Pig's essential power nerf

Why do you hate Pig? I don't care about you making Pig's killing abilities worse. I guess you have a reason. But why did you nerf her oinking ability? That is one only thing making her FUN to play! Is that a personal animosity to Saw copyright holders? Or maybe to some Pig main twitch streamer? Please, bring shorter time between dash attack sounds back!
BHVR hates The Pig and wants everyone who plays her to stop. That's the only explanation for all these horrible 'balance changes'. McLean said the QoL change to her crouch speed in and out was a 'buff', and completely ignored the fact in the exact same patch they increased her crouch time which completely ruins any potential gain that could have had.
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The Pig is an M1 killer. She's not powerful at all, why would you nerf her.
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What? Are you talking about her roar? Did they nerf her roar??
I love spamming that! It's so much fun!
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I'm baffled by your statement as well, my piggy still oinks.
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Post edited by kaeru on0 -
They just increased time between her sounds when she start dash attack. So if you click m1 in ambush mode multiple times, she will roar with awful delay. Earlier if you spam m1 in ambush mode, she did funny oinking noises. And I just don't know why BHVR decided to nerf this her superior power. With this power I could show survivors, that I don't scared of them. But now Pig's oinking sounds pathetic...
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...are you saying that the ambush roar now happens later in the Pig's charge-up?
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@TAG I guess... They made a delay between carge-up sounds, when you spam it by clicking m1 multiple times... Earlier it used to go like hr-hr-hr... hr-hr-hr... hr-hr-hr-hr-hr... Now it goes like Hrr... Hr.... Hrr... Hrr...
You just can't show your dominance with roar like this =\
That nerf was so unnesessary 😭
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I can see why you're upset, I like the fast oink oink too :( but I think they did it so the survivors have a fraction less time to react to her charge.
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But it's useless! Pig making guaranteed hit from dash attack, even if it starts 0.3 sec faster. Because her dash attack already fast and long enough for that. IMHO fast oinking does more pressure on survivors than extra 0.3 seconds of silence... I'm not a Pig-main, but I loved to make her daily rituals, just because of her oinking...
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The heavens have answered one of my prayers (maybe, assuming this isn't just a bug that will be fixed).
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If it wasnt mentioned in the patch notes its either a bug or hidden buff.
We'll see
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Boooo, I just tested it out. They just slightly increased the time after canceling a charge before you can charge again. Das not what I wanted.
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I know right! No one asked for this stupid change! So unfair...
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There was no need to make this change! I love spamming the Dash attack to make that noise. It's the best thing about Pig! They can't change this!
I just P3'd Pig! If they make this change, it kills most of the fun of memeing as her. I want my Bloodpoints back 😡
Why do they keep messing with Pig to make her less fun?!
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.... what? a guaranteed hit? Since when? LUL
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Since you crouch close enough o_0/ She covers 16 meters on 6.4 m/s speed for a 2.5 seconds. If survivor stand in the loop, only way to avoid hit, it's abandon loop before attack starts. If survivor working on a gen, hit is pretty much unpreventable. So that's why I count dash attack as guaranteed hit
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go around a corner and run. Sprint Burst. Dead Hard. Jump a window. Drop pallet...
you must have either not thought about it or played against God Piggys.
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Pig often hits dead hards, when it activated in the middle of dash attack. Windows and pallets save, if Pig wasn't close enough. That all depends on how close Pig approach in ambush mode. Sprint burst counters dash attack, I agree. Anyway, in different hands Pig can be deadly or harmless.
I prefer to play as Pig more than play against her, so that why I want them to bring back her oinking sound. I'm not a master player, but I love to play as her, because she have this funny feature. But BHVR just cut it off from the game.
Post edited by kaeru on0 -
naw man I get it. I main Legion. How do you think I feel? LUL
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I tested it just now and I think, it's ok. But hell, u scared the hell out of me with this topic :D
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The only time ambush is ever really useful is at some unsafe loops.
Dashing at someone on a gen is just less efficient than uncrouching and running in for the attack/grab.