneling can make sense. You still multi-hook them so your points do not suffer.

    Only survivors get mad at it, sure its not fun to be out real quick, but hey, take the L and go que again. This might be why SWF hate tunneling so much because they then have to wait for the rest of the match to be over to pack up and start again.

    A killer that doesn't tunnel is not playing efficiently, they are giving the other players of the game a break so that they might enjoy the match. A break that they rarely return back to the Killer.

    So to all Killers, if you get upset that your RUIN is gone a minute into the game, try tunneling the survivors down to 3 asap. Its just smart play.

  • Member Posts: 97
    edited October 2019

    Their can be 2 instances of camping like one said previously on this forum:

    1: Camping with Insidious in the basement as LeatherFace: This is just gross and boring as both party's aren't having an engaging experience since the killer will just stand their for at most 2 minitues if the survivor dies on first hook which means no chases, and when the survivors discover this they will immediately ignore the hooked person and rush generators meaning no bold or altruism points and only in objective points.

    2: When the exit gates are powered/open: This can be more fair as often in this case if the killer can't properly end chases fastly or doesn't have a one shot camping can at makes more sense as they can't stop the unhooked survivor from escaping unless no one body bocks or runs Borrowed Time.

    Of course tunnling and camping are strategy's in the normal sense it just comes down to personal opinions and to me the first is boring and unfun af while the second one is at least understandable.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Because you are basically denying someone the chance to play the game.

  • Member Posts: 21,229

    I would argue that rushing through gens and tunneling are symptoms of the same problem, that being that there is no reason to make a match last longer. For Survivors, the longer the game goes on, the weaker they become, so it makes perfect sense to try to rush through gens and get out ASAP. For Killers, the game is massively against you when you first start, so it makes sense to try to tip the odds in your favor by getting rid of one person quickly.

    I am not sure how to fix it but I do agree that it is unhealthy for the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    There are dozens of past threads about this crap - every week or so someone comes by asking what's wrong with camping and tunneling. Usually it's bait.

  • Member Posts: 343

    the game was designed for you to die in 3 hooks and camping is just a loop hole in bad game design to make it 1 hook. theres no counterplay for the person on the hook whos insta tunneled right off the unhook (maybe DS) or is being camped super hard and its very unfun and boring for everyone else

  • Member Posts: 7,169

    Valid point. I also wonder how much fun can it be for the killer to stare at a hook for most of the match.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I can understand why camping in most situations grinds gears.

    Tunelling on the other hand is just people complaing that their fun was ruined. Eliminating 1 survivor early on makes a huge difference. There are a variety of factors I consider when deciding to or not to focus on the vulnerable: how easy was the first chase, current pace of the match, and so on.

  • Member Posts: 80

    Because it's not fun for the survivor and if you're a killer who wants to kill every survivor, and moving, attacking, failing, succeeding, it's boring for the both sides.

    Camping the first survivor would put you in a lose situation of getting genrushed, even with ruin, since hooking it and waiting to the sacrifice would be boring, even more if the hooked decides to screw you up and struggle till the end, then you get 3 or 4 genrush and the other 3 probably will make it.

    In my personal opinion I see myself tunneling accidentally since I try to follow scratch marks and I encounter the hooked killer, in that scenario if I feel pitiful I decide to not follow them and try to find another, since it helps you with decisive strike situations and gives a breath to do some action to the survivor so they get some fun at least, however teabaggers gets no privilege >:)

  • Member Posts: 238

    It is extremely unfun to be the tunneled one, that is why people dont like it.

  • Member Posts: 461
    edited October 2019

    To people saying basement Bubba with Insidious should not be a thing: you're right. Basement Bubba with Territorial Imperative is much better! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    All 5 gens can pop in about 4 minutes with optimal survivors. The only way to put a real dent in that time is to knock one survivor out early. What's the best way to knock one survivor out early when everyone runs second chance perks? Yeah.

