New ideas to counter common problems

Kayleepaige Member Posts: 42
edited May 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

So i made a long post about the things still wrong with the game on the PTB and it got me thinking about what i would change.

In my eyes the problems for killers atm are

  1. -Endless pallet/window loopers
  2. -Flashlights in almost every game forcing you to run franklins and lightborn (You should never be forced to run a perk. ever)
  3. -Too many pallets still
  4. -Gen rushers
  5. -Teabaggers/flashlight spammers who try to annoy the killer to get their attention.
  6. -Rage quitters

Problems for survivors
1. - Camping in almost every game due to killers being frustrated
2. - Killers are just too easy to beat
3. - Rage quitters
4. - Tunneling

So i thought of a work around for a majority of these issues. Firstly

Problems for Killers


Option 1- Only 1 flashlight is allowed per match. The first person in a lobby to equip one is the only person who can bring one. If someone has brought a flashlight, none will spawn in chests throughout the match. If no one has brought one, then one will be a guaranteed drop from one of the chests on the map.

Pros - Stops people abusing flashlights. Makes one person designated to saving people. Stops killers being forced to run 2 perks they usually wouldnt and they dont find fun.

Cons - The survivor carrying the flashlight will likely be tunneled.

Option 2 - Once a killer has been blinded by the flashlight once, the entity gets angry and drains the battery of the flashlight. Add ons for the flashlight could increase the amount of blinds to 2 or 3.

Pros - Stops endless flashlight abuse after every pallet break or window vault. Makes it truly survival horror by deciding when to use the flashlight at the right time. Makes you prioritise either your team mates who may be saved or yourself by using it after a pallet break

Cons - I cant actually think of one. Saying "this will make it too hard" is not a con, this game is meant to be hard for survivors. Flashlight abuse is mostly used to annoy the killer and not to actually save people.

Too Many Pallets/Gen rushers/Teabaggers

This one is actually a fairly simple idea and i have no idea why it hasnt been implemented. If this has been brought up by devs and not implemented then theres something wrong.

How about a Stamina/Energy system. Everything you do takes energy. Like in real life. You cannot just sprint for ages unless you are trained to do so. You cannot fix generators without it using energy (not loads but your be surprised) You cannot slam a heavy pallet down without using up energy and you cannot vault through windows without using energy.

Having this system will make people have to actually be clever and make it harder. You will have to know when to spend your energy and use it wisely. So a survivor cannot endlessly run around slamming pallets down and vaulting through windows. Lets make it more realistic and scary. Lets say you get 100 energy points. Slamming a pallet down uses up 15 points, running (without stopping for more than 10 seconds) uses up 2 points per second. Vaulting uses 10 energy points. Crouching/squatting costs energy points, everytime you crouch you lose 5-10 energy points.

This will make it so you have to be more careful. You wont want to be seen like how it should be. and when you are seen its a damn struggle and scary to get away. You cant pallet loop too much because energy will drain every second youre looping. Slamming a pallet down should be a last resort to get away, not something abused endlessly each match. This would bring skill back to the game instead of someone just seeing where the next pallet is and lol loop.

Vaulting, running and crouching will still be availabe options. But It would change drastically. If you are running with no energy, you lose speed, if you are trying to vault, you vault as if you walked up to it and do not perform a fast vault And crouching will be similar to how slow the pig crouches.

I know the teabagging is a trivial thing but its just purely toxic to do it during a game after every single pallet drop. I dont like seeing it as a survivor and i dont like seeing it as a killer. More often than not when that person teabags and gets caught, they get camped. Which just ruins the game for everyone playing. If they want to teabag so much, they can do it at the exit gate when its open and sure to survive. Theres no need for it during the game whatesoever other than to be a dick.

For people who use the crouch button to say thank you after being healed or to say hello, why not add more emotes into the game for survivors. We have Over there and come here, why not a wave for hello and a thumbs up for thank you. Have the emotes last a fair amount of time aswell so they cant be used after each pallet drop to wind the killer up and make them so they cant be canceled.

