the future of this game is at risk if maps keep being made with only unsafe pallets.

HamdaN Member Posts: 343

seriously it takes alot of mental fortitude to not dc as a survivor on hawking. any anti looping killer aka clown doc spirit etc makes life miserable on that map just due to bloodlust/their abilities. its unfun and its skilless. sure balanced landing can be decent on there but eventually they WILL get you. looping/mind gaming isnt skill anymore with these layouts. its just hold W as a killer and stack bloodlust.



  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    it's not that bad imagine if every pallet was like the one beside the basement gen on temple

  • Theoretical_Heart
    Theoretical_Heart Member Posts: 398

    It's really not that bad. I think I've died once on Hawkins as survivor.

  • TheALIEN
    TheALIEN Member Posts: 327

    I think you meant to put safe instead of unsafe in the thread title Xx

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    I kinda agree, but at the same time i don't think it's too bad. Definitely manageable.

    Even better with Balanced Landing.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2019

    I agree to an extent.

    Some maps need a real looking into but I do not think all pallets should be safe pallets.

    This is almost just as bad as ScottJunds really dumb suggestion of nerfing toolboxes.

    Yeah go ahead and VS Freddy with both swing chain addons, ruin, dying, thana, and pop with nerfed toolboxes Scott.

  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    For only the new Map pallet layouts i think they should remove tier 2&3 bloodlust already so much unsafe pallets. Hawkins is so killer sided.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Is it really going to be the death of DBD when there are so many more maps with safe pallets to use?

    There is like what, 4 maps that gives the killer an inherent advantage due to it's size and design? And the rest either being balanced or survivor sided.

    I'm not saying I don't get your complaint, I'm just saying that saying this is the "Death of DBD" is extreme.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    The future of this game is at risk if the devs don't get rid of all the infinites in many of the maps...

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    it is almost like the devs made these maps to be SKILL BASED AT PALLETS, where you win or lose the pallet games BASED ON YOUR SKILL. how strange, better go back to going from safe pallet to safe pallet mind numbingly and never being hit because those pallets cant be mindgamed, because that is fun and balanced......

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    bloodlust DOES break these unsafe pallets, YES. but a few things

    1. it takes time to get bloodlust, time (if you are at the same pallet) you are getting more value out of that 1 pallet and wasting the killers time
    2. the devs have said they don't like bloodlust but admit that it is needed due to bad map design and pallet spawn locations, until ALL MAPS ARE REWORKED to be SIMILIAR to badham and Hawkins, bloodlust is a needed mechanic

  • TwistrBlitz
    TwistrBlitz Member Posts: 91

    Were you around when the game first came out? Those were infinites.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    I have no problem escaping on Hawkins. It's a killer-sided map but you can win. It's no big deal.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I just wanna say that most maps with most Killers, a decent looper can get enough time wasted for 2 gens to pop.

    But you say that unsafe pallets will kill DBD.

    I'm not sure exactly what you are thinking of with that, but I will merely say you are very wrong.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Bloodlust? Any 4head can down a skilled player. Just bloodlust them. That's not how a good game should be designed.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Devs have said they don't like Blood Lust but because of maps being badly designed they have to keep it in to band aid it till they can fix the maps. Which means making more maps into unsafe ones.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    THE FUTURE OF THIS GAME IS AT RISK IF MAPS KEEP BEING MADE WITH ONLY SAFE PALLETS, overly large maps and weird new loops that don't make SENSE.

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    I think some of the pallets in Hawkins goes a bit too far when it comes to being unsafe, b/c a large amount of them are completely worthless. Im fine with unsafe pallets, but BHVR needs to change the bloodlust mechanic if this is going to be the design for future and reworked maps.

  • derperson
    derperson Member Posts: 130

    I'm not saying that you're wrong. But you're not entirely correct. To win with mindgames you have to be capable of being random enough with your moves that you can't be predicted. Once you're figured out, mindgames don't work. Maintaining complete randomness requires keeping track of what you've done to trick who, and what hasn't worked on them. It might not be skill, but it's as much of a mental game with yourself as it is with the survivor as you can never become complacent... you can't ever relax. Unsafe pallets make it so survivors can't simply relax, either.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    This I can also agree with.

