We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Doctor and his needed nerf

Ever since all the updates and what not, I have been on both sides. I have been and still play as a survivor and Killer. Now with that said, in the more recent updates, the dev team clearly favor the killers more (meaning some of the more outrageous perks that make killers OP). The current meta is boring and heavily abused. With all of that said though, the doctor needs to be put down sort of speak.

The fact that he makes survivors scream just because they're with in his radius is beyond dumb. He SHOULD have to shock you first for a survivor to scream at all. Of course, people who love the doctor are going to whine about this topic and to you people I say hush. You killers have your broken perks, so no more of your whining. To those who say I am whining, whatever man. This is simple and to the point for this topic. If you disagree, then you disagree. If you agree, then feel free to add to this or discuss. The Killer favoritism just needs to stop.


  • SpiderTash
    SpiderTash Member Posts: 26

    When I play as Dr for the challenges, I agree. I think it is completely stupid that I can get people to scream without even sending off a charge. I am not even looking in their direction or trying to send a charge, they scream off to my side and then I get them. That 100% needs to be removed.

  • XeroIdea
    XeroIdea Member Posts: 41

    Since I play both sides of the coin, I can see from both sides. The doctor is not underpowered and that is what doctor mains more than likely say.

    As for your perks: Barbecue & Chili, Thrilling Tremors, Hex: No One Escapes Death (after it was buffed), Hex: Haunted Ground, Infectious Fright (its like the step child of BBQ), Cruel Limits, Rancor (it's literally BBQ but minus hooking and more on gens), Mad Grit (It's already hard for survivors to struggle out unless they have decisive strike but even then..), and Mindbreaker.

    I have been playing the game since the beginning, thank you. If you have wish to expand my view by explaining yours, then feel free too. The reason for the main post as such is because the game and the forums are full of toxic and troll like people who would rather ruin another's experience than let them enjoy the game.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,357

    Ok so you are of course entitled to your opinion. If you think Dotor is op, fine.

    But almost everyone agrees that Doctor is weak and needs buffs. Are you seriously going to say everyone who thinks that is a Doctor main? Using that argument won't get people to take you serious anyways, you can't just immediately dismiss other people's opinions that way.

    None of these perks are in any way broken either. The only perk that is complained about a lot is NOED, and I've seen a few posts about Bbq and Chili to be op, but those were very few. None of these perks give the killer such an advantage that it's op in any way. The one perk that will most likely need a nerf once most maps are reworked, is Hex: Ruin.

    The devs have said Doctor is on their list for changes, most likely he is the next killer after Nurse. And I am absolutely sure that he is getting buffed, as almost everyone agrees he is weak. They'll most likely and hopefully make him less annoying to play against, but at the same time they'll try and buff him to make him viable against even really good survivor players.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,357

    Yes please. I'm really hyped because of Doctor because design and lore wise he is one of my favorite killers. But playing him right now isn't always that fun. So I am really happy he is most likely next. But Legion also needs some help, for sure.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Just get to tier 1 as quick as possible so he cant hear you scream if you go in his terror radius

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    His tracking is one of the only things going for him. Removing his madness build up while in the radius would just hurt him more. If you want some tips on how to counter Doctor you can post a question in the Ask the Community section. Doctor is up for a rework and hopefully will buff him and change him fo be less annoying and more viable. All the perks you mentioned have massive work arounds.

  • Cig
    Cig Member Posts: 33

    Their are almost no doctors at high ranks, because he's not powerful. Nerfing him would make him unplayable.

  • Pandamonium
    Pandamonium Member Posts: 77

    I main survivor and I don't see why you would want to nerf doctor. He is a tracking god, but that's about it. His chase potential is just average, unless when you are facing a doctor who has dedicated heaps of time to learning when to shock to deny you pallets and windows. He is not overpowered, he is just good with what he is designed to do. Distract survivors with sounds and visual cues and abuse that to track and trick survivors. But for the rest, he is just the average M1 killer who has almost nothing for him when his tracking is removed.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,218

    @Cig That's the reason why I fear red rank Doctors. They can make your life hell.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446


    Yer' funny! We need more comedians like this guy!