Energy will replenish over time as long as youre walking or hiding. Healing could also replenish energy. Maybe even bring in a new add on such as energy drink/water to allow you to recover stamina faster. Meg who is a sprinter could also have a new perk to allow her to recover stamina faster than others but still not enough that its totally game changing. Also with crouching i understand that may be controversial. I wouldnt have it so energy is used up while u are actually crouching around, but to actually crouch in the first place should take up energy, once in the crouch position any movement u make does not use up energy.

Problems for Survivors


Earlier this year i would get the odd camper. Usually a Leatherface or Billy. It has always been an issue with this game. Nowadays it seems to happen more especially in lower ranks. If all the changes ive listed were by some miracle implemented into the game then a system where you get punished for not leaving the area if you have not spotted another survivor could be a good idea. Blood/Emblem points could be lowered for every second spent in the area without a survivor being spotted. If exit gates have been opened then the punishment stops as i actually do believe camping with exit gates open is a perfectly fine strategy that shouldnt be punished and should be then up to the survivors left to figure out how to get their team mate out.

It must be while a survivor hasn't been spotted though. A lot of games i played as killer 2-3 survivors would be hanging around, especially the killer shack. When survivors do this it doesnt help the person theyre trying to unhook as the killer has nowhere else to go. If a survivor tries to lead the killer away the killer will be too smart and expect someone to be down in the basement, thus going back to get the easy kill which i cannot blame the killer for and do so myself. Especially if 2-3 gens have been done and i havent killed anyone yet. So if a survivor hasnt been spotted and the killer is still in the area, BP, shard and Emblem point degradation should kick in after 5-10 seconds. The louder the heartbeat, the harder the degradation. This will hopefully make the killer who would usually camp at least patrol the surrounding generators which at least gives the survivor a chance to get off the hook but hopefully it would dissuade a killer altogether to camp.


I actually believe theres a solution to tunneling. Albeit similar to the above. Should a survivor be hooked and saved, if the killer goes for them and no one else, their bp and emblem points should be at least halved, if not quartered for everything they do to that survivor, whether its chasing, hitting, catching, downing or hooking. Even if its a kill. Sadly this is probably the hardest problem to counter even though it sounds like the simplest.

Problems for Killers and Survivors

Rage Quitting Killers/Survivors

This solution is tricky. But its really not fair on survivors who are put in games with people who torment the killer to make them rage quit. Its really not fair on killers or survivors when a player has been downed once and they rage quit. It makes it so much harder for survivors and means the killer misses out on a lot of potential BP.

If survivor rage quits there must be a form of compensation for killers and survivors. I know killers get a quitter bonus but 625 is paltry compared to what they could get if they won a chase, hit them a number of times, hook them 2-3 times etc. If someone rage quits then give the killer 3-5k BP for that person. And treat them like they downed them fair and square. So a good amount of points to each emblem.

The survivors should be compensated aswell. In the form of iridescent shards, BP lost because someone else was too selfish to play as a team and at the very least if they havent done enough to safety pip, dont punish them by making them lose a pip. Guarantee them a safety pip so they dont get f****d over by other people. But only if they have not done enough to gain at least 1 pip. Otherwise this could be abused to help people get 2 pips.

A soft ban should be punishment aswell for those who rage quit. Make it so they cant queue again for 10 minutes. Its ok saying we implement bans to people who do this often but its not enough. These people are activly spoiling other peoples enjoyment of the game. I think it would dissuade people a lot more if they knew they wouldnt be able to play a game for another 10 minutes, going up a further 10 each time they do it. Only the most dedicated trolls would persist then. If you have internet troubles then i do feel bad but thats just how it is. You're not playing by yourself, you're with 4 others. If you are having those net trouble, stop playing and try later or tomorrow. That way the 10 minute ban doesnt affect you.