    I used to believe in being a gentleman killer, and I still do to an extent, but survivors need to understand that the killer being "the power role" only exists so far as they're actually able to control the flow of the match.

    Most killers simply do not have the mobility to pReSsUrE gEnS at the rate good survivors can pop them. No killer can be everywhere at once. While this problem is most obvious at high ranks of play, it affects lower ranked play too, because the numbers might not be as extreme but the fundamental problem remains: 4 survivors, 1 killer, 7 gens.

    Even the dumbest killer is eventually going to put two and two together and realize that, even if he loses points, he makes his life a lot easier by playing dirty. He's going to, you know, try to kill people.

    Post edited by Xboned on
  • Member Posts: 1,146

    Surivors: *complain about doing gens*

    also Survivors: *complain about getting tunneled*

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    Getting tunneled is pretty annoying - you should try getting tunneled sometime. It ends up wasting your time for no blood points or emblems because you did not get a chance to do anything.

  • Member Posts: 254


    Posts 1

    Low quality bait

  • Member Posts: 117

    think having kindred built in would solve alot of the camping issues. It would atleast balance out the solo survivors having no idea if they should go for the save or just stay on gens. It's not like you can communicate with them. This would deter killers from sitting at hook because it would be painfully obvious

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    The idea was toyed around for survivors awhile back, but killers got up in arms about it. They don't want solos to be brought up to swf level, they want swf to be brought down to solo level so they can more easily stomp survivors.

  • Member Posts: 117

    I play both the only thing I would potentially change is make it an icon if the killers still there instead of the reading aura to atleast not give people a heads up as to WHERE hes going but just if he is or isnt there

  • Member Posts: 28

    As many people said-it's boring.Especially annyoing if persone brought item or BP booster.But in situations where they done all gens and you have two people in the basement and opend gates just few steps away from basement-i'd say its fine to camp,you are not restricted to turn on "stupid mode" and walk away.

    As for add-ons i agree.Survivors bring insta heals,pink maps with add-ons what allow to see totems and other.Meanwhile,not all killers have pink add-ons and some of them not that good.Mostly people hate huntre's pink axe head(wich was nerfed)and i like it,helps to cut off that looping bulshit or even prevent a long chase.

  • Member Posts: 9

    It's bad practice for the killer. Camping and tunneling may get you a 4K at higher ranks but as you approach red ranks it becomes harder to get 4Ks because survivors are better. They become way better at looping and getting gens done. By camping and tunneling, you miss out on BPs. You allow survivors to get gens done which as killer you are suppose to prevent. In the time you were camping you, you could've been chasing and hitting/downing other survivors, regressing gens and prevent gen completion. Survivors will also DC for camping/tunneling killers which again, causes you to lose out in getting points. If you don't care about your rank or maximizing your BP then continue camping/tunneling but you're only hurting youself in both rewards and getting better at the game. The most fun I've had playing DBD is going against killers that brought no perks or addons and still got the 4K without camping or tunneling because they were REALLY good.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    I have been tunneled, and as far as I'm concerned it nets my team the win. I get chased into oblivion and in exchange my freinds get to escape, plus it makes for some good content to rewatch if ever I get bored or want to improve. It also gives me the opportunity to learn from mistakes or improve in several areas. Maybe if people would see tunneling as an opportunity they wouldnt complain so much, and the ones that do, all they really have to do is hope that BHVR remove the emblem BP limit and boom, no more losing BP. Infact maybe I'll make a thread about how to fix the emblem system to help lower the penalty incured on survivors by tunneling?

  • Member Posts: 395
    edited October 2019

    Nothing wrong with it at all. Down your first victim and rev your chainsaw whilst face-camping the lowly rube.

    I'll decide what's fun! Good day to you, sir! HWWWWAAAAAAUUUUGHHHHRRRRRAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! *swings chainsaw*

  • Member Posts: 3,535

    Let's be fair, the noise LF makes when swinging his chainsaw is the best.

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