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284

    Annoying is not the same thing as OP. Doc does not need a nerf at all. If anything he needs to be reworked to become more viable, but make him less of an annoyance for survivors.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    I agree DOCTOR is OP and needs a nerf. He is ANTI stealth but that’s what the game is about. You can’t take that away it’s SURVIVAL. One of its key elements is stealth! We as survivors can’t fight back so ... come on you gotta give us more survivability. Doctor doesn’t need to be going around lighting up the map with HUGE static blasts that give away survivor positions. The map isn’t even that big for that to be necessary

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Killers don’t need anything where they just push a button and everyone’s revealed on the map. You should have to work harder to find people. Laying traps sure, survivors fault - so long as he or she could see and disable them. But to just send out a shock wave and everything behind cover or that is trying to hide gets revealed is nonsense. The maps aren’t that big for that to really be a necessary thing and honestly It makes the game not fun.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,171

    @BulletsNonstop Why would you necro this post from october? Just why...

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 542

    @BulletsNonstop Why would you do sushi a thing, just go to the other posts of survivor mains complaining

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Ok survivor main

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    It's funny that OP wanted to nerf the Doctor by taking away Static Field and making it so you have to shock people to make them scream, since that change actually did happen except it turned out to be a buff.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Dev team clearly favour the killers... good one xD

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    You know what makes the game not fun? Ignorant whine babies like you who necro old ######### posts for no discernable reason other than to cry more. There's plenty of nonsensical threads full of survivor mains whining about killers still being able to hurt them. Go join one of those.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    You sound upset? Killers need to be nerfed - slow them down and it a agame of CAT AND MOUSE. You ruin the game when the survivors can no longer hide because the killer can see everything at the push of a button. Survivors aren’t faster than the killers. I Shouldn’t have to JUKE AND JIVE

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    All the time

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    especially since some killers can’t be heard and literally sneak up on you how is it that you can’t balance it out a little by maybe making them slower? Balance. The game is clearly lacking that in a lot of ways. Small map, fast killers, killers camping hooks ensuring survivor death/loss of items and an hour that it took to find a game after countless host connection errors. Think maybe can we stun them for ample time to get away from them? Game gives us 5 generators that take a long time to fix and 4 survivors that die because killers really got it too easy. Killer mains goin get mad because I said something? I mean, do you even survivor? Nah. You only know what it feels like to be a killer. Why spend $20-$30 and additional for DLC and this battle pass system if you can’t even balance your game ? It’s a turn off.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Game only deserves my money invested into Game Pass - $1 😂

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    When is the doctor getting nerfed?

    His power almost is cross map. You can't unhook someone, you can't repair generators. All you do is scream and fail checks.

    If I've to go in a lobby with the doctor anymore. I will find him and let him hook me, struggle on the hook and die just so I don't have to waste my time in a match that has very little success rate. Way to over powered to even go up against. Done going up against him now.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2020

    First off, you don't just passively scream when inside the doctor's terror radius. He has to use his ability that has a one minute cooldown. Not to mention there is an entire perk that completely negates the doctors information gaining ability. Just run Calm Spirit and suddenly the Doctor cant make you scream anymore. Freddy's Dream Snares won't make you scream anymore. You fully counter Spies from the Shadow perk (even though its not any good anyways), you fully counter Iron Maiden, you fully counter Infectious Fright. You have tools to counter all of these things.

    Mindbreaker is like the most troll perk in the game. It's completely useless. Oh wow, they cant sprint burst or dead hard for 3 seconds after leaving a generator? How OP. Except that any survivor who knows how to play the game would have let go of the generator multiple seconds before the killer even gets close because they get a WARNING that they are being affected by mindbreaker. Anyone who thinks killers are overpowered right now or that the devs favor killers clearly isn't at a high level of play. I suggest you go take a look at some of the top survivor streamers and really see if it feels like killers are overpowered.

    If killers were overpowered, players wouldn't have time to sit there and teabag or selfheal right in front of your face in the middle of a loop because they know there's nothing you can do to catch them.

    Suggest you take a look at angrypug or someone of a similiar skill level on twitch and learn a thing or two. Good survivors literally 'play' with the killer like a toy, when its supposed to be the other way around.