Sorry this post was so long but thank you for reading til the end and Please leave feedback on what you think of these ideas. I used to love this game and i do not want to stop playing it because of the changes made. Its still such an awesome concept but things do need to change.

Post edited by Kayleepaige on


  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    Never forced to run a perk
    Hex: Ruin

  • Kayleepaige
    Kayleepaige Member Posts: 42

    @TigerKirby215 said:

    Never forced to run a perk
    Hex: Ruin

    You only quoted part of what i said. Should never be forced to run a perk. Hex ruin is also one of those perks i agree. I havent listed every perk that feels forced. Just two right now that people rarely ran before but have to now.

  • WoLFYx_X
    WoLFYx_X Member Posts: 8

    @Kayleepaige said:

    How about a Stamina/Energy system. Everything you do takes energy. Like in real life. You cannot just sprint for ages unless you are trained to do so. You cannot fix generators without it using energy (not loads but your be surprised) You cannot slam a heavy pallet down without using up energy and you cannot vault through windows without using energy.

    This game is far from being realistic, so suggesting it to have something "like in real life" is not that viable. And if so, that stamina system should apply to the killers too (not as strongly as survivors tho') in that case. But the idea is interesting. The stamina depletion could also only affect vaulting and pallet drop actions, like if you vault or drop a pallet it takes stamina and you become "tired" for a xxx amount of time in which you can't drop a pallet or vault until you get your stamina back. This would be in other words like a cooldown like some perks have.


    Earlier this year i would get the odd camper. Usually a Leatherface or Billy. It has always been an issue with this game. Nowadays it seems to happen more especially in lower ranks. If all the changes ive listed were by some miracle implemented into the game then a system where you get punished for not leaving the area if you have not spotted another survivor could be a good idea. Blood/Emblem points could be lowered for every second spent in the area without a survivor being spotted. If exit gates have been opened then the punishment stops as i actually do believe camping with exit gates open is a perfectly fine strategy that shouldnt be punished and should be then up to the survivors left to figure out how to get their team mate out.

    I don't see a problem with normal camping, like patrolling the near by area for possible heroes. But facecamping and just standing doing nothing right next to the hook is an another deal. And there already is a perk that encourages killers to leave the hook, BBQ&Chili. And doing gens when someone is being camped is a good way to punish a camping killer too, in the case the survivors are smart enough to do this and don't reclessly try and go save, giving the killer exactly what he wanted. Sure it sucks for the player being camped but it's a possible easy win for the rest.


    I actually believe theres a solution to tunneling. Albeit similar to the above. Should a survivor be hooked and saved, if the killer goes for them and no one else, their bp and emblem points should be at least halved, if not quartered for everything they do to that survivor, whether its chasing, hitting, catching, downing or hooking. Even if its a kill. Sadly this is probably the hardest problem to counter even though it sounds like the simplest.

    Tunneling is a tactic. Why go after a fully healthy survivor that requires two hits to get downed opposed to one hit an already injured one. And if a killer keeps tunneling one survivor the entire match, leaving the others do whatever they like then that's a bad move from the killer and a good thing for the survivors.

    And for gen rushing... Doing gens are the survivors sole objective to escape the trial. You can't really fault them for doing their job in a match. :/

    The other things you mention in your post, you make a good point. :)

  • Kayleepaige
    Kayleepaige Member Posts: 42

    This game is far from being realistic, so suggesting it to have something "like in real life" is not that viable. And if so, that stamina system should apply to the killers too (not as strongly as survivors tho') in that case. But the idea is interesting. The stamina depletion could also only affect vaulting and pallet drop actions, like if you vault or drop a pallet it takes stamina and you become "tired" for a xxx amount of time in which you can't drop a pallet or vault until you get your stamina back. This would be in other words like a cooldown like some perks have.

