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What got you into Dead By Daylight?



  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    For me it was my son. I'm a single parent and he was a teenager, it was something that we could play together and have an interest with it was an opportunity to hold a connection with a growing teenager who thought his mother was lame!

    It's been an amazing experience I have to say, and I have absolutely no regrets.

  • Member Posts: 330

    I still love Friday the 13th alot and I got back to it after it was free for gold.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    For me it was seeing Achievement hunter play it. What sold me was the Freddy vid they did. As an experienced player now though.... they don't use any perks and don't use addons... and they don't really know how to play certain killers. They couldn't even use GF's stalk right, I dread to think what they'll do to Demogorgon...

    It just seems that they were decent with the simpler killers, but the more advanced ones of late are too much for them to look into before recording.

    Don't get me wrong, I still find Ryan killing people mercilessly as funny, but in a similar way I view a bunch of new players going against me when I'm killer... a little disheartening at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 3,535

    I started playing back in 2016-17 cause I loved the idea of playing as a Killer. I love Slasher films and the idea of playing as one of those and hunting down the survivors seemed like a lot of fun! I mained Trapper, got good at figuring out paths and places to put traps. It was fun... It was, for some time till the balance in those days pushed me away...

    Then came Legion. I looked at the teasers for Legion and was interested. I am likely one of the few that was happy the trailer lied about there power in a way. I didn't want to hide what I was. I was put off by that till the first time i saw someone use Feral Frenzy. I bought the DLC (the only DLC i've ever bought completely) and haven't looked back. Yall wonder why I am so passionate about getting Legion they help they need? It's right there. Legion brought me back to this game and got me hooked again. They are so much fun with the Rish Down, Blitz attack Playstyle that I can't get enough. There lore got me hooked too, as I grew up in a town like Ormand. I'm a member of The Legion for life now, and will never look back or run away. This is no place for cowards.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    I was forced. Friends wanted me to play a ton for some reason. So I started playing late beta. Now I'm stuck here.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    Got stuck in a cycle of getting angry at DbD, then playing Overwatch/Apex and getting angry, then going back to DbD, etc.

  • Member Posts: 295

    I watched the SDMN play and I thought it was the best game ever and I got it and was very impressed and I instantly got hooked

  • Member Posts: 530

    Quizzle's live stream and I couldn't get it until October 2017 after that I couldn't stop playing

  • Member Posts: 92

    Got the game gifted to me back in November 2017. Before, I only watched a couple big name Youtubers play it. I didn't play it at all as I didn't know anyone who played it. I found Monto in my Youtube recommended feed and was instantly hooked on it (No pun intended). The game is really awesome and I love experiencing what Dead by Daylight has to offer.

  • Member Posts: 43

    Honestly, EdgarAlanBroLive got me back into it.

  • Member Posts: 634

    Some of the people I watched on YouTube played this and I'm naturally quite into horror games as is. It took me like a year to pick it up, though, since I wasn't sure if it was my sort of game and I wasn't sure if I could pick up on it all that well. It was a lot of fun to watch, though, so I caved.

  • Member Posts: 2,768

    Let's plays!

  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,073
    edited October 2019

    I watched Cohhcarnage play the beta back in June 2016, I fell in love with the concept and I ended up buying the game as soon as I could.

  • Member Posts: 253

    Ohmwrecker is one of my favorite youtubers I've seen him play it looked fun so he got me into the game, Monto and Tru3 kept me playing. (Monto for fun builds and Tru3 for tips and tricks and viable builds)

  • Member Posts: 452

    Was getting sick of the issues within Friday The 13th Game and lucky me this game ended up being free for PS plus that month so I got this and never looked back.

  • Member Posts: 329

    I watched a group of German streamers playing this game in the beta version and thought it looked pretty nice but the lobby waiting time was awful. Went to twitch and watched Jendenise and Swind a lot because he was one of the first ones to play music during the stream.

    Since having a crappy laptop i bought the game for ps4 on day one when it launched.

    And now i know how it feels to play a game in second class

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @JiggleWiggle Are you talking about HWSQ by any chance?

  • Member Posts: 329

    @NoShinyPony no it was gronkh,pandory,tobinator and currywurst kevin :)

  • Member Posts: 1,260

    seen it coming to the steam store, bought it on release and the next I bought it on ps4 to play with some of my friends and the rest is history.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    This is HWSQ.

    They played DBD at first together, afterwards Trouble in Terrorist Town and afterwards various games (DBD, TTT, Minigames), under the name "HWSQ".

    Same for me, watched DBD on their channels, was fun to watch, but had no PC to actually play this during this time.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    A couple of friends asked me to play it with them, I had no idea what it was other than the fact that it was a horror game. I will forever remember that day because I almost pissed myself in fear because the first killer I met was a Wraith and I got jumpscared a lot.

  • Member Posts: 147

    I heard about this game because word on the street was that the concept was similar to Evolve, a game I adored but unfortunately reached a point where I couldn’t find matches. I’d been passively aware of its existence for years, and then after the dedicated servers for Evolve shut down, I found I enjoyed its sort of gameplay and looked for something else to satisfy that itch. I’d decided to look more into Dead by Daylight and, after watching some matches and doing some research (and being on sale), I decided to purchase the game and haven’t looked back. It’s one of my favorite games to play now!

  • Member Posts: 74

    Well, here is the story (sorry for some errors my main language is not English!)

    We are a group of 5 people all 30+, we all have our life, job and family but from 15 years ago until now when we want to relax and have some genuine fun we switch on our pc and play...

    Growing up the tastes changed, from competitive fps to some more relaxed game until dbd makes his appearance in our free time.

    Was few months ago, bored of our relaxing evening on Sot, navigation and freedom was boring after a while... We turn of our pc, grab few bottles of beer and start to play some old school table game. We had fun, some fresh fun until one of us ask: "is there any game that feels like a table game to play on pc? Something funny and challenging, where is not the balance important but the fun of it."

    After few days of research here we are, all 5 of us. When the group is online we always go on costum match, 1v4? Something can be more fun then this? Laughing and screaming like teenagers, always something new happen, always a story behind a match. This is my story with dbd, more then the competition we love the genre, the pace but even more we love that dbd is something that played with good friends ready to have some fun, well it become a priceless IP.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Played a game called "Welcome to the Game 2" and watched some people stream it. Afterwards one switched to DBD and played Pig and it looked awesome.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @JiggleWiggle @Aven_Fallen

    Same for me, too. I saw them play DbD in 2016 and got the game when it got released for PS4 in 2017.

    I have a better PC now, but as long as cross-save isn't a thing I'm staying on console most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 217

    I saw a guy who used to host 24x7 UMvC3 lobbies playing it and decided it looked like a lot of fun.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Honestly, I have seen PS4-gameplay and with the grind being easier (especially with todays knowledge, I notice it while I am prestiging my Killers that I do not need to have every Perk to just pollute my Bloodweb and can care for them later), the performance on PS4 would have driven me away quite fast. You seem to be more persistent with that :P

    It is btw. funny to see them play DBD (last they played it with Spirit, before Legion), when having knowledge of the game itself.

  • Member Posts: 698

    What got me into it : Streamers

    What got me out of it: current events

  • Member Posts: 163

    Watching Bahroo play DBD before it was out on console.

    I liked it so when Bahroo was not playing I started to watch Hexy & Pug play instead.

    Then DBD finally released on console so I bought it.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @Aven_Fallen It feels like a different world when I'm playing on PC, yeah. Still, I don't want to leave (yet). I just tell myself I'm playing hard mode for now.

    I haven't seen them play DbD for ages. Would probably be super weird to watch now.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    It was a freebie for PS Plus. Was bored, so I gave it a shot and ended up liking it.

  • Member Posts: 329

    @Aven_Fallen same! My bloodwebs are A lot more structured and im aiming for what i want and not everything :)

    Yeah well when you played through the rubberbanding back to the hook, i think most of them bugs are minor compared to that

  • Member Posts: 4,061

    My admiration of lockers.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Originally I found out from Vanoss but it was not on console at the time so I forgot about it

    Then in 2017 remembered about it when I thought this game was Dying light, messed up the name but still worth it

  • Member Posts: 33

    Two of my friends who who suggesting the game. Eventually, I looked at gameplay, and I was instantly hooked to the game

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    ...Strange I feel like I've always played DBD. Trying to think back all I remember was walking home one night then...well, fog. Thick fog and eerie noises, followed by an uncontrollable urge to T-bag in front of everyone I see...hmmmm.

  • Member Posts: 330

    Well maybe the entity took you and forced you to play this game for the rest of your life!

  • Member Posts: 9

    Shortly after DbD was announced for the Switch (my only console), a friend started streaming his sessions on the PS4.

    Seeing the gameplay got my interest up.

    Seeing The Shape sealed the deal.

  • Member Posts: 107

    I watched Achievement Hunter play it and it looked like fun.

  • Member Posts: 428

    the idea of being sneaky in a game and then getting chased by killers sounded really good to me.

  • Member Posts: 2,259
    edited October 2019

    Free on PS Plus. I had never heard of it before this.

    Most of those free monthly games, I’ll give them an hour or 2 to see if they’re worth my time. Most aren’t.

    DBD servers were down for a couple weeks at the time, but when I eventually got to try it, the Hag scared the 💩 outta me! I was hooked! (For the record, F13 went free shortly thereafter, but didn’t pass muster. Deleted.)

  • Member Posts: 164

    I remember seeing Myers getting in and seeing Bill get in and got excited. But then saw it was only on PC. But then saw it was coming to console.

    So I saw Michael, Laurie, and Bill and got pumped for it, but stayed for all the original content.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    the combination of a well known german Youtuber (Gronkh), who played the game at the time and my friends telling me to play it so we could play together.

    now i am the only one of those people who still plays the game regulary...

  • Member Posts: 54

    It was free, tried it out and was instantly hooked, pun intended..

  • Member Posts: 1,640

    Was part of the payday 2 community, someone gifted me the beta for DBD

    "Godamn I hate this game, the killer is op! I can never survive"

    Didn't play until nurse came out

    "Hey this isn't that bad, im still dying 9/10 times but hey im getting better"

    Then I didn't get my legacy because I didn't follow any social media of the game and now it was non stop from there

  • Member Posts: 382

    Xbox game pass, probably bought the game twice over just buying characters and cosmetics. I’m slightly addicted

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    It filled the void after I got fed up with Friday the 13th's developers effectively abandoning their game on all fronts.

    Tried DBD way back when Myers came out, was immediately put off by all the usual stuff, then came back last November and gave it an honest chance after I saw that Behaviour had continued to support it with a lot of major licensing deals.

    It's got its issues, but I've enjoyed it so far!

  • Member Posts: 919

    My friend told me about this cool new horror game that was coming out in summer 2016. We tried it together and had a blast. Played about a year straight and then took a break most of 2018. Got back into it on Ps4 the beginning of 2019 and have been playing ever since.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    I watched the here in Germany well known Youtuber and Streamer Gronkh as he played DBD with his friends back in 2016. Took me 2 years and a f2p weekend to finally buy this game and all DLCs. I regret that I did not buy it sooner.

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