    They said they will be getting rid of BloodLust when they get done reworking the maps as they don't like bloodlust, but it's needed till the maps are fixed.

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2019

    I've also noticed this as well, the pallets have gone from being safe to any brain dead killer can hit me around this pallet by simply bloodlusting me (you only really need tier 1 or 2.) Or those super unsafe pallets where I'm 100% getting hit unless the killer makes a really, really bad play.

    It would be a shame if they go from changing super safe pallets to very unsafe pallets. It would still be an issue, just in reverse.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Unsafe pallets are fine. In my opinion most maps should have almost no safe pallets. There should only be two or three strong pallets and vault areas in a map.

    BUT in return the devs should focus on making the game more stealth-friendly again for survivors.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Hawkins is a fun map for survivors, no idea how you have trouble there it still has hilarious safe loops and time wasters for killers, if you are unable to figure those out and how to get there that is a you problem.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,362
  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Okay, if they do the reverse on any map that's mostly/all safe pallets, remove tier 1&2 bloodlust and make killers hit tier 3 in 15s

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089
    edited October 2019

    Thing is, Skill for a Survivor is not to use a ton of safe Loops to waste the Killers time. The difference in Skill for Survivors is, how many Pallets he has to use. If Survivor A uses 5 Pallets to waste 3 minutes of the Killers time (as an example), he is not as skilled as the guy who uses 3 Pallets to keep the Killer occupied for 3 minutes. Of course this does not include running Bullshit Windows like Ironworks, but whatever.

    Regarding the new Maps (I count Hawkins and Badham): If all Maps will have this Pattern, there need to be some adjustments. For example, for Badham and Hawkins, Bloodlust needs to go. There is really no way to justify such a mechanic which only has an effect when someone presses "W" instead of trying to play some of the unsafe Pallets. And there are many of them, both Maps have a Shitload of Pallets, but I think only 2 are really safe on Hawkins, and 6 on Badham (Shack, the two-storage Buildung, the Buildung with the Basement, and the School). The rest is unsafe and if a Survivor tries to play them, they will get a Hit. But Bloodlust makes it way to easy to get this Hit, just wait until BL3 kicks in and you got it, instead of trying to adjust the movement as Killer to bait the Survivor into a Mistake (which would actually be somewhat smart, because general Looping results in the Survivor mirroring the Killers Movement, but this would actually be a Mindgame).

    Also, if all Maps will look like that, Spirit Fury really needs to be looked at. Pallets which need the Survivor to get the Stun should not be broken instantly, resulting in no Stun at all. Currently, Spirit Fury/Enduring is not used that much, but if Maps get more Pallets, but only Unsafe Ones, it can be problematic.

    Personally I would like to have a chance to get away during a Chase, but the way the Pallets are structured, this is quite difficult to lose LoS to the Killer. Hawkins is still quite open when it comes to LoS (at least you dont have that much time to go away, since the Loops are really Short, so if the Killer decides to walk around the Pallet, you will not have that much distance to actually hide), and Badham has waist high-Structures, which do not really help with hiding.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711
    edited October 2019

    Yeah I know, that's what is needed. We all know that bloodlust is a band-aid from 2016. I just don't get how people see the unsafe pallets as totally balanced while bloodlust exists at the same time. The unsafe pallets are only becoming balanced once all maps are fixed and bloodlust can be trashed away from the game.

    Post edited by justarandy on
  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited October 2019

    Perhaps you should explain where the safe loops are so he can improve his game.

    If you can't then you're just blowing smoke.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Till then, they can't do anything else. So, welp I have no more input

    I am pretty sure once the maps are done, BL will be taken care of. SF I hadn't thought of though, so I hope they look there too.

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    did u just say swamp is awful? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    Yes... Personal opinion. I hate playing on swamp as both survivor & killer. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