    Of course its not realistic as in theres no such thing as the entity, and the maps and killers are fiction but even still, it would feel more realistic if stamina was an issue. Like silent hill. There isnt a town where that stuff happens but like, you arrive there with nothing, you dont just find a gun with 200 bullets. You have to scavenge and find a gun with a few bullets in each time and use them wisely. it makes it so much scarier and horrific.

    I dont like the idea of only being able to drop 1 pallet or vault once and it be on a cooldown, there i think it would make it far too easy for killers. With a system like mine you would have to use your brain to try and outwit the killer to get enough time to get your breath back to do it again.

    I don't see a problem with normal camping, like patrolling the near by area for possible heroes. But facecamping and just standing doing nothing right next to the hook is an another deal. And there already is a perk that encourages killers to leave the hook, BBQ&Chili. And doing gens when someone is being camped is a good way to punish a camping killer too, in the case the survivors are smart enough to do this and don't reclessly try and go save, giving the killer exactly what he wanted. Sure it sucks for the player being camped but it's a possible easy win for the rest.

    The problem is it just makes it so frustrating and annoying for the player being camped. The killer whos camping "might" get punished by others doing gens but that only really works in swf. what about 4 players who arent on discord communicating with each other. They arent to know someones being camped so will often stop the gen there on, run all the way over because no ones gotten that person off the hook yet, then realise theyre being camped, and usually hang around looking for a chance. Its very rare in a game where youre not with 2-3 friends that this doesnt happen. So most of the time people arent doing gens because they actually want to help you. Thats punishing people who actually work as a team without communication.

    Its another thing that makes the game unfair to people who arent playing SWF. I have legit had games where ive been camped 4 times in a row. It just makes me never want to play the game again and makes me feel like the only reason im here is to get 1k bp, depip and have zero enjoyment but its ok because others survived?

    Not all killers run bbq and chili but most do and a lot of them still camp. Perks do not fully work to stop certain styles of play and the devs dont seem to understand this (with the new perks for the killer and surv in the ptb) Its just pot luck all the time and that makes the game unfun and less skill based and more based on pure luck.

    And killers dont often get punished that hard when camping. I have camped before when really annoyed, They can get 2-3 gens done but then i can go catch someone else, camp them til the exit gates are open and someone will always try to save, in which case i can usually get them aswell unless the hooked person is near an exit gate. I usually get a pip from camping, so do many others, thats why its been happening so much lately.

    Tunneling is a tactic. Why go after a fully healthy survivor that requires two hits to get downed opposed to one hit an already injured one. And if a killer keeps tunneling one survivor the entire match, leaving the others do whatever they like then that's a bad move from the killer and a good thing for the survivors.

    And for gen rushing... Doing gens are the survivors sole objective to escape the trial. You can't really fault them for doing their job in a match. :/

    Its not though. It sounds like it in principal but its more often than not, not leaving others to do whatever they like and once again is mega frustrating for a survivor. Im trying to help take frustration out of the game by helping both killers and survivors. Ive noticed you only disagree with the two solutions i wrote which are survivor biased and you agree with everything ive said to help killers. It cant just work like that.

    In a make believe world, if all the changes i listed to help killers were to be implemented then once again theres a balance problem, it would make it a bit too difficult for survivors. We still need balance. The changes i suggested for survivors wouldnt work unless the ones for killers were implemented. So they counter each other out.

    This way, if someone gets unhooked and the killers nearby, they can think ok the unhooked person has full stamina, he could get away far easier than this guy im chasing whos thrown down 2 pallets and been running the whole time. So both things counter each other. Please dont just focus on aspects of what ive said without considering the opposites.

    The reason i gave more changes to help killers is because they do need the most help and the most change,. But not at the expense of giving the survivors zero chances. I think its unfair of you to agree with everything i said to make killers lives easier and less frustrating but are against the things which may make survivors lives less frustrating.

    I dont mind dying in the game, but i have FAR more fun dying to a killer that actually using skill instead of lol camp this guy and then tunnel to piss them off. Im trying to make the game fun for everyone and not just the select few.