No more hooks?

So like do survivors get some sort of pleasure out of running to a corner so you can't make it to a hook? The most recent game I played had a david who realized I couldn't make it to any hooks so he just kept running back to that area not sure if he thought he was funny or trolling me but I honestly gave zero "bad wordsss" 0w0 and just let him bleed out while I look at the dankest memes
"If you don't hook me I win". It's one of the reasons hooks had to be able to respawn basically cause killers would just end up slugging 4 players instead of attempting to hook. When I play against someone using a specifically sabotage build (has 2 hooks in a corner at 99%, kills one before chase starts, kills other and gets hit, goes to corner). I specially tunnel them once I got them on a hook. There's no real counter because leave em alone? Unbreakable themselves. Pick em up? escape + back to corner. Ignore altogether? what's a map pressure
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And then they get salty because you tunneled
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Like there's only 1 type of build/perks that I hate: The "no you didn't x me" perks. DS into lockers, sabotage, noed all fall into this category for me.
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I also hate that ds into locker thing but to be honest I just like killin some survivors idc what I use or what they use. I just go into a match slap them around for awhile and I'm good they can cry and complain all they want about my build or what I did but it's